


Enter the battlefield and knock down your opponents in an unforgiving race for your life. Create the best strategy and ensure your victory by choosing from a variety of abilities. Customize your character, unlock new abilities, enter tournaments and much, much more. Play private games with your friends and spectate them on any device. Great fun for home/LAN parties.

100% skill based

The core of GetMeBro! is competitive balance. The right combination of abilities and your skill is the only way to be the best.

Build to be competitive

Ranked matchmaking ensures that every game is fair and balanced. Ingame tournaments offer a unique experience of eSport like events where you can not only win prizes but also watch other players and learn from them.

New challenging map every week

Battles are held on 3 distinguishable arenas that receive a new map every week. This makes players to adapt to new challenges and opens up a possibility for new strategies the become meta.

Stand out of the crowd with your unique look

Complete daily quest and win tournaments to get new outfits to customize your character. Rank-up all the way to the top of the ladder and unlock limited rewards.
A network connection is required for the first login and multiplayer matches, solo runs can be played without a connection.