# Custom special items. # You can also add your own special items! # # Stage: SERVER_JOIN, WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS, ENOUGH_PLAYERS_TO_START, LOBBY, IN_GAME, SPECTATOR, ENDING # # Please don't modify 'Kit-Menu', 'Leave-Lobby', 'Leave-Spectator', 'Player-List' and 'Spectator-Options', 'Forcestart' # nodes as they are hardcoded in code! # # Also see the wiki for further reference! Kit-Menu: permission: "" execute: - "" displayname: "&b&lKit Menu &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Right-click to select in-game kit" material: NETHER_STAR slot: 0 # stage can be: 'lobby' or 'spectator' stage: lobby # should the item be forced on slot, or added to inventory if slot not empty? force: true # should the item be moveable move: false Base-Selector: permission: "" execute: - "" displayname: "&b&lSelect Base" lore: "&7Right-click to select your team" material: WOOL slot: 1 stage: lobby force: true move: false # Uses bungee.yml configuration - if enabled it tries to connect to your hub Lobby-Leave: permission: "" execute: - "" displayname: "&c&lReturn to Lobby &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Right-click to leave to the lobby" material: BED slot: 8 stage: LOBBY force: true move: false # Uses bungee.yml configuration - if enabled it tries to connect to your hub Spectator-Leave: permission: "" execute: - "" displayname: "&c&lLeave the Game &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Right-click to leave to the lobby" material: BED slot: 8 stage: SPECTATOR force: true move: false Player-List: permission: "" execute: - "" displayname: "&a&lAlive Players &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Right-click to see alive players list" material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 0 stage: SPECTATOR force: true move: false Spectator-Settings: permission: "" execute: - "" displayname: "&b&lSpectator Settings &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Right-click to adjust spectator settings" material: COMPASS slot: 4 stage: SPECTATOR force: true move: false Forcestart: permission: "plugily.projects.forcestart" execute: - "" displayname: "&c&lStart the game &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7You need the following permission for it" - "&7plugily.projects.forcestart" material: EMERALD slot: 2 stage: ENOUGH_PLAYERS_TO_START force: true move: false Arena-Selector: disabled: true # disabled by default permission: "" execute: - "p:tb arenas" displayname: "&c&lArena selector &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Right-click to see all arenas" material: CHEST slot: 4 stage: SERVER_JOIN force: false move: false Stats: disabled: true # disabled by default permission: "" execute: - "p:tb stats" displayname: "&c&lStats &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Right-click to see your Stats" material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 0 stage: SERVER_JOIN force: false move: false # Uses bungee.yml configuration - if enabled it tries to connect to your hub Back-To-Hub: disabled: true # disabled by default permission: "" execute: - "p:hub" displayname: "&c&lBack to Hub &7(Right Click)" lore: - "&7Right-click to return to lobby" material: Bed slot: 8 stage: SERVER_JOIN force: false move: false # Don't edit it. But who's stopping you? It's your server! # Really, don't edit ;p # You edited it, huh? Next time hurt yourself! Do-Not-Edit: File-Version: 1 Core-Version: 1