{ "0x2D0483FefAbA4325c7521539a3DFaCf94A19C472": { "address": "0x2D0483FefAbA4325c7521539a3DFaCf94A19C472", "asset": "0x17FC002b466eEc40DaE837Fc4bE5c67993ddBd6F", "name": "FraxLend", "description": "**Lending** - This vault uses a lending strategy on FraxLend using the FRAX market. Which generates compound interest on your FRAX by lending it out to borrowers.", "apyId": "fraxlend", "apySource": "custom", "resolver": "none" }, "0x9168AC3a83A31bd85c93F4429a84c05db2CaEF08": { "address": "0x9168AC3a83A31bd85c93F4429a84c05db2CaEF08", "asset": "0x17FC002b466eEc40DaE837Fc4bE5c67993ddBd6F", "name": "FraxLend", "description": "**Lending** - This vault uses a lending strategy on FraxLend using the FRAX market. Which generates compound interest on your FRAX by lending it out to borrowers.", "apyId": "fraxlend", "apySource": "custom", "resolver": "none" }, "0x6076ebDFE17555ed3E6869CF9C373Bbd9aD55d38": { "address": "0x6076ebDFE17555ed3E6869CF9C373Bbd9aD55d38", "asset": "0x17FC002b466eEc40DaE837Fc4bE5c67993ddBd6F", "name": "FraxLend", "description": "**Lending** - This vault uses a lending strategy on FraxLend using the FRAX market. Which generates compound interest on your FRAX by lending it out to borrowers.", "apyId": "fraxlend", "apySource": "custom", "resolver": "none" }, "0x61dCd1Da725c0Cdb2C6e67a0058E317cA819Cf5f": { "address": "0x61dCd1Da725c0Cdb2C6e67a0058E317cA819Cf5f", "asset": "0x17FC002b466eEc40DaE837Fc4bE5c67993ddBd6F", "name": "AaveV3", "description": "**Lending** - This vault uses a lending strategy on AaveV3 using the FRAX market. Which generates compound interest on your FRAX by lending it out to borrowers.", "apyId": "8d4d3acb-e1bf-471a-8256-36b90a8f4d25", "apySource": "defillama", "resolver": "aaveV3" }, "0x323053A0902E67791c06F65A5D2097ee79dD740F": { "address": "0x323053A0902E67791c06F65A5D2097ee79dD740F", "asset": "0x17FC002b466eEc40DaE837Fc4bE5c67993ddBd6F", "name": "CurveGauge", "description": "**Curve LP-Compounding** - This vault single side deposits FRAX into the crvUSD / FRAX liquidity pool on Curve. It earns compounding interest on LP-tokens of the by staking in a gauge on Curve to earn governance tokens. The rewards are then sold for additional LP tokens which get redeposited into the strategy.", "apyId": "73bcf4c0-0287-4e40-a088-c9da5f3b86da", "apySource": "defillama", "resolver": "curve" }, "0x8904c44f1b2AD67a1c8Ac43D6774272Cd5836eaA": { "address": "0x8904c44f1b2AD67a1c8Ac43D6774272Cd5836eaA", "asset": "0x2f2a2543B76A4166549F7aaB2e75Bef0aefC5B0f", "name": "AaveV3", "description": "**Lending** - This vault uses a lending strategy on AaveV3 using the WBTC market. Which generates compound interest on your WBTC by lending it out to borrowers.", "resolver": "aaveV3", "apyId": "7c5e69a4-2430-4fa2-b7cb-857f79d7d1bf", "apySource": "defillama" }, "0xCACc53bAcCe744ac7b5C1eC7eb7e3Ab01330733b": { "address": "0xCACc53bAcCe744ac7b5C1eC7eb7e3Ab01330733b", "asset": "0xaf88d065e77c8cC2239327C5EDb3A432268e5831", "name": "CompoundV3", "description": "**Lending** - This vault uses a lending strategy on CompoundV3 using the USDC market. Which generates compound interest on your USDC by lending it out to borrowers. On top of that the strategy farms COMP rewards and compounds them back into USDC which get redeposited into the strategy.", "apyId": "d9c395b9-00d0-4426-a6b3-572a6dd68e54", "apySource": "defillama", "resolver": "compound" }, "0x5769F1c62Fa2AA6087df3dd1FA6a7Ae89Bb45FFd": { "address": "0x5769F1c62Fa2AA6087df3dd1FA6a7Ae89Bb45FFd", "asset": "0xaf88d065e77c8cC2239327C5EDb3A432268e5831", "name": "CompoundV3", "description": "**Lending** - This vault uses a lending strategy on CompoundV3 using the USDC market. Which generates compound interest on your USDC by lending it out to borrowers. On top of that the strategy farms COMP rewards and compounds them back into USDC which get redeposited into the strategy.", "apyId": "d9c395b9-00d0-4426-a6b3-572a6dd68e54", "apySource": "defillama", "resolver": "compound" }, "0x067e4c15B052C73998689D7A0e19D0B2910819dc": { "address": "0x067e4c15B052C73998689D7A0e19D0B2910819dc", "asset": "0x82aF49447D8a07e3bd95BD0d56f35241523fBab1", "name": "CompoundV3", "description": "**Lending** - This vault uses a lending strategy on CompoundV3 using the WETH market. Which generates compound interest on your WETH by lending it out to borrowers. On top of that the strategy farms COMP rewards and compounds them back into WETH which get redeposited into the strategy.", "apyId": "be3d7cb9-f008-4050-8802-13ea505bcbdf", "apySource": "defillama", "resolver": "compound" }, "0x268823d2D666643721A15462De02987F77DE7bbf": { "address": "0x268823d2D666643721A15462De02987F77DE7bbf", "asset": "0xFd086bC7CD5C481DCC9C85ebE478A1C0b69FCbb9", "name": "CompoundV3", "description": "**Lending** - This vault uses a lending strategy on CompoundV3 using the USDT market. Which generates compound interest on your USDT by lending it out to borrowers. On top of that the strategy farms COMP rewards and compounds them back into USDT which get redeposited into the strategy.", "apyId": "85247b13-8180-44e7-b38c-4d324cc68a92", "apySource": "defillama", "resolver": "compound" } }