# To become a maintainer of Project Elixir Before you apply to add your device into our list of official devices, you should know a few things: **Any failure in following the instructions given below will make you unfit for the maintainership. No questions asked.** 1. Tree should be cleaned and There should be proper commits with proper authorship. 2. Avoid forking or anything (except kernel if u r using someone else's) in our Device Org. 3. Release build must be tested before releasing and should be stable af. 4. You should be aware of git and cherry-pick. 5. No Toxicity and retarded attitude will be tolerated. 6. If you need some commits to be added in source for your device make a Pull Request after testing. 7. If u need any feature in source please make a Pull Request with proper authorship after proper testing. 8. All Device specific trees should be public and must be in Project Elixir Device Org (vendor can be pvt under some conditions). 9. You should update XDA with every update and you should keep response to XDA users. 10. There should be a specific device support group for your device with Project Elixir OFFICIAL group as partner. 11. XDA thread and posting updates in your device main channel is compulsory. 12. Most Important don't pick anything stupid in device tree or there shouldn't be any cherry-pick errors. 13. You have to give updates on time. If you don't have server it's your problem. (We can only build OFFICIALLY for you and only if there shouldn't be any building errors). 14. Any questions? Feel free to ask in Maintainers group. 15. No chat, screenshots, messages or anything should be forwarded outside of Maintainers group. 16. Since we have a our own download server so you have to ask respective incharge member for uploading the build to the server. 17. Official build links should not be posted anywhere else other than the download server provided by the project. 18. It's your duty to maintain XDA , Support Group, Make user base , connect with users for build reviews (support) and maintain peace and be active. 19. Do not leave the support group without informing any admins, If You leave this group once Your device will dropped ASAP. 20. No matter what, you must have a stable tree for update on time. You can do experiments with tree in between update gaps but update must be pushed within 5-8days of source changelog release. 21. If you don't have server then don't apply for maintainership because there is no point. We can do builds but every month is NOT Possible. 22. Your device must be in accordance with the [Device Requirements](https://github.com/Project-Elixir/docs/blob/master/device_requirements.md) # Inevitable Rules 1. XDA is compulsory for OFFICIAL Release. 2. Build must be within a week of source release. 3. Follow Guidelines. # Happy Building!