============================= Changelog - v2.10 Build Date - 2nd October, 2023 ============================= surya : update blobs to 14.0.2 global fw surya : fix some logspams surya : add perf related configs ============================= Changelog - v2.9 Build Date - 11th August, 2023 ============================= surya: switch to lineage display HAL surya: switch to azure clang 15 surya: Import 32 bit CamX libraries  surya: Add missing/required camera blobs surya: Build missing omx libs surya: audio: Update audio_io_policy for VoIP  surya: audio: Offload 24 bits playback supports mp3/aac format surya: audio: Add hotword input for hotword mic concurrency surya: audio: Extend buffer size to 256kb for offload playback surya: add hotword enrollment blobs from vayu surya: configs: wifi: Add another interface while driver load surya: Force device to treat 170M as sRGB in SF surya: configs: Add APN configs surya: Increase zram size and swappiness surya: props: Enable config_avoidGfxAccel surya: properties: Update app/sf durations from MIUI surya: power: Change default GPU idle timeout to 60ms surya: power: Decrease launch boost to 3sec surya: props : Optimize package manager dexopt surya: Switch to jemalloc for libc  surya: Use jemalloc to fix camera surya: Allow GCam to access AUX IDs surya: Compile HWUI for performance surya: Adjust thread count and cpuset after setup wizard surya: props : add battery optimization flags surya: power: Import powerhint from Pixel 4A  surya: power: Remove Google-specific camera hints surya: props: Enable ro.hwui.render_ahead surya: prop: Enable apk fs-verity surya: Define AAPT configuration surya: overlay: Define OEM fast charge sysfs node surya: sepolicy: Address content_capture_service denial