Sublime Better Completion Package =============================== 手刻的浪漫 This package aim at provide a simpler way to build own auto-completions and avoid `*.sublime-completions` override word-completion wrongly in some circumstance (issue#3). **auto-completion** is lightweight, easier, simpler than **snippets**. This package also provide several APIs completions such as JavaScript, jQuery, Lodash, Underscore, HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap Classes, React.js, etc ## Compatible Should be working fine with ST2 and ST3. 2015/02 - Sublime Text 3 with MAC OS X 10.10.2 using Package Control **tested**! 2014/08 - Sublime Text 3 with MAC OS X 10.9.4 manual installed **tested**! 2013/09 - Sublime Text 3 with MAC OS X 10.8.4 using Package Control **tested**! - Sublime Text 2 with MAC OS X 10.8.4 using Package Control **tested**! 2013/07 - Sublime Text 2 with Windows 8 64bit **tested**! - Sublime Text 2 with Windows 7 32bit **tested**! - Sublime Text 3 with Windows 8 64bit **tested**! ## Why this package? * Several API completions ready to enable. * More API completions create easier. * Compared with `*.sublime-snippet` files: Simpler to build own API completions. * Compared with `*.sublime-completions` files: This package will avoid `*.sublime-completions` override word-completion wrongly: * **In English**: It seems like when scope matched would be override word-completions provide by sublime itself. refer to [issue#3]( * **In Chinese**: 一但 scope 匹配成功之後,自製的 auto-completion 雖然能夠順利工作;但是它也會覆蓋掉原本 word-completion。因此,只有在自製的辭彙的 scope 完全沒匹配時,才會正常地顯示原本的 word-completion,卻沒有將它們融合在一起顯示。這使得可被選擇的 completions 將會有所遺失。 ## Preview Support APIs see Setting section. #### JavaScript and jQuery 1.9 ![]( ![]( #### Twitter Bootstrap 2 and 3 ![]( ![]( ## Setting Make your own API files that contains *keyword* such as `html`, `jquery`, `myglossary` as filename `sbc-api-${filename}.sublime-settings` and place them in `/packages/User/`. ```js { // -------------------- // sublime-better-completions-Package (sbc package) // -------------------- // API files is contains the *keyword* such as `html`, `jquery`, `myglossary` with lowercase as filename `sbc-api-${filename}.sublime-settings` place in `/packages/User/` (your own) or `/packages/${this-package}/sublime-completions/` (package build-in). // After you enable, disable or added new your own completions, you might need restart your Sublime Text Editor. // // Your own setting file `sbc-setting.sublime-settings` need to place in `/packages/User/` and contains all your api setting property that you want to enable. // // -------------------- // APIs Setup // -------------------- // `true` means enable it. // `false` means disable it. "completion_active_list": { // build-in completions "css-properties": false, "gruntjs-plugins": false, "html": false, "lodash": false, "javascript": false, "jquery": false, "jquery-sq": false, // Single Quote "php": false, "phpci": false, "sql": false, "twitter-bootstrap": false, "twitter-bootstrap-less-variables": false, "twitter-bootstrap3": false, "twitter-bootstrap3-sass-variables": false, "underscorejs": false, "react": false, // Your own completions? // ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/sbc-api-my-angularjs.sublime-settings "my-angularjs": false, // ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/sbc-api-my-glossary.sublime-settings "my-glossary": false, // ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/sbc-api-my-html.sublime-settings "my-html": false, // ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/sbc-api-my-javascript.sublime-settings "my-javascript": false } } ``` After you enable, disable or added new your own completions, you might need restart your Sublime Text. ## API References * jQuery Version: 1.9 * * JavaScript * * * Underscore 1.5.1 * * Twitter Bootstrap Version 2 and 3 * * * * HTML / HTML5 * * Lodash 3.3.0 * ## Installation * Using **Package Control** to install. ![]( Waiting download. CTRL+SHIFT+P or CMD+SHIFT+P type in `sbc settings user` to open user setting file Paste setting json. (see Setting section) Enable your favorite APIs. Restart your sublime text app. Happy programming. --- * Manual Install Instructions Please refer to [this-package/]. [this-package/]: ## Relevant issues > How to trigger completion hint when every typing? Open file `Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings` or click `Setting - User` from menu. In my case, I just setup the `auto_complete_triggers` property as follow: ```js { "auto_complete_triggers": [ { "characters": "qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolpQAZWSXEDCRFVTGBYHNUJMIKOLP", "selector": "text, source, meta, string, punctuation, constant" } ] } ``` It will active most of scope triggers and most of characters.