Traversing Traveler



Traversing Traveler is a game currently still in development by a small team of students. Some features may still be in progress as the game is in beta.

Play as Taylor, a local alchemist in the town of Lumina. A recent disaster hit the area and now teleportation between towns is offline. Taylor decides to fix the routes by collecting runes in the areas between towns so people can travel the area again. Using potions such a bomb potion to destroy obstacles and a cloud potion to make platforms to jump between areas, Taylor has to make their way around to collect runes to restore the teleporters. As Taylor unlocks new areas people from various towns ask for help and get excited about the prospect of traveling again.

• Use bomb potion to blow up obstacles in your path
• Create cloud platforms to jump on
• Throw vine potions to climb up to higher areas
• Use a shield potion to protect from damage
• Interact with various NPCs that ask for help or give tasks to complete
• When leaving the hub area, collect runes to fix the teleportation crystal of the next town over