Sweeping the Ruins



For players looking for cooperative social experiences, Sweeping the Ruins let’s two players engage in asymmetrical combat with an overpowered behemoth, using only the traps and destructible terrain in a mystical ruin as their weapons. Victory will require strategic coordination, situational awareness and teamwork to defeat the massive enemy and prevent the destruction of their nearby homeland.

Key Features

  • 2 player online co-op
  • Multiple traps including throwable bombs, explosive barrels, ballistas, and giant wrecking balls
  • Destructible terrain
  • 1 large monster

About Us

This game was created as part of the University of Southern California's (USC) Advanced Games Project (AGP) with collaboration from Otis College of Art and Design and California State University, Fullerton. We are a team of 28 of students and recent graduates working together in a remote capacity.

Sweeping the Ruins was showcased as a featured title at USC Games Expo 2021 on May 15 2021.