In `jackson-module-kogera`, there are several intentional design changes that are destructive. This page summarizes them. # Common ## Change of `hasRequiredMarker` specification The `KotlinAnnotationIntrospector::hasRequiredMarker` function in `jackson-module-kotlin` has several problems. In `kogera`, the specification has been revised as follows. - If `required = true` is specified in the `JsonProperty` annotation, the result is preferred. - This should not be overridden, as it will not be `true` unless explicitly specified by the user. - This implementation follows the [basic policy of `Jackson`]( - Processing on `field` that has accessors are skipped. - The `FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES` option does not affect the results. - In `kogera`, the deserialization behavior is not affected by whether the argument is of type `primitive` or not. - The `nullToEmpty` option only affects deserialization. - As for `JvmField`, there was no way to distinguish between contexts, so that option affects serialization. ## Stricter visibility and privatization of some codes In `jackson-module-kotlin`, some code has been inadvertently released. If code is released inadvertently, it will be difficult to change it considering dependencies. Therefore, in `kogera`, `explicitApi` is enabled and all but the minimum code is kept private. I will consider making the classes public again when we receive requests for them. ## Remove old options and `deprecated` code Because `jackson-module-kotlin` is a framework with a long history, some old code and options remain. In `kogera`, those options have been removed.