Félix VR



Julia, our protagonist, falls in love with a newcomer to a small town. However, after a couple of encounters they don't see each other again. Everything points towards her being kidnapped, and probably tortured.

In "Félix VR" we get to know the story of Julia. It is a nightmare for our protagonist where while she is kidnapped regrets every lie she told Félix. Those lies haunt her, remaining etched to her skin, like tattoos...

Felix VR is a narrative experience based on the series by Movistar+ where we get to know what's inside Felix's nightmares, expanding the story and helping us understand the truths and lies behind Julia in a surreal and dreamlike setting. The series is set in a small town in the Pyrenees and tells the story of Julia, an enigmatic oriental woman who falls in love with, Felix, a newcomer with an ordinary life, and suddenly disappears, starting a series of mysteries and challenges for him.