


PrPrive is a Live2D live broadcast assistant software developed by us. The software can achieve high frame rate, multi-expression switching, targetless auto-drop frame at a lower CPU occupancy, while the software also supports transparent push streaming, gift drop interaction, Live2D lighting, and other powerful features to make your live broadcast have better results.
High-frame rate Live2D animation with low resource consumption through high-performance facial capture.
-No need for a specific device, just a camera for face capture
-Multi-expression switching is supported to make your live interaction stronger.
No-targeted automatic frame drops, further reducing the resource drain on the system.
-Transparent push flow, reducing the number of operating steps and making it less difficult to use.
-Gift drop interaction, the physical collision effect between the standup and the gift gives the viewer a better interactive experience (this feature supports FaceRig output).
-Live2D lighting to make your stills more vivid.
-Connected interactions, in which the elements in the live broadcast are changed to correspond to the audience's interactive content according to the settings.