Eternal Dreamers



Eternal Dreamers Rising will be the next entry in the series, and will mark an all-out evolution!
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Eternal Dreamers is a battle-focused RPG offering deep tactical combat action. With a wide selection of classes and equipment pieces, the game puts much emphasis on customizability and player choice. This game is for all of you that cannot get enough of the high finding the next piece of shiny loot!

  • Create your own character
  • 11 playable classes for a total of 330 unique party combinations
  • A unique and tactical combat system
  • Several quest types offering unique challenges
  • Over 100 weapons, armors and other items
  • Get hooked on the gamble in an elaborate casino

Following the outbreak of a mysterious illness, people fall into an unending coma from which there is no awakening. After months of loss, researchers at the Advent conglomerate discover that victims share the same dream, and succeed in creating a bridge to their new reality. What they find is a world between worlds, connected to many more than our own. And inside this world, the race to end the Sudden Coma Phenomenon begins.