## Plugily Projects powerups.yml #Example Powerups: Pickup: Chat: "&a%player% picked the &4Powerup %value% up" Ended: Title: "&4Powerup %value% from %player%" Subtitle: "&chas ended" Chat: "&4Powerup %value% from %player% has ended%" Drop: Chance: 1 Content: Map-Clean: name: "&e&lMAP CLEANER" description: "&7Map has been cleaned!" material: BLAZE_POWDER # Add as many potion effects as you want # Format: PotionName, Duration, Amplifier potion-effect: - "" # PLAYER for pickup player | ALL for all arena players potion-type: PLAYER # like rewards #ArenaUtils.removeSpawnedEnemies(pickup.getArena()); execute: - "" Double-Damage: name: "&c&lDOUBLE DAMAGE" description: "&7Double damage for %number% seconds!" material: REDSTONE # Add as many potion effects as you want # Format: PotionName, Duration, Amplifier potion-effect: - "INCREASE_DAMAGE, 20, 1" # PLAYER for pickup player | ALL for all arena players potion-type: ALL # like rewards execute: - "" Healing: name: "&6&lREJUVENATION" description: "&7Healing for %number% seconds!" material: GOLDEN_APPLE # Add as many potion effects as you want # Format: PotionName, Duration, Amplifier potion-effect: - "REGENERATION, 10, 1" # PLAYER for pickup player | ALL for all arena players potion-type: ALL # like rewards execute: - "" Golem-Raid: name: "&a&lIRONBOUND RAID" description: "&7Golems have invaded this village!" material: IRON_INGOT # Add as many potion effects as you want # Format: PotionName, Duration, Amplifier potion-effect: - "REGENERATION, 3, 1" # PLAYER for pickup player | ALL for all arena players potion-type: PLAYER # like rewards execute: - "" One-Shot-One-Kill: name: "&b&lFRENZY" description: "&7Every zombie for 1 hit!" material: DIAMOND_SWORD # Add as many potion effects as you want # Format: PotionName, Duration, Amplifier potion-effect: - "INCREASE_DAMAGE, 15, 1000" # PLAYER for pickup player | ALL for all arena players potion-type: ALL # like rewards execute: - "" Speed: active: true name: "&a&lSPEED BOOSTER" description: "&7Double speed for %number% seconds!" material: FEATHER # Add as many potion effects as you want # Format: PotionName, Duration, Amplifier potion-effect: - "SPEED, 15, 1" # PLAYER for pickup player | ALL for all arena players potion-type: PLAYER # like rewards execute: - "" # Don't edit it. But who's stopping you? It's your server! # Really, don't edit ;p # You edited it, huh? Next time hurt yourself! Do-Not-Edit: File-Version: 1 Core-Version: 1