/*: * @plugindesc V1.0 Compatibility patch for DreamX's random eprefixes and suffixes * @author Poryg * * @help * Compatibility patch for DreamX's random prefixes and suffixes. * Correct order: POR_SaveCore - this patch - Random p&s * credits: Poryg, DreamX */ Window_SavefileList.prototype.drawPartyEquips = function (info, x, y) { var params = PORParams.saveCore || PORParams.saveCoreMin; if (info.partyEquips) { for (var i in info.partyEquips) { for (var j in info.partyEquips[i]) { var ix = x + (Math.floor(j / params.peRows) * 32 + params.pePadding); var iy = y + (Math.floor(j % params.peRows) * 32 + params.pePadding); if (params.partyHorz) ix += params.partySpread * i; else iy += params.partySpread * i; this.drawIcon(info, info.partyEquips[i][j], ix, iy); }; }; }; }; Window_SavefileList.prototype.drawIcon = function (info, iconIndex, x, y) { var paramCombIconStarting = PluginManager.parameters('DreamX_RandomPrefixesSuffixes')['Icon Combination Starting Index'] || 6000; if (iconIndex >= paramCombIconStarting) { var overlayArrayIndex = iconIndex - paramCombIconStarting; var overlayIcons = info.overlayIcons[overlayArrayIndex]; for (var i = 0; i < overlayIcons.length; i++) { var iconId = overlayIcons[i].index; Window_Selectable.prototype.drawIcon.call(this, iconId, x, y); } return; } Window_Selectable.prototype.drawIcon.call(this, iconIndex, x, y); }; DataManager.makeSavefileInfo = function() { var info = {}; info.globalId = this._globalId; info.title = $dataSystem.gameTitle; info.characters = $gameParty.charactersForSavefile(); info.faces = $gameParty.facesForSavefile(); info.playtime = $gameSystem.playtimeText(); info.partyEquips = $gameParty.partyEquipsForSavefile(); info.leaderName = $gameParty.battleMembers()[0].name(); info.customSaveData = $gameParty.customSavefileData(); info.timestamp = Date.now(); info.overlayIcons = $gameSystem.overlayIcons; return info; };