

PlaytimeNot Played
Last ActivityNever
Added10/24/2023 15:39:21
Modified10/24/2023 16:08:31
Completion StatusNot Played
PlatformPC (Windows)
Release Date8/31/2017
Community Score53
Critic Score
User Score
DeveloperNight Whale
PublisherNight Whale
FeatureSingle Player
LinksCommunity Hub
Store Page
Psychological Horror
Story Rich


Delirium is a haunting first-person psychological horror game. A small indie game built around bigger themes of loss, abandonment and self-inflicted misery.

You open your eyes in a grungy, gloom ridden room with an old diary as your sole companion. Thus begins your journey that unravels the tragic history of this abandoned house. Each room and each diary pieces together a narrative that traces the history hiding within the wretched walls of this house.
But watch your back during your exploration, slithering among the shadowy corners of this house are eyes; unblinking and gliding, peering and tracing you.. Peel back the bitter truth before it's too late and the history of this house repeats itself.

Main Features:
Exploration Based: The emphasis is to explore this house and discover its secrets through each room.
Narrative Driven: the entire game is based on a narrative about this house and its inhabitant. It invites the player to explore to unfold the story.
First-Person: Told entirely through first-person perspective for immense immersion.
Atmospheric: Atmosphere driven cinematic game, to convey the foreboding and unsettling feeling that the house imposes effectively.
Puzzles: There are few doors that need a combination lock or a puzzle to navigate.
Diary journals: Diary journals provide first-hand account from the past inhabitant and what occurred to him.

It's a short intense journey meant to be played in one setting, so there is no save system. Each restart of the game resets the loop and your nightmare starts all over again.
Headphones are strongly recommended to get the best experience.

Lastly, I'd like to say that this is a short one-man made game that tries to be ambitious despite its small scope. It's pure indie in its essence and my humble node to all the inspiring horror classic games and cinema that I have grown up with.
Reach me on my instagram to see more of my work: