
PlaytimeNot Played
Last ActivityNever
Added10/24/2023 15:39:20
Modified10/24/2023 16:32:13
Completion StatusNot Played
PlatformPC (Windows)
Release Date12/4/2014
Community Score66
Critic Score
User Score
GenreFree to Play
DeveloperNeon Serpent LLC
PublisherNeon Serpent LLC
FeaturePartial Controller Support
Single Player
Trading Cards
LinksCommunity Hub
Store Page
Free to Play
Walking Simulator


The doors to ULTRAWORLD are open and beckon you to return. Come see what's new in ULTRAWORLD EXODUS, a free addition to the wildly abstract first-person exploration adventure you've heard so little about. Created by a AAA game dev veteran that you've never heard of and certainly don't care about, ULTRAWORLD EXODUS is a relaxing stoll/Art toy/posturing philosophical treatise/who-knows-what.


IMPERFECT: A highly revised redux of the original ULTRAWORLD story. Ponder Exoplanets and Artificial Intelligence while trying to assist a self-aware NPC in the midst of an existential crisis. Some people loved it. Some people hated it. Feel free to decide for yourself.

EXODUS: A new continuation of the unusual sci-fi meta-narrative that could only be told in the medium of video games. A year has passed and ULTRAWORLD has changed. Your old pal is dismayed by your inaction, but this gives way to a new friend with an impossible plan. Embrace the future!

VACATION MODE: A greatly expanded free-roaming mode where you're the Artist. Change the colors, filters, particles, and rendering modes for infinite visual variety (and I do mean infinite). Then soar above the landscape, camera in hand, looking for the perfect picture. Every shot is a unique abstract painting, created by you, and fit to hang on your walls.

THE SOUNDTRACK: There are now double the songs to the highly praised original soundtrack.

VR SUPPORT: Vacation Mode can be setup to use VR devices (although you'll need a steel stomach. Not meant for humans)

Now get out there and find your painting!