# You can translate Village Defense messages here. # Color codes (&) supported. # # Use \n to make new line # Some messages like item # descriptions don't support new lines # they are wrapped every 40 characters automatically # # Some messages support their own placeholders # like %player%, %kit% etc. # # Color scheme # Color: Placeholder: Value: "&a" Number: "&a" Player: "&b" Other: "&a" Chat: Issue: "&c" Messages: "&7" Special-Char: Contains: "[,],(,),{,},■,/,|,▸" Before: "&8" # # Command messages # Commands: Did-You-Mean: "%plugin_prefix% Did you mean /%value%?" Command-Executed: "%plugin_prefix% Command successfully executed!" Teleported-To-Lobby: "%plugin_prefix% Teleported to lobby!" Removed-Game-Instance: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Successfully removed game instance!" No-Arena-Like-That: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% No arena with that ID!" Look-At-Sign: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You have to look at a sign to perform this command!" Type-Arena-Name: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Please type arena ID!" Hold-Any-Item: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You must hold any item!" No-Free-Arenas: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% There are no free arenas!" Only-By-Player: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You can execute this command only as player!" Not-Playing: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You must play to execute this command!" No-Permission: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You don't have permission to use this command!" Player-Not-Found: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Target player %player% doesn't exist!" Invalid-Location-Teleport: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Location to teleport is invalid!" Wrong-Usage: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Wrong usage. Do %value%" Admin: Added-Orbs: "Added orbs to the player!" Received-Orbs: "You received %number% orbs!" Adjust-Statistic: "%plugin_prefix% Statistic %value% of %player% is now %number%!" Reload-Success: "%plugin_prefix% Arenas reloaded!" List: Header: "%plugin_name% arenas: Name State Players" Format: "%arena_name% %arena_state_placeholder% %arena_players_size%/%arena_max_players%" No-Arenas: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% There are no game instances!" Spychat: Toggled: "%plugin_prefix% Game spy chat toggled to %value%" Main: Header: "&6----------------{%plugin_name% commands}----------" Description: - "&aGame commands:" - "&b/%plugin_short_command% stats: Shows your stats!" - "&b/%plugin_short_command% leave: Quits current arena!" - "&b/%plugin_short_command% join : Joins specified arena!" - "&b/%plugin_short_command% top : Shows top 10 players!" - "&b/%plugin_short_command% randomjoin: Join random arena!" Admin-Bonus-Description: "&b/%plugin_short_command%: Shows all the admin commands" Footer: "&6-------------------------------------------------" # # In-Game scoreboard messages # # Please do not use more chars than the scoreboard can handle! # Scoreboard supports up to 122 chars for 1.14+ and 48 chars for 1.13- (COLOR CODES INCLUDED.) # Placeholders: # https://wiki.plugily.xyz/villagedefense/placeholders/language Scoreboard: Title: "&a&l%plugin_name%" Content: Waiting: - "" - "■ Players | %arena_players_size%" - "" - "■ Minimum Players | %arena_min_players%" - "" - " www.plugily.xyz" Starting: - "" - "■ Starting | %arena_time%" - "" - "■ Players | %arena_players_size%" - "" - "■ Minimum Players | %arena_min_players%" - "" - " www.plugily.xyz" # Contents of scoreboard while ingame In-Game: - "" - "■ Villagers | %arena_villager_size%" - "■ Players | %arena_players_left_size%" - "■ Zombies | %arena_zombie_size_left%" - "" - "■ Rotten Flesh | %arena_rotten_flesh_amount%" - "■ Orbs | %user_statistic_orbs%" - "" - " www.plugily.xyz" In-Game-Waiting: - "" - "■ Villagers | %arena_villager_size%" - "■ Players | %arena_players_left_size%" - "" - "■ Next Wave | %arena_time%" - "" - "■ Rotten Flesh | %arena_rotten_flesh_amount%" - "■ Orbs | %user_statistic_orbs%" - "" - " www.plugily.xyz" # Contents of scoreboard while state is ending Ending: - "&f" - "&f" - "■ &cGAME ENDED" - "" - "&f" - "&f" - "" - " www.plugily.xyz" # Contents of scoreboard while state is restarting Restarting: - "&f" - "&f" - "■ &cRESTARTING GAME" - "" - "&f" - "&f" - "" - " www.plugily.xyz" # # Bossbar messages # # Bossbar needs to be enabled on config.yml Bossbar: Title: "&a&l%plugin_name% &6- www.plugily.xyz" Content: Waiting: - "Waiting for more players..." Starting: - "Starting in: %arena_time%" In-Game: - "Playing %plugin_name_uppercase% on PLUGILY.XYZ" - "Check the plugin creator out on PLUGILY.XYZ" - "Current wave %arena_option_wave%" Ending: - "Game has ended! You were playing on PLUGILY.XYZ" Restarting: - "Restarting the arena. You will be moved soon!" # # In-Game Messages # In-Game: #Used in most game messages. Plugin-Prefix: "(%plugin_name%)" Game-Chat-Format: "[%user_statistic_level%][%kit%] %player% | %message%" You-Leveled-Up: "%plugin_prefix% You leveled up! You're now level %number%!" Commands-Blocked: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You have to leave the game first to perform commands. The only command that works is /%plugin_short_command% leave!" Join: Already-Playing: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You are already queued for a game! You can leave a game with /%plugin_short_command% leave." No-Permission: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You don't have %value% permission to join this arena!" Full-Game: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You don't have the permission to join full games!" No-Slots-For-Premium: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% This game is already full of premium players! Sorry" # Join cancelled via external plugin that uses the API of our plugin. Cancelled-Via-API: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You can't join this game!" As-Party-Member: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You joined %arena_name% because the party leader joined it!" Arena-Not-Configured: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Arena is not configured yet! Contact staff!" Title: "20,30,20;%arena_name%;%arena_players_size%/%arena_max_players%" Death: Tag: "&8Dead" Screen: "%color_chat_issue%You died!" Spectator: Blocked: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Spectators are disabled for this arena" You-Are-Spectator: "%plugin_prefix% You're now a spectator! You can fly now!" Spectator-Menu-Name: "%color_chat_issue%Alive players list" Target-Player-Health: "%color_chat_issue%Health: %number%" Spectator-Warning: "%plugin_prefix% You are a spectator!" Teleport: "%plugin_prefix% Teleported to %player%" Menu: Settings: Status: Enabled: "Enabled" Disabled: "Disabled" Changed-Speed: "Changed Speed to %number%" Auto-Teleport: "%value% auto teleport" Target-Player: Action-Bar: "%number% blocks away | Target %player%" Night-Vision: "%value% night vision" First-Person-Mode: Action-Bar: "&eSNEAK &cto leave! | Target %player%" Title: "&eSNEAK &cto leave!" Visibility: "%value% other spectator players" Messages: Join: "%plugin_prefix% %player% joined the game (%arena_players_size%/%arena_max_players%)!" Leave: "%plugin_prefix% %player% left the game (%arena_players_size%/%arena_max_players%)!" Death: "%plugin_prefix% %player% died!" Lobby: Start-In: "%plugin_prefix% The game starts in %arena_time% seconds!" Waiting-For-Players: "%plugin_prefix% Waiting for players... We need at least %arena_min_players% players to start." Enough-Players-To-Start: "%plugin_prefix% We now have enough players. The game is starting soon!" Reduced-Time: "%plugin_prefix% The time got reduced to %number% seconds" Max-Players: "%plugin_prefix% We reached max players for this round. Let's shorten the time!" Game-Started: "%plugin_prefix% The game has started!" Kicked-For-Premium-Slot: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% %player% got removed from the game to make a place for premium players!" You-Were-Kicked-For-Premium-Slot: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You got kicked out of the game to make a place for a premium player!" Not-Enough-Space-For-Party: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Your party is bigger than free places on the arena %arena_name%" Game-End: Summary: - "&a&m--------------------------------------------------" - "%plugin_name%" - "" - "%arena_summary%" - "%arena_summary_player%" - "" - "&e&lReached wave | %arena_option_wave% (best %user_statistic_highest_wave%)" - "&6&lTotal zombies killed | %arena_option_total_killed_zombies%" - "&c&lTotal coins spent | %arena_option_total_orbs_spent%" - "" - "&a&m--------------------------------------------------" Placeholders: Win: "&aYou won the game" Lose: "%color_chat_issue%You lost the game" Players: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% There are not enough players anymore. Arena got force stopped!" Died: Players: "%color_chat_issue%All players died!" Villagers: "%color_chat_issue%All villagers died!" Survived: "&aYou survived all the waves" Admin: Set-Starting-In-To-0: "%plugin_prefix% An admin set waiting time to 0. The game starts now!" Removed: Villagers: "%plugin_prefix% %player% has removed all the villagers!" Golems: "%plugin_prefix% %player% has removed all the golems!" Zombies: "%plugin_prefix% %player% has cleared the zombies!" Wolves: "%plugin_prefix% %player% has cleared the wolves!" Changed: Wave: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Admin changed the wave to %number%" Village: Rotten-Flesh-Level-Up: "%plugin_prefix% The gods were happy with the rotten flesh! Therefor they gave you an &aextra heart!" You-Feel-Refreshed: "%plugin_prefix% You feel refreshed!" # Do not use spaces between villager names. No limit in names size and amount :) Villager: Died: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% A villager has died!" Names: "Jagger,Kelsey,Kelton,Haylie,Harlow,Howard,Wulffric,Winfred,Ashley,Bailey,Beckett,Alfredo,Alfred,Adair,Edgar,ED,Eadwig,Edgaras,Buckley,Stanley,Nuffley,Mary,Jeffry,Rosaly,Elliot,Harry,Sam,Rosaline,Tom,Ivan,Kevin,Adam" Wave: Stuck-Zombies: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% It seems like the last zombie got stuck somewhere. No worries! The gods killed him for you!" Spectator-Warning: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You are a spectator! You can't do anything until you'd respawned at the start of the next wave!" Respawn-On-Next: "&e&lDON'T LEAVE! &aYou'll respawn once the next wave ends!" Respawned: "%plugin_prefix% You're not a spectator anymore! You're back in the game!" Next-In: "%plugin_prefix% Next wave starts in %number% seconds!" Started: "%plugin_prefix% Wave %number% started!" Title: Start: "20,30,20;Wave %number%;" End: "20,30,20;Wave %number% ended;" Orbs: Pickup: "+ %number% orbs" Entities: Wolf: Spawn: "%plugin_prefix% Wolf spawned in the village!" Name: "%player%'s Wolf" Death: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% One of your wolves were killed!" Golem: Spawn: "%plugin_prefix% Golem spawned in the village!" Name: "%player%'s Golem" Cant-Ride-Other: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You can't ride the golem of somebody else!" Shop: GUI: "&lShop" Golem-Item-Name: "Spawn Golem" Wolf-Item-Name: "Spawn Wolf" Mob-Limit-Reached: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You can't buy mobs! You've reached the limit of %number% mobs!" Not-Enough-Currency: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You need more orbs to buy this item!" Currency: "orbs" Not-Defined: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Shop wasn't set up! Contact staff!" # # Sign messages # Signs: Please-Type-Arena-Name: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Please type arena name in second line!" Arena-Doesnt-Exists: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Arena with that name doesn't exists!" Created: "%plugin_prefix% Sign created successfully!" Removed: "%plugin_prefix% Sign successfully removed!" Lines: - "%plugin_prefix%" - "%arena_state_placeholder%" - "%arena_name%" - "[%arena_players_size%/%arena_max_players%]" # # Arena Selector messages # Arena-Selector: Inventory-Title: "%plugin_short_command% ▸ Arena selector" Item: Name: "%arena_name%" Lore: - "%plugin_name% - %arena_name%" - " " - " " - " Online: %arena_players_size%/%arena_max_players%" - " State: %arena_state_placeholder%" - " " - " " - "&aClick to join this arena" # # Validator messages # Validator: Invalid-Arena-Configuration: "Arena %arena_name% has invalid configuration! Missing node: %value%" Instance-Started: "Arena %arena_name% instance successfully started!" No-Instances-Created: "There are no arena instances created in configuration!" # # Placeholder messages inside plugin # Placeholders: Game-States: Waiting: "&lWaiting for players..." Starting: "&e&lStarting" Full-Game: "&4&lFULL" In-Game: "&lIn-game" Ending: "&lEnding" Restarting: "&c&lRestarting" Motd: Waiting: "&lYou can join this game..." Starting: "&e&lStarting" Full-Game: "&4&lFULL | Use another Server" In-Game: "&lIn-game | Click to spectate" Ending: "&lEnding | Server is closing" Restarting: "&c&lRestarting" # # Kit messages # Kit: Not-Unlocked: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% You haven't unlocked %value% yet!" Choose: "%plugin_prefix% You have chosen: %value%!" Cooldown: "%color_chat_issue%%plugin_prefix% Kit ability still on cooldown (%number%)!" Menu: Title: "Kit Menu" Lore: Unlocked: "&aUNLOCKED!" Locked: "&cLOCKED!" Unlock-At-Level: "Unlocks at level %number%" Unlock-In-Store: "&bUnlock this in the store!" Content: Cleaner: Name: "&bCleaner" Description: - "The cleaner has a special ability." - "With this ability, he can make all the" - "zombies disappear. However, it takes" - "a lot of effort to do this!" Game-Item: Name: "&6Cleaner Wand!" Description: - "Right click to kill all zombies!" - "Cooldown: 60 seconds" Cleaned: Map: "&b%player% has cleaned the map!" Nothing: "&aThe map is already empty!" #WARNING: used for admin clean commands too!!! Zombie-Teleporter: Name: "&2Zombie Teleporter" Description: - "Teleport those zombies to you!" - "Many people think this is the worst kit!" - "I must admit they are totally wrong!" Game-Item: GUI: "Zombie Teleporter" Name: "Zombie Teleporter" Description: - "Teleport zombies to you!" Teleport: Zombie: "&aTeleported weakened zombie to you!" Not-Found: "&cThere are no zombies to teleport!" Knight: Name: "&2Knight" Description: - "This is the one and only knight kit!" - "Many people think this is the worst kit!" - "I must admit they are totally wrong!" Light-Tank: Name: "&2Light Tank" Description: - "You are Junior tank!" Archer: Name: "&6Archer" Description: - "Start with a bow, leather armor and a wooden sword." - "Archers are loved by the villagers, know that!" Puncher: Name: "&6Puncher" Description: - "Punch those zombies back with your epic shovel!" - "Knockback V is not unknown to you!" Healer: Name: "&6Healer" Description: - "Being a healer is the same as being loved." - "You are able to heal your teammates and villagers!" - "Gets a restock every wave!" Looter: Name: "&6Looter" Description: - "Get one additional rotten flesh" - "on every zombie kill!" Runner: Name: "&6Runner" Description: - "Parkour is your passion!" - "You are able to run faster than everybody else." - "You have also the ability to jump higher." Medium-Tank: Name: "&6Medium Tank" Description: - "Start off with 6 more hearts!" - "Don't be afraid!" - "You have plenty hearts left to lose!" Worker: Name: "&6Worker" Description: - "Get each round a door and start off" - "with 2 additional doors. This way you" - "can replace the doors!" Game-Item: Chat: "&aDoor placed!" Dog-Friend: Name: "&bDog Friend" Description: - "Start off with three dogs and" - "get one extra dog every wave!" Hardcore: Name: "&6Hardcore" Description: - "You'll see yourself" - "why this is hardcore" Golem-Friend: Name: "&6Golem Friend" Description: - "Start with a golem and" - "get new every 5 waves!" Tornado: Name: "&bTornado" Description: - "Spawn in an awesome tornado!" Game-Item: Name: "Tornado Time" Description: - "Right click to spawn a" - "tornado at your location!" Terminator: Name: "&6Terminator" Description: - "Easily kill those zombies" - "with your strength powers!" Teleporter: Name: "&bTeleporter" Description: - "Everybody is astonished about your teleportation." - "Nobody knows how to do it except you! Due to this," - "you are able to teleport to villagers" - "that need help in no time!" Game-Item: Name: "&rTeleportation Menu" Description: - "Right click to open teleportation menu!" GUI: "Teleporter Menu" Teleport: Villager: "&aTeleported to the villager!" Warning: "&4Village defense didn't found that villager! That villager is probably already dead!" Player: "&aTeleported to %player%" Not-Found: "&cPlayer not found! Try again!" Heavy-Tank: Name: "&bHeavy Tank" Description: - "Start off with iron armor and a double" - "amount of hearts! Yup, that's right," - "you'll be the last man standing!" Shot-Bow: Name: "&bShotbow Master" Description: - "You invented a crazy shotbow!" Blocker: Name: "&bBlocker" Description: - "Hold the zombies back with" - "your special barriers. These" - "barriers last for 10 seconds" Game-Item: Name: "Fence" Description: - "Place this barrier to hold back" - "zombies! These barriers last for 10 seconds" Place: Success: "&aBarrier placed!" Fail: "&cUnable to place barrier here" Premium-Hardcore: Name: "&bPremium Hardcore Master" Description: - "One hit most zombies with your OP sword!" - "However be careful. this kit is only for" - "the pros! Do not use it if you aren't a pro!" Medic: Name: "&6Medic" Description: - "This kit activates your passive powers." - "Every time you hit a zombie, you have" - "a 1/10 chance to heal the players" - "in a 5 block radius around you." Wild-Naked: Name: "&bWild Naked" Description: - "You are the ultimate master!" - "You start off with a iron Sharpness" - "VI and Smite II sword!" Cannot-Wear-Armor: "&cYou can't wear armor with the Wild Naked kit!" Wizard: Name: "&bWizard" Description: - "You're half blood." - "You've come to the village to protect" - "villagers from hordes of undead." - "Use your dark powers to kill them all!" Game-Item: Essence: Name: "Dark essence" Description: - "Click to absorb surrounded matter" - "and use it as your personal thorn shield!" - "Lasts for 5 seconds" Wand: Name: "Magic wand" Description: "Right click to cast dark matter" # # Upgrade-Menu messages # # Upgrade-Menu function need to be enabled on config.yml Upgrade-Menu: Title: "&3&lUpgrade entity" Upgraded-Entity: "%plugin_prefix% &3Upgraded entity to tier &8%tier%&3!" Cannot-Afford: "%plugin_prefix% &3You don't have enough orbs to apply that upgrade!" Max-Tier: "%plugin_prefix% &3Entity is at max tier of this upgrade!" Stats-Item: Name: "&3&lCurrent Stats" Description: "&3Movement speed: &8%speed%; &3Attack Damage: &8%damage%; &3Health: &8%current_hp%/%max_hp%" Upgrades: Health: Name: "&3&lUpgrade Health" Description: "&3Upgrade max health to tier &8%tier%&3!;&3From &8%from% &3to &8%to%;&3Cost of upgrade: &8%cost%;;&3Click to purchase" Damage: Name: "&3&lUpgrade Damage" Description: "&3Upgrade entity damage to tier &8%tier%&3!;&3From &8%from% &3to &8%to%;&3Cost of upgrade: &8%cost%;;&8Click to purchase" Speed: Name: "&3&lUpgrade Speed" Description: "&3Upgrade movement speed to tier &8%tier%&3!;&3From &8%from% &3to &8%to%;&3Cost of upgrade: &8%cost%;;&8Click to purchase" Swarm-Awareness: Name: "&3&lSwarm Awareness" Description: "&3Upgrade swarm awareness to tier &8%tier%&3!;&3From &8%from% &8damage multiplier per wolf in radius;&8of 3 blocks &3to %to%;&3The more wolves near attacking wolf;&3the more damage wolf deal;&3Cost of upgrade: &8%cost%;;&8Click to purchase" Final-Defense: Name: "&3&lFinal Defense" Description: "&3Upgrade final defense to tier &8%tier%&3!;&3From &8%from% explosion radius &3to &8%to%;&3Golem will explode after death killing nearby;&3zombies and stun all alive ones;&3Cost of upgrade: &8%cost%;;&8Click to purchase" # # Leaderboard messages # # Hologram function need to be enabled on config.yml Leaderboard: Type: Hologram: Header: "&6&lTop %number% in %value%" Format: "&e%number%. %player% (%value%)" Empty-Format: "&e%number%. &fEmpty (0)" Chat: Header: "&8+-------+ &a&lYOUR STATS &8+-------+" Header-Other: "&8+---------+ &aSTATS FOR &b%player% &8+---------+" Footer: "&8+-----------------------------+" Format: "%value% ▸ &a%number%" Top: Type-Name: "%color_chat_issue%Please type statistic name to view!" Header: "&8&m+----------------+ [&6 Top 10 &8&m] +----------------+" Format: "&e#%number% %player% - %value% %user_statistic%" Statistics: Wins: "Wins ▸ %number%" Loses: "Loses ▸ %number%" Games-Played: "Games Played ▸ %number%" Level: "Level ▸ %number%" Exp: "Experience ▸ %number%" Orbs: "Orbs ▸ %number%" Highest-Wave: "Highest Wave ▸ %number%" Kills: "Zombie Kills ▸ %number%" Deaths: "Deaths ▸ %number%" Next-Level-Exp: "Exp to Level Up ▸ %number%" Invalid-Name: "%color_chat_issue%Name of statistic is invalid! Type: %value%" Unknown-Player: "%color_chat_issue%Unknown Player" # Don't edit it. But who's stopping you? It's your server! # Really, don't edit ;p # You edited it, huh? Next time hurt yourself! Do-Not-Edit: File-Version: 1 Core-Version: 1