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The rewards are then sold for additional LP tokens which get redeposited into the strategy.", "apy-id": "", "apy-source": "custom", "resolver": "velodrome" }, "0x4c95761fA7Ee62c1023097b531a8B8E14F486956": { "address": "0x4c95761fA7Ee62c1023097b531a8B8E14F486956", "asset": "0x68f180fcCe6836688e9084f035309E29Bf0A2095", "name": "AaveV3", "description": "**Lending** - This vault uses a lending strategy on AaveV3 using the WBTC market. Which generates compound interest on your WBTC by lending it out to borrowers.", "resolver": "aaveV3", "apy-id": "e053590b-54f1-40aa-ae0d-14e701ca734c", "apy-source": "defillama" } }