Known issues: # NetLogoR 1.0.5 ## Dependency changes * removed dependency: `sp` and `raster`. There is still the possibility to convert `sp` and `raster` objects into `NetLogoR` objects and vice versa but except for these functions, all the others do not rely anymore on `sp` and `raster` objects and functions. * added dependency: `terra` * many changes to accommodate these connections to `terra` ## Documentation changes * several minor fixes for CRAN requirements ## Bugfixes * several minor, including some speed improvements * several corrections in documentation * Deal with CRAN incoming check: "Running R code in ... had CPU time 3 times elapsed time" by setting OMP_THREAD_LIMIT = 1 during tests on CRAN # NetLogoR 0.3.11 ## Dependency changes * removed dependency: `rgeos` * added dependency: `sf` # NetLogoR 0.3.10 ## Dependency changes * removed support for R 3.6. To our knowledge, `NetLogoR` will still work with R 3.6, but we no longer support it. * removed dependencies: `car`, `Hmisc`, `plyr` ## Bugfixes * using sample in several agent functions would have given the wrong sample (see `?sample`) when the length of the argument `x` is 1. This occurred under some (but now all) conditions where there are multiple agents with the same `id`, along with some agents with only one member within an `id`, and where the objective is to select one of the using `oneOf` or `nOf(agent, n = 1)`. Now we use `resample` as defined in the examples of `?base::sample`. * minor bugfixes # NetLogoR 0.3.9 ## Bugfixes * Fix for GDAL/PROJ crs issue (#43, @rsbivand) # NetLogoR 0.3.8 * Drop support for R 3.5 (several dependencies require R >= 3.6) * `NLwith()` now handles `NA` values (#36) * fixed bug in Programming Guide vignette (@DataStrategist, #42) * improved documentation * added link to new discussion forum: # NetLogoR 0.3.7 * Updates to fix documentation and CRAN check problems * change maintainer to Eliot # NetLogoR 0.3.6 * R 3.5 is now minimum R version required. Too many dependencies are not maintaining their backwards compatibility. * Added new citation for the Ecography paper describing the package. # NetLogoR 0.3.5 * Updates to fix CRAN check problems. # NetLogoR 0.3.4 * Set random seed in two tests. # NetLogoR 0.3.3 * Add `sf` to Suggests, as it is used in tests. # NetLogoR 0.3.2 * Fix bug in `turtlesOn()`. Error when the world was not square. * Fix use of suggested packages in tests. # NetLogoR 0.3.1 * First CRAN release. # NetLogoR 0.3.0 * `inRadius` now multiplies the `width` by a tiny amount so that the function returns an inclusive result. * Add `quickPlot >=` dependency. * Update dependencies on `SpaDES`-related packages to only include the ones actually used. * Define [[ and $ for `worldArray` to extract subset layers. * Add `show` methods for `worldMatrix` and `worldArray`, similar to `RasterLayer` and `RasterStack`. * Add tools so `quickPlot::Plot` works, e.g., `Plot(agentMatrixObj)` or `Plot(worldMatrixObj)` or `Plot(worldArrayObj)`, `Plot(worldArrayObj$layer1)`. `addTo` argument implemented for layering, `Plot(worldMatrixObj); Plot(agentMatrixObj, addTo="worldMatrixObj")` will plot the agents on the map. # NetLogoR 0.2.0 * Minimum R version increased from `3.2.5` to `3.3.0` as required by dependency `RandomFieldsUtils`. # NetLogoR 0.1.0 * All key NetLogo functions rewritten in R, except visualizations and "links" agents. * Adapted plot methods.