Noise Hunters




The game contains flashing lights in form of waves, such as depicted in the screentshots. This may trigger seizures or cause headaches.

Noise Hunters is a third person experimental action game in which we control Mevye, who must use the sound waves to be able to visualize the environment around her. But Mevye is not alone in this dark world, the environment will be full of sound sensitive enemies that will be in charge of hunting her down.


Third person experience that mixes genre of stealth and horror in a dark atmosphere. Tense and immersive gameplay that thanks to the echolocation mechanic, the player will be able to see the environment and navigate through complete darkness, having the risk of being heard by enemies.
Puzzle and enemy encounters in 10 diferent levels that will test the habilities of the player.


In a dystopian universe in which the machines have defeated mankind, the last chance is to defeat the enemy is from the inside. Mevye is sent to one of the enemy's many operational nuclei, located 30 kilometers underground, to sabotage the complex.


  • Sounds as navigation guide
  • Blind but sound sensitive enemies
  • Use the dagger!, it's the main Mevye's tool
  • Inmersive experience in the dark