William R. Hogan
Mathias Brochhausen
proper name ontology
release version 2021-06-11
editor preferred label
editor preferred term
editor preferred term
imported from
instance unique identifier
An annotation to be applied to individuals only. Value is a GUID/UUID for use in a referent tracking system.
x designates y, if for any given group of language users, x is an information content entity, is about y, and represents y in a linguistic context..
Mathias Brochhausen
x is_borrowed_reference_for y, if x is a proper name that is used to refer to one individual among a specific group after the dubbing process took place.
Mathias Brochhausen
x is_fixed_reference_for y, if x is an utterance or graphemes concretized as writing quality inhering in some independent continuant that is used to single out one individual and refer to the latter among a specific group after the.
Mathias Brochhausen
p1 is designated by p2, if p2 is an information content entity that represents p1 in a linguistic context.
Mathias Brochhausen
is designated by
is concretized as
is concretized as
Anatomical cluster
vocal fold
Subdivision of larynx
Heterogeneous cluster
Anatomical structure
Material anatomical entity
An identifier is an information content entity that is the outcome of a dubbing process and is used to refer to one instance of entity shared by a group of people to refer to that individual entity.
Mathias Brochhausen
proper name
Mathias Brochhausen
Sep 29, 2016: The current definition has been amended from the previous version: "A proper name is an information content entity that is the outcome of a dubbing process and is used to refer to one instance of entity shared by a group of people to refer to that individual entity." to more accuratly reflect the necessary and sufficient condition on the class. (MB)
alphabetic letters, Chinese characters, numerical digits, punctuation marks, and the individual symbols of any of the world's writing systems
A grapheme is an information content entity that is a fundamental unit in a written language.
Mathias Brochhausen
An utterance is an information content entity that is a complete unit of speech in spoken language.
Mathias Brochhausen
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utterance
Mathias Brochhausen
An attributive collection of qualities inhering in energy when transported through a medium in a wave.
Mathias Brochhausen
mechanical wave quality
is a quality that is the concretization of graphemes and inheres in a material object.
Mathias Brochhausen
Mathias Brochhausen
writing quality
pieces of paper, tables, walls, floors, driveways, highway signs, computer screens, skin, tablets of clay, rocks, sheets of metal (license plates), sheets of papyrus, etc. clouds of smoke in skywriting,
is a material information bearer that bears the concretization of graphemes.
Mathias Brochhausen
Mathias Brochhausen
writing bearer
portion of energy
Energy that is transported in a sound wave.
Mathias Brochhausen
sound energy
Sound energy bearing the concretization of an utterance and being the output of an uttering process.
utterance energy
Oscillating is a processual that shows repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measured quality about a central value (often a point of equilibrium) or between two or more different states.
Mathias Brochhausen
A dubbing process is a planned process that provides a reference to an individual entity shared by a group of subscribers to refer to that individual entity.
Mathias Brochhausen
dubbing process
Mathias Brochhausen
identifier creating process
is a planned process of making speech sounds which may or may not have an actual language involved.
Mathias Brochhausen
Mathias Brochhausen
utterance process
A personal name is a proper name identifying an individual person.
Mathias Brochhausen
Personal names "today usually comprises a given name bestowed at birth or at a young age plus a surname. It is nearly universal for a human to have a name; except in rare cases, for example feral children growing up in isolation, or infants orphaned by natural disaster for whom no written record survives.[citation needed] The Convention on the Rights of the Child specifies that a child has the right from birth to a name. Certain isolated tribes, such as the Machiguenga of the Amazon, also lack personal names." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_name)
Sep 29, 2016: The comment that including the wikipedia definition of personal name is not to be interpreted in a way that restricts this class to only contain strings of letters. A numerical or alphanumerical identifier that denotes a human is being is a personal name, too. (MB)
personal name
A given name, in Western contexts often referred to as a first name, is a personal name that specifies and differentiates between members of a group of individuals, especially in a family, all of whose members usually share the same family name (surname). A given name is purposefully given, usually by a child's parents at or near birth, in contrast to an inherited one such as a family name
Mathias Brochhausen
given name
A family name (in Western contexts often referred to as a surname or last name) is typically a part of a person's name which has been passed, according to law or custom, from one or both parents to their children.
Mathias Brochhausen
family name
An information content entity that is a collection of identifiers that has been created to identify and annotate core ideas of a specified domain, and where the intention of its creators is that the identifiers have a one-to-one correspondence with entities in reality outside the aggregate.
Mathias Brochhausen
code system
coding system
controlled vocabulary
Clint Dowland
Matt Diller
Sarah Bost
William R. Hogan
Does not imply absence vs. presence of any taxonomy.
Does not imply that identifiers denote particulars, universals, or defined classes (a.k.a. attributive collections) or even that they denote only one of these three types of entities (e.g., SNOMED and even various OBO ontologies have identifiers that identify entities in all three categories).
Each identifier is often (but not necessarily) associated with a text string—variously called a “description,” “name,” “title,” or “label”—that helps humans reach the target of denotation.
When there is no such string, it is almost always because the identifiers take the form of human language words. For example, a “sex” or “gender” code set could have identifiers “MALE” and “FEMALE,” or even “M” and “F” (by convention, we understand what these mean).
For National Drug Codes (NDCs) and similar code sets, there doesn’t even have to be a single, fully-concretized copy somewhere (for example, for NDCs there is no centralized database or repository where they all live as one instance of concretization of code set). The code set can be “distributively” concretized. This seems like an unusual exception, but it also likely applies to Universal Product Codes (UPCs) and their follow on Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs).
For each given domain, there can potentially exist multiple code sets. The multiplicity of code sets is partially due to the different specific purposes of those code sets.
Many code sets are created for a specific purpose in addition to merely identifying and annotating core ideas of a specified domain.
The identifiers do not denote each other.
code set
Homo sapiens
human being
Homo sapiens
A material entity that is an individual living system, such as animal, plant, bacteria or virus, that is capable of replicating or reproducing, growth and maintenance in the right environment. An organism may be unicellular or made up, like humans, of many billions of cells divided into specialized tissues and organs.
10/21/09: This is a placeholder term, that should ideally be imported from the NCBI taxonomy, but the high level hierarchy there does not suit our needs (includes plasmids and 'other organisms')
OBI doesn't take position as to when an organism starts or ends being an organism - e.g. sperm, foetus.
This issue is outside the scope of OBI.
GROUP: OBI Biomaterial Branch
WEB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organism