八般武艺 MAVR3D



MAVR3D is a one-of-a-kind, labor-of-love no one believed possible. We welcome any feedback or questions you may have—together we'll make "her" even better. Lanxii Play support: mavr3d-steam@lanxii.com (If you have QQ please join group 657511965)

Martial Arts VR 3D (Immersive Duel, Cultural Treasure Demonstration) Inch-longer the stronger! Inch-shorter the deadlier! Duel your Foe (or friend), Arena players, or Boss femme fatales using different pairings of Eight Martial Arts: fist, claw, kick, dagger, sabre, sword, staff, and spear. For sure, each has its own winning ways, and vulnerabilities. Only someone exceptionally gifted could master all. Real-Time Strategy Action Slasher with H.U.D. joystick control, or a single mouseclick to perform different moves or combinations—simulate real fighting. Have you mastered the Eight Martial Arts? Have you never met your match, Under All Heavens?

A word about this new genre of action-simulation game, "Mavr'd". Like reading a novel, immersion will require a willing suspension of disbelief. So please allow for the simple model and you will appreciate, after a few games, how your deck-management and random card-draw, while constraining at first, will actually enable and personify your choice of weapon and style, as you are pitted against other fighters each with their own strategy. Your reaction time will quickly improve, the mechanics will become second-nature—whether by mouseclick, touchscreen, controller joystick, or gyroscopic VR glasses—very soon you will be engrossed playing and watching cinematic fighting in real-time. Like fencing, boxing, and other close-combat, MAVR3D has deep strategy as well as slasher action. Shifting playstyle on-the-fly and knowing when to go for the kill, hold back, or even give up ground—these and other advanced techniques await your mastery!