# You can change custom players permissions here. # Player with your custom permission will get int # Create custom points boost permissions Points-Boost: # Do not use dots (.), they won't work. # Increase points by 1 point-boost-1: 1 point-boost-5: 5 # Increase points by 10 admin-boost: 10 # Create custom voting boost permissions Voting-Boost: # Do not use dots (.), they won't work. # Increase voting by 1 voting-boost-1: 1 voting-boost-5: 5 # Increase voting by 10 admin-boost: 10 # Create custom exp boost permissions Exp-Boost: # Do not use dots (.), they won't work. # Increase exp by 10 percent exp-boost-10: 10 exp-boost-50: 50 # Increase exp by 300 percent admin-boost: 300 # Basic permissions for game, permissions explained here: https://wiki.plugily.xyz/ Basic: Full-Games: "buildbattle.fullgames" # represents arena name (NOT MAP NAME!), for example: 'buildbattle.join.ARENAnice' # use 'buildbattle.join.*' to enable access to all arenas Join: "buildbattle.join." Forcestart: "buildbattle.admin.forcestart" # Don't edit it. But who's stopping you? It's your server! # Really, don't edit ;p # You edited it, huh? Next time hurt yourself! Do-Not-Edit: File-Version: 1 Core-Version: 1