local P1 = true local P2 = true local P3 = true local EN = true local POR = true local ES = true local ALE = true local POL = true local FR = true local CH = true local TUR = true local KOR = true local version = 0.039 local death = false local gameV = GetGameVersion():split(' ')[1] local scriptname = "Glaxy Motivator" local author ="Glaxy" local contact = "dimitri.psarev" P1Sprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\1.png") P2Sprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\2.png") P3Sprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\3.png") ENSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\4.png") PORSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\5.png") ESSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\6.png") ALESprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\7.png") POLSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\8.png") FRSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\9.png") CHSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\10.png") TURSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\11.png") KORSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\12.png") local Support_list = { {archivo = "4.png", name = "English", posicion_x = 1213, posicion_y = 200, sizeX = 284, sizeY = 110, Lan = "EN"}, {archivo = "6.png", name = "Spanish", posicion_x = 790, posicion_y = 310, sizeX = 213, sizeY = 160, Lan = "ES"}, } local No_Support_list = { {archivo = "5.png", name = "Portuguese", posicion_x = 500, posicion_y = 310, sizeX = 290, sizeY = 160, Lan = "POR"}, {archivo = "7.png", name = "German", posicion_x = 1000, posicion_y = 310, sizeX = 213, sizeY = 160, Lan = "GER"}, {archivo = "8.png", name = "Polish", posicion_x = 1213, posicion_y = 310, sizeX = 284, sizeY = 160, Lan = "PoL"}, {archivo = "9.png", name = "French", posicion_x = 500, posicion_y = 465, sizeX = 290, sizeY = 230, Lan = "FR"}, {aprchivo = "10.png", name = "Chinese", posicion_x = 790, posicion_y = 465, sizeX = 213, sizeY = 230, Lan = "CH"}, {archivo = "11.png", name = "Turkish", posicion_x = 1000, posicion_y = 465, sizeX = 213, sizeY = 230, Lan = "TUR"}, {archivo = "12.png", name = "Korean", posicion_x = 1213, posicion_y = 465, sizeX = 284, sizeY = 230, Lan = "KOR"}, } assert(load(Base64Decode("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"), nil, "bt", _ENV))() TrackerLoad("ouchiffud20AITSt") function OnLoad() AutoUpdate() GMMenu() CheckSprites() Print("¡Thanks for use " ..scriptname.."!. Regards, Glaxy!") Print("VerScript: "..version.." VerGame: "..gameV.." - Loaded. Have fun!") end function GMMenu() GM = scriptConfig("Glaxy Motivator", "GlaxyM") GM:addParam("info2", ""..scriptname.." [ver. "..version.."]", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "") GM:addParam("info2", "Game Version: ["..gameV.."]", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "") GM:addParam("info3", "Created by "..author.."", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "") GM:addParam("info4", "Contact me (SKYPE): "..contact.."", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "") end function Print(v) print("[Glaxy Motivator!] " .. v .. "") end function CheckSprites() local Path = SPRITE_PATH.."\\GlaxyMT\\" local Url = "http://glaxy.000webhostapp.com\\GlaxyMT\\" local spriteP1 = "1.png" local spriteP2 = "2.png" local spriteP3 = "3.png" local spriteEN = "4.png" local spritePOR = "5.png" local spriteES = "6.png" local spriteALE = "7.png" local spritePOL = "8.png" local spriteFR = "9.png" local spriteCH = "10.png" local spriteTUR = "11.png" local spriteKOR = "12.png" if not FileExist(Path..spriteP1) or not FileExist(Path..spriteP2) or not FileExist(Path..spriteP3) or not FileExist(Path..spriteEN) or not FileExist(Path..spritePOR) or not FileExist(Path..spriteES) or not FileExist(Path..spriteALE) or not FileExist(Path..spritePOL) or not FileExist(Path..spriteFR) or not FileExist(Path..spriteCH) or not FileExist(Path..spriteTUR) or not FileExist(Path..spriteKOR) then Print("Downloading sprites, don't reload the script.") CreateDirectory(Path) DownloadFile(Url..spriteP1, Path..spriteP1, function() end) DownloadFile(Url..spriteP2, Path..spriteP2, function() end) DownloadFile(Url..spriteP3, Path..spriteP3, function() end) DownloadFile(Url..spriteEN, Path..spriteEN, function() end) DownloadFile(Url..spritePOR, Path..spritePOR, function() end) DownloadFile(Url..spriteES, Path..spriteES, function() end) DownloadFile(Url..spriteALE, Path..spriteALE, function() end) DownloadFile(Url..spritePOL, Path..spritePOL, function() end) DownloadFile(Url..spriteFR, Path..spriteFR, function() end) DownloadFile(Url..spriteCH, Path..spriteCH, function() end) DownloadFile(Url..spriteTUR, Path..spriteTUR, function() end) DownloadFile(Url..spriteKOR, Path..spriteKOR, function() Print("Download was successful, please reload the script by pressing F9 twice.") end) return else P1Sprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\1.png") P2Sprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\2.png") P3Sprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\3.png") ENSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\4.png") PORSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\5.png") ESSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\6.png") ALESprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\7.png") POLSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\8.png") FRSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\9.png") CHSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\10.png") TURSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\11.png") KORSprite = createSprite("\\GlaxyMT\\12.png") end end function OnWndMsg(msg, key) if key == 1 then for n, sprite in pairs(Support_list) do if CursorIsUnder(sprite.posicion_x, sprite.posicion_y, sprite.sizeX, sprite.sizeY) then _G.Language = sprite.Lan DelayAction(function() Print("You select: "..sprite.name..". LOADED. ") end, 0.5) Support_list = {} No_Support_list = {} P1 = false P2 = false P3 = false EN = false POR = false ES = false ALE = false POL = false FR = false CH = false TUR = false KOR = false end end end if key == 1 then for q, sprite in pairs(No_Support_list) do if CursorIsUnder(sprite.posicion_x, sprite.posicion_y, sprite.sizeX, sprite.sizeY) then Print("Not supported. ¿Knows this Language and wanna help me? Add skype: "..contact.."") end end end end function OnTick() v = math.random(1, 50) end function OnAnimation(unit, animation) if unit.isMe and unit.type == myHero.type and animation == "Death" then if _G.Language == "EN" then Lan_EN() elseif _G.Language == "ES" then Lan_ES() end end end function Lan_EN() if v == 0 then Print("¡Thanks for use " ..scriptname.."!, Regards, Glaxy!") elseif v == 1 then Print("¿You are dead?, Dont worry, ¡next time you will destroy him!") elseif v == 2 then Print("¿Dead?¡Stop cry and destroy him next time!") elseif v == 3 then Print("¿You are Dead ?, sometimes happens ... Come on!") elseif v == 4 then Print("¿You are Dead again?, Remember: always need get up again and fight!") elseif v == 5 then Print("Remember, ¡you are the best!, ¡you will kill him next time!") elseif v == 6 then Print("¿Dead?:(, this noob just have lucky!") elseif v == 7 then Print("Remember follow ur team, and then u got the win!") elseif v == 8 then Print("Go and fuck them right in tha ****") elseif v == 9 then Print("Maybe u need change some item in built") elseif v == 10 then Print("Remeber pick SOME AD / AP Defense in LateGame") elseif v == 11 then Print("Remember -> think first -> after press SPACE.") elseif v == 12 then Print("Play as a team, you have more chances for win the game.") elseif v == 13 then Print("Scripts not give you the win, ur brain + hands yes.") elseif v == 14 then Print("The cycle of life and death continues. We will live. They will die. - Nasus") elseif v == 15 then Print("Beware a man with nothing to lose - Varus") elseif v == 16 then Print("Tradition is the corpse of wisdom - Zed") elseif v == 17 then Print("Sometimes, Icy heart just need warm smile - Braum") elseif v == 18 then Print("Today we fight each other. Tomorrow, we may fight together. - Braum") elseif v == 19 then Print("Drown in pussy - Gragas") elseif v == 20 then Print("Force is meaningless without skill - Lee Sin") elseif v == 21 then Print("Comfort breeds weakness - Rengar.") elseif v == 22 then Print("So many noobs... will matchmaking ever find true balance? - Akali") elseif v == 23 then Print("Easy partner - Graves") elseif v == 24 then Print("Anger is motivation without reason. - Master Yi") elseif v == 25 then Print("Stay positive! - Lux") elseif v == 26 then Print("Make it count. - Ashe") elseif v == 27 then Print("When you fall, you get right back up. - Orianna") elseif v == 28 then Print("Gotta' die sometime! - Jinx") elseif v == 29 then Print("Hesitation is the seed of defeat. -Akali.") elseif v == 30 then Print("Try be more defensive maybe.") elseif v == 31 then Print("Game is done, dont worry.") elseif v == 32 then Print("Some times you cant carry game alone. But try do your best!") elseif v == 33 then Print("¿Dead again?, Remember Poro´s love you!") elseif v == 34 then Print("When shit happens, turn it into fertilizer. - Kute Blackson") elseif v == 35 then Print("CALM, is a super POWER. - Anonymous") elseif v == 36 then Print("Friends are like ^potatoes^... if you eat them, they die. - Sora") elseif v == 37 then Print("Devourer not stacked yet. (Cry) - Udyr") elseif v == 38 then Print("Sapphire, for virginity - Taric") elseif v == 39 then Print("Die with fear in your heart, or win with blood on your hands. - Aatrox") elseif v == 40 then Print("............ - Sona") elseif v == 41 then Print("OK - Rammus") elseif v == 42 then Print("You only need to click once, fool! - Mordekaiser") elseif v == 43 then Print("You can't milk those. - Alistar") elseif v == 44 then Print("Sometimes you're the catch, sometimes you're the bait. - Nami") elseif v == 45 then Print("If we approach strategically from the flank... ah, forget it. Let's just morph and eat them. - Swain") elseif v == 46 then Print("We can do this! - Lux") elseif v == 47 then Print("Fuck them by DEMACIA - Garen") elseif v == 48 then Print("Remember: Attitude is the most important. - Glaxy") elseif v == 49 then Print("I am in my period, dont disturb me. - Vladimir") elseif v == 50 then Print("Check ur built, maybe you need change some item for win the game.") end end function Lan_ES() if v == 0 then Print("¡Thanks for use " ..scriptname.."!, Regards, Glaxy!") elseif v == 1 then Print("No es fácil llegar a la cima, pero las vistas son gloriosas.") elseif v == 2 then Print("Si te rindes estas dejando en evidencia todo tu esfuerzo por llegar hasta aqui, VAMOS !") elseif v == 3 then Print("No te preocupes si fallas una vez o dos veces... Solo fallas de verdad cuando dejas de intentarlo.") elseif v == 4 then Print("El minimapa si... Una herramienta muy util, miralo siempre que puedas y pushea todo lo que puedas.") elseif v == 5 then Print("A veces para ayudarte a ti mismo significa tener que ayudar al equipo para poder ganar.") elseif v == 6 then Print("Morir solo es un acontecimmiento, lo importante es darlo todo siempre que tengas oportunidad.") elseif v == 7 then Print("EL dolor y la muerte son muy reales, pero el miedo a perder i/o a morir otra vez es solo una opcion.") elseif v == 8 then Print("El dolor es temporal pero la victoria es infinita.") elseif v == 9 then Print("Si quieres ganar esta partida trabaja con tu equipo, guardea todo lo que puedas y pushea todo lo puedas.") elseif v == 10 then Print("Piensa por un momento antes luchar que talvez sea mejor defender para poder ganar.") elseif v == 11 then Print("Puedes dejar las cosas como estan o intentar hacer algo para cambiarlas.") elseif v == 12 then Print("Lo que no te mata ta hace mas habil en el campo de batalla.") elseif v == 13 then Print("Tu puedes ganar. Claro que si no me crees compruebalo tu mismo. Vamos Demuestralo !") elseif v == 14 then Print("La violencia lo arregla todo ! - Katarina") elseif v == 15 then Print("Las cosas no son siempre lo que parecen.") elseif v == 16 then Print("Todo el mundo es un heroe hasta que vuelas una... o dos piernas... jeje - Graves") elseif v == 17 then Print("La habilidad es solo una mera ilusion de la mente, tu solo haz lo que tienes que hacer en el momento oportuno.") elseif v == 18 then Print("Solo hay dos bufones en la baraja y me tocas tu. - Twisted Fate") elseif v == 19 then Print("La ceguera no es un problema contra un enemigo apestoso - Lee Sin") elseif v == 20 then Print("Podemos hacer esto por las buenas o... Espera no... Solo por las malas -Vi") elseif v == 21 then Print("¿Mi profesión? Bueno... Simpre quise ser panadero... Si panadero. - Pantheon") elseif v == 22 then Print("Solo tú puedes oírme invocador. ¿Que obra maestra vamos a tocar hoy? - Sona") elseif v == 23 then Print("La muerte.... Es solo el principio. - Yorick") elseif v == 24 then Print("No todo esta perdido, siempre hay alguna posibilidad.") elseif v == 25 then Print("No cometas el mismo error 2 veces, antes de eso encuentra una solucion y te llevaras la victoria.") elseif v == 26 then Print("Un guerrero solo para de luchar cuando la muerte se lo manda.") elseif v == 27 then Print("Es una hablidad muy importante, la de mantener la calma cuando todos la han perdido.") elseif v == 28 then Print("La muerte es solo una etapa hacia la victoria.") elseif v == 29 then Print("Cuando vivas... Haz que sufran de una manera inteligente.") elseif v == 30 then Print("Recuerda, no hay victoria sin un perdedor y eso no puedes serlo si haces las cosas bien.") elseif v == 31 then Print("La derrota es solo una etapa hacia la verdadera victoria.") elseif v == 32 then Print("La llave de la immortalidad ? ... No morir nunca... - Maestro Yi.") elseif v == 33 then Print("Cuando se acava el tiempo, solo queda observar lo sembrado, ya sea bueno... O malo....") elseif v == 34 then Print("Solo un espiritu fuerte puede alzarse con la victoria.") elseif v == 35 then Print("Solo hay una manera de ganar. Destruye el nexo enemigo !! jeje") elseif v == 36 then Print("La muerte no será el fin. - Cho'Gath") elseif v == 37 then Print("El solo hecho de pensar en la derrota es rendirse antes de tiempo.") elseif v == 38 then Print("La excelencia esta alla donde yo decida poner el liston cada día. - Draven") elseif v == 39 then Print("La llave del exito ? No rendirte nunca, y menos cuando toda la gente ha perdido la esperanza.") elseif v == 40 then Print("............ - Sona") elseif v == 41 then Print("OK - Rammus") elseif v == 42 then Print("Eso no significa que tengas que rendirte ahora eh....") elseif v == 43 then Print("Bueno pero que tenemos aqui ?? No pienses que estas solo en esto. Nosotros te daremos apoyo des de aqui ^^") elseif v == 44 then Print("Sometimes you're the catch, sometimes you're the bait. - Nami") elseif v == 45 then Print("Todo el mundo tiene buenos momentos t malos, quedate siempre los bueno.") elseif v == 46 then Print("No te pases, animo tu puedes ganar esto. Yo creo en ti.") elseif v == 47 then Print("Hay lo que se llama mala suerte.") elseif v == 48 then Print("El solo hecho de pensar en la derrota es rendirse antes de tiempo.") elseif v == 49 then Print("Antes muerta, que aburrida. - Katarina.") elseif v == 50 then Print("Solo en combate descubres quien eres en realidad.") end end function OnDraw() if P1 then P1Sprite:Draw(515, 200, 255) P1Sprite:SetScale(1, 1) else P1Sprite:Draw(500, 200, 0) P1Sprite:SetScale(1, 1) end if P2 then P2Sprite:Draw(795, 200, 255) P2Sprite:SetScale(1, 1) else P2Sprite:Draw(795, 200, 0) P2Sprite:SetScale(1, 1) end if P3 then P3Sprite:Draw(1000, 200, 255) P3Sprite:SetScale(1, 1) else P3Sprite:Draw(1000, 200, 0) P3Sprite:SetScale(1, 1) end if EN then ENSprite:Draw(1209, 200, 255) ENSprite:SetScale(1, 1) else ENSprite:Draw(1209, 200, 0) ENSprite:SetScale(1, 1) end if POR then PORSprite:Draw(515, 299, 255) PORSprite:SetScale(1, 1) else PORSprite:Draw(515, 299, 0) PORSprite:SetScale(1, 1) end if ES then ESSprite:Draw(794, 299, 255) ESSprite:SetScale(1, 1) else ESSprite:Draw(790, 299, 0) ESSprite:SetScale(1, 1) end if ALE then ALESprite:Draw(1000, 299, 255) ALESprite:SetScale(1, 1) else ALESprite:Draw(1000, 299, 0) ALESprite:SetScale(1, 1) end if POL then POLSprite:Draw(1209, 299, 255) POLSprite:SetScale(1, 1) else POLSprite:Draw(1209, 299, 0) POLSprite:SetScale(1, 1) end if FR then FRSprite:Draw(515, 462, 255) FRSprite:SetScale(1, 1) else FRSprite:Draw(515, 462, 0) FRSprite:SetScale(1, 1) end if CH then CHSprite:Draw(794, 462, 255) CHSprite:SetScale(1, 1) else CHSprite:Draw(794, 462, 0) CHSprite:SetScale(1, 1) end if TUR then TURSprite:Draw(1000, 462, 255) TURSprite:SetScale(1, 1) else TURSprite:Draw(1000, 462, 0) TURSprite:SetScale(1, 1) end if KOR then KORSprite:Draw(1209, 462, 255) KORSprite:SetScale(1, 1) else KORSprite:Draw(1209, 462, 0) KORSprite:SetScale(1, 1) end end function AutoUpdate() local SCRIPT_NAME = "GlaxyMotivator" local UPDATE_HOST = "raw.githubusercontent.com" local UPDATE_PATH = "/Prot0o/Scripts/master/GlaxyMotivator.lua".."?rand="..math.random(1,10000) local UPDATE_FILE_PATH = SCRIPT_PATH.._ENV.FILE_NAME local UPDATE_URL = "https://"..UPDATE_HOST..UPDATE_PATH local ServerData = GetWebResult(UPDATE_HOST, "/Prot0o/Scripts/master/GlaxyMotivator.version") if ServerData then ServerVersion = type(tonumber(ServerData)) == "number" and tonumber(ServerData) or nil if ServerVersion then if tonumber(version) < ServerVersion then Print("New version available "..ServerVersion) Print(">>Updating, please don't press F9<<") DelayAction(function() DownloadFile(UPDATE_URL, UPDATE_FILE_PATH, function () Print("Successfully updated. ("..version.." => "..ServerVersion.."), press F9 twice to load the updated version.") end) end, 3) end else Print("Error while downloading version info") end end end