


Survive in this remade game with new stuff! Featuring many of the same elements as magicite, Fanite randomly generates each biome for you to delve into. Collect resources, and hunt beasts in order to help you survive the difficult and challenging environment. With a lot of character traits, hats, companions, players will have a fun and rewarding experience each play through! Be prepared to die a few times.

Fanite's main influence was Magicite.

Randomly Generated Biomes - Experience a new biome each time you play. A couple trees to chop, ores to mine, plants to harvest, and bugs to catch!
Permanent Death - When you die you stay dead.
Crafting System - Combine any two items(That can be crafted) to create a new one! For example nothing + something = nothing.
Combat System - If you plan on just running in and swinging your fists, you're gonna get wrecked if you dont ware armor. Take time to craft useful items and learn enemy move sets before attacking.
Unlockable Races, Hats, & Companions - The more you play, the more you will unlock new stuff.