Farmageddon: A Cattle Royale



Farmageddon: A Cattle Royale is a series of cow puns masquerading as a new kind of roguelike. Try to claim the divine pasture while picking up items along the way to improve your build! If you succeed, you become the next boss for other players to fight! With a new randomly generated map every day, and all sort of aMOOsing items to play with, what are you WHEYting for?

Seasons Beatings!

Each season in real life is reflected in the game! Rob a grave in October, and leave hoofprints in the snow during December! Unlock season exclusive skins, and enjoy special easter eggs on certain dates!


Unlock cowsmetic options for your cow hero! A different skin is unlockable each day, or you can buy skins directly. Mix and match the head and body, and name your cow to make an impression on the Golden Herd Leaderboards!

A Cattle Royale

Each realtime day brings a new map with a new layout, and every run attempted during that day will play back at once like a ghost in Mario Kart, but with even MORE destructive power! Can you claim the divine pasture?

Moo's the Boss

....So you've claimed the divine pasture. Congrats! You're the boss now! You can try and dethrone your previous run, or challenge your friends to take them down! Your boss will have the same inventory and relative health you finished the game with! You better be well equipped!