## Thanks for using our plugins! ~Tigerpanzer_02 from Plugily Projects # murdermystery configuration file # # You can edit here the basic things of murdermystery # Please read everything CAREFULLY! # You don't want to break anything, do you? # # Select locale of MurderMystery, default it's English. # Available locales: # default - English language. Uses 'language.yml'. # See https://github.com/Plugily-Projects/locale_storage/tree/master/plugins/minecraft/murdermystery # Use filename of the language e.g. de_DE.yml -> locale: de_DE locale: default # Should we display a boss bar with additional arena information? Bossbar: Display: true # Interval in seconds between messages Interval: 10 # Should we hook into bungeecord? (If you wanna use arena per server option) # This option will let you access bungee.yml and its options. # You STILL need to use external addon for HUB server game signs # Check here for more info: https://wiki.plugily.xyz/ Bungee-Mode: false # Enable Inventory Manager for your games? (VERY USEFUL feature for MULTI ARENA) # This saves inventory of players and restores it after player leaves arena. # Saved elements: max health, health, food, experience, full inventory, armor contents, fire ticks, active potions Inventory-Manager: true Commands: # Commands which can be used in game, remove all of them to disable (only works if Block.In-Game.Commands = true) Whitelist: - me - help # Enable and Disable predefined shortened commands or add your own Shorter: '1': Short: "start" Executes: "murdermysteryadmin forcestart" Enabled: true '2': Short: "leave" Executes: "murdermystery leave" Enabled: true '3': Short: "stats" Executes: "murdermystery stats" Enabled: false '4': Short: "top" Executes: "murdermystery top" Enabled: true # Block some functions of your players Block: In-Game: # Should we block every not plugin associated commands in game? Commands: true # Should the leave command be blocked inside arena? Leave: false # Cancels Item Movement into player crafting, enchantment tables, anvils ... Item-Move: true # Enable this option when you're using MySQL, otherwise it won't work. # Be careful when changing this because there is NO migrator between # flat file and MySQL for player stats. # If this option is disabled it means all stats will be saved as flat file! Database: false # Should we enable in game rewards? See rewards.yml for more... # You should also check out our script engine tutorial for rewards! https://tutorial.plugily.xyz Rewards: false Chat: # Enable in game (eg. '[KIT][LEVEL] Tigerpanzer_02: hey') special formatting? # Formatting is configurable in language.yml # You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in chat format! Format: true Separate: # Should we enable a separate arena chat for players inside a arena # Useful on multi arena servers that don't want the same chat for all players on the server Arena: true # Should spectators only write with other spectators Spectators: true # Should we fire some cool fireworks at locations of every player at special events such as the game end? Firework: true # Should blocks behind game signs change their color based on game state? # They will change color to: # - white (waiting for players) stained glass # - yellow (starting) stained glass # - orange (in game) stained glass # - gray (ending) stained glass # - black (restarting) stained glass # or define your own at signs.yml! Sign-Block-States: true # Should holiday events for the plugin be enabled? # Eg. 4 days before and 4 days after Halloween special effects # for death, spooky! There are more holiday events! Check wiki! # Wiki: - Holidays: true # Should the plugin enable special powerups which can be found in powerups.yml Powerups: false # Should we create leaderboards out of the stats? Leaderboard: true Parties: # Should we try to hook into your current party plugin? (Supports well know party plugins, see wiki!) # It will group up all players with the party leader. The party leader can join with the whole party! External: true # Should we enable our own party system that can be only used for this plugin? # Check the wiki for commands Own: false Damage: # Should players get fall damage? Fall: false # Should players get drowning damage? Drowning: false # Should players get fire damage? Fire: false # Should players lose food ingame & get damage? Hunger: false Option: Player: # Disable player drops ingame? Drop: true Cycle: # Should we make permanent clear weather on all worlds where our arenas are? Weather: false # Should the time on the world your arenas are modified to stay at the same time? Daylight: Enable: false Time: 10000 # How many seconds game should take to start. Time-Manager: Waiting: 20 Starting: 60 Shorten-Waiting-Full: 15 Shorten-Waiting-Force: 5 In-Game: 270 Ending: 10 Restarting: 5 # Allow spectators on arena instances Spectators: true Update-Notifier: # Should we check for updates on plugin start/after admin join? # You REALLY should have this true! Enabled: true # Should we inform you when beta version is out? # BETA IS NOT ALWAYS AS STABLE AS NORMAL RELEASE! Notify-Beta-Versions: true Corpses: # Should we override corpses spawn from CorpsesReborn plugin? # When player will die outside game corpse won't be spawned! # Disable this if you don't want this! # WARNING: If disabled, two corpses will be spawned when player in-game dies Integration-Overwrite: true Gold: #Should we change spawner mode to spawn on all spawners instant of random one Spawner-Mode: false #Should we disable the gold spawn limit (It does not spawn more gold than spawner locations) Limiter: false Amount: #How much gold should a player need to get a bow Bow: 10 #How much arrows should the player get? (Cause: Bow because enough gold collected) Arrows: 3 #How much arrows should a player with bow gets when he pick up a gold ingot? Pick-Up: 1 Bow: #Should Detectives be killed if they kill a innocent? Kill-Detective: true Amount: Arrows: #How much arrows should the detective gets on game start or when a player get a bow? Detective: 10 #How much arrows should the fake detective get? (Cause: Player pick up bow after detective died) Fake: 3 #How much arrows should the player get when the prayer gives a bow to him? Prayer: 2 #How much arrows should the player get after x picked up gold Gold: 3 #How long should be the bow shoot cooldown in seconds? Cooldown: 5 Hide: # Should we disable death messages, so the player dies without other recognizes it # It will not broadcast the death message to all ;) Death: false # Should players' name tags in game be hidden? Nametags: true Murderer: # Should the murderer get speed effect? # Enter a multiplier (min 2, max 10, 1 is normal speed) Speed: 3 # Should the Murderer get a locator with Innocent location information # gets the locator if arena time lower 30 and only one innocent left Locator: true Sword: # How many blocks per tick sword thrown by murderer should fly # Please avoid high values as it might look like the sword is # blinking each tick Speed: 0.65 Fly: # How many blocks should the sword fly Range: 20 # In what radius should we hit the players Radius: 0.5 Cooldown: #How long should be the sword attack after throw cooldown in seconds? #Its normal lower than Murderer-Sword-Fly-Cooldown! Attack: 1 #How long should be the sword fly cooldown in seconds? Fly: 5 # Don't edit it. But who's stopping you? It's your server! # Really, don't edit ;p # You edited it, huh? Next time hurt yourself! Do-Not-Edit: File-Version: 1 Core-Version: 4