# # Plugily Projects rewards configuration # # Placeholders list: # %PLAYER% - Current player name # %WAVE% - Current wave number # %MAPNAME% - Name of map # %ARENA-ID% - Arena Identifier # %PLAYERAMOUNT% - Number of players in game # # Commands are executed by default BY CONSOLE, use "p:" to preform command by player # Since 3.6.3 you can use chance to execute command adding "chance(NUMBER):" (ex chance(10):) at the beginning of command # # Commands examples: # - p:say Hello everyone in %MAPNAME%! # Player will say "Hello everyone in " # - broadcast Game %ARENA-ID% has ended! # Will broadcast "Game has ended" message # - chance(1):p:say I was very lucky! # Player has 1% chance to say "I was very lucky!" # - p:chance(99):spawn # Player has 99% chance to teleport to spawn # ^ YOU CAN EVEN SWAP CHANCE WITH PLAYER! # - chance(50):eco give %PLAYER% 10 # Console has 10% chance to give player 10$ # # Performed rewards: # game-end # # You can unlock full potential of rewards using our script engine! (since 4.0.0) # Just add example reward: # - script:player.sendMessage("oh, hi %PLAYER%"); # It will send "oh, hi " to player! 100% plain java! # - script:server.broadcastMessage("hello everyone"); # Broadcasts "hello everyone" to whole server # - script:player.getInventory().addItem(new org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack(org.bukkit.Material.DIRT)); # ^ Gives player dirt item (you must always use direct package names for not provided objects) # # All script provided objects: # player - Player object (API methods https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/Player.html) # arena - Plugin arena (API methods https://jd.plugily.xyz/apidocs/minecraft/PLUGILYPROJECTS/plugily/projects/PLUGILYPROJECTS/arena/Arena.html) # server - Bukkit server object (API methods https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Server.html) # # Whole documentation of scripts soon! # Rewards must be enabled via config.yml first! rewards: # Commands performed when game is started game-start: - say %arena_name% has started - say Ooh and there are playing %arena_players_size% players # Commands performed when game is finished game-end: - say %arena_name% has ended - say Ooh and there were playing %arena_players_size% players player-death: - a win: - a lose: - b kill: - c death: - d point: - e reset-round: - f # Don't edit it. But who's stopping you? It's your server! # Really, don't edit ;p # You edited it, huh? Next time hurt yourself! Do-Not-Edit: File-Version: 1 Core-Version: 1