-- BiblioSpec format documentation -- These commands will create an empty BiblioSpec library when used with SQLite3. You can use them as a starting point for your own files. -- This file was generated by the "blibbuild -d" command during the ProteoWizard build process. Do not edit, it may be overwritten and your changes will be lost. CREATE TABLE LibInfo( -- gives top level information about library, including whether it is redundant or non-redundant (nr). Redundant libraries may have more than one spectrum per precursor. libLSID TEXT, -- LSID of form urn:lsid::spectral_library:bibliospec:: e.g. urn:lsid:proteome.gs.washington.edu:spectral_library:bibliospec:redundant:byonic.blib createTime TEXT, -- local creation time in ctime() format e.g. Thu Nov 16 17:02:18 2017 numSpecs INTEGER, -- number of spectra in this library (-1 means not yet counted) majorVersion INTEGER, -- revision number for this library (count starts at 1) minorVersion INTEGER -- Schema version number: -- Version 10 adds TIC as a column -- Version 9 adds Proteins and RefSpectraProteins tables -- Version 8 adds startTime and endTime -- Version 7 adds peak annotations -- Version 6 generalized ion mobility to value, high energy offset, and type (currently drift time msec, and inverse reduced ion mobility Vsec/cm2) -- Version 5 added small molecule columns -- Version 4 added collisional cross section for ion mobility, still supports drift time only -- Version 3 added product ion mobility offset information for Waters Mse IMS -- Version 2 added ion mobility information ) INSERT INTO LibInfo values('urn:lsid:proteome.gs.washington.edu:spectral_library:bibliospec:redundant:example','Fri Apr 14 09:57:02 2023',-1,0,10) CREATE TABLE RefSpectra ( -- spectrum metadata - actual mz/intensity pairs in RefSpectraPeaks id INTEGER primary key autoincrement not null, -- lookup key for RefSpectraPeaks peptideSeq VARCHAR(150), -- unmodified peptide sequence, can be left blank for small molecule use precursorMZ REAL, -- mz of the precursor that produced this spectrum precursorCharge INTEGER, -- should agree with adduct if provided peptideModSeq VARCHAR(200), -- modified peptide sequence, can be left blank for small molecule use prevAA CHAR(1), -- position of peptide in its parent protein (can be left blank) nextAA CHAR(1), -- position of peptide in its parent protein (can be left blank) copies INTEGER, -- number of copies this spectrum was chosen from if it is in a filtered library numPeaks INTEGER, -- number of peaks, should agree with corresponding entry in RefSpectraPeaks ionMobility REAL, -- ion mobility value, if known (see ionMobilityType for units) collisionalCrossSectionSqA REAL, -- precursor CCS in square Angstroms for ion mobility, if known ionMobilityHighEnergyOffset REAL, -- ion mobility value increment for fragments (see ionMobilityType for units) ionMobilityType TINYINT, -- ion mobility units (required if ionMobility is used, see IonMobilityTypes table for key) retentionTime REAL, -- chromatographic retention time in minutes, if known startTime REAL, -- start retention time in minutes, if known endTime REAL, -- end retention time in minutes, if known totalIonCurrent REAL, -- total ion current of spectrum moleculeName VARCHAR(128), -- precursor molecule's name (not needed for peptides) chemicalFormula VARCHAR(128), -- precursor molecule's neutral formula, may include value for unexplained mass e.g. H84C44N12O13[+3.3122] (not needed for peptides) precursorAdduct VARCHAR(128), -- ionizing adduct e.g. [M+Na], [2M-H2O+2H] etc (not needed for peptides) inchiKey VARCHAR(128), -- molecular identifier for structure retrieval (not needed for peptides) otherKeys VARCHAR(128), -- alternative molecular identifiers for structure retrieval, tab separated name:value pairs e.g. cas:58-08-2\thmdb:01847 (not needed for peptides) fileID INTEGER, -- index into SpectrumSourceFiles table for source file information SpecIDinFile VARCHAR(256), -- original spectrum label, id, or description in source file score REAL, -- spectrum score, typically a probability score (see scoreType) scoreType TINYINT -- spectrum score type, see ScoreTypes table for meaning ) CREATE TABLE Modifications ( -- modification masses and positions (peptide use only) id INTEGER primary key autoincrement not null, RefSpectraID INTEGER, -- the RefSpectra in which this modification occurs position INTEGER, -- position of the modified AA in the peptide (1-based) mass REAL -- incremental mass of the modification ) CREATE TABLE RefSpectraPeaks( -- mz and intensity values RefSpectraID INTEGER, -- ID of the RefSpectra containing these peaks peakMZ BLOB, -- mz values encoded as little-endian 64 bit doubles, length is determined by the numPeaks value in the corresponding RefSpectra. Usually zlib-compressed if compressed size is less than original size. peakIntensity BLOB -- mz values encoded as little-endian 32 bit floats, length is determined by the numPeaks value in the corresponding RefSpectra. Usually zlib-compressed if compressed size is less than original size. ) CREATE TABLE Proteins -- protein information for RefSpectra. (id INTEGER primary key autoincrement not null, accession VARCHAR(200) -- protein accession number ) CREATE TABLE RefSpectraProteins -- mapping of proteins between RefSpectra and Proteins tables. (RefSpectraId INTEGER not null, -- the RefSpectra being mapped to a protein ProteinId INTEGER not null -- the Protein for the RefSpectra ) CREATE TABLE RefSpectraPeakAnnotations -- optional annotations for peaks in RefSpectra. There may be more than one annotation per peak, and not every peak in a RefSpectra has to be annotated. (id INTEGER primary key autoincrement not null, RefSpectraID INTEGER not null, -- the RefSpectra containing the peak being annotated peakIndex INTEGER not null, -- index into the mz/intensity list for the RefSpectra name VARCHAR(256), -- fragment molecule name formula VARCHAR(256), -- fragment neutral chemical formula inchiKey VARCHAR(256), -- fragment molecular identifier for structure retrieval otherKeys VARCHAR(256), -- alternative molecular identifiers for fragment structure retrieval, tab separated e.g. cas:58-08-2\thmdb:01847 charge INTEGER, -- integer charge value, must agree with fragment adduct adduct VARCHAR(256), -- fragment adduct description, can include neutral loss e.g. [M+H] or [M-H2O+] comment VARCHAR(256), -- freetext comment mzTheoretical REAL not null, -- calculated mz, should agree with formula and adduct if any mzObserved REAL not null -- actual measured mz, should agree with the indexed mz found in the RefSpectra ) CREATE TABLE SpectrumSourceFiles ( -- information about the file or files from which this spectral library was derived id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY autoincrement not null, fileName VARCHAR(512), -- source spectrum file; same as idFilename if embedded spectra were used, otherwise the path to the external spectrum file (mzML/mzXML) idFileName VARCHAR(512), -- identification file, typically some kind of search tool output cutoffScore REAL -- filter threshold used when converting the source file to a BiblioSpec library. See RefSpectra scoreType field for information about the type of cutoff. ) CREATE TABLE ScoreTypes ( -- information about the various kinds of cutoff scores understood by BiblioSpec id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- as used in scoreType field of RefSpectra scoreType VARCHAR(128), -- name of the score type, probabilityType VARCHAR(128) -- detail about the cutoff logic used by each score type, PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_CORRECT, PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT, or NOT_A_PROBABILITY_VALUE ) INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(0, 'UNKNOWN', 'NOT_A_PROBABILITY_VALUE') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(1, 'PERCOLATOR QVALUE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(2, 'PEPTIDE PROPHET SOMETHING', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_CORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(3, 'SPECTRUM MILL', 'NOT_A_PROBABILITY_VALUE') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(4, 'IDPICKER FDR', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(5, 'MASCOT IONS SCORE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(6, 'TANDEM EXPECTATION VALUE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(7, 'PROTEIN PILOT CONFIDENCE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_CORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(8, 'SCAFFOLD SOMETHING', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_CORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(9, 'WATERS MSE PEPTIDE SCORE', 'NOT_A_PROBABILITY_VALUE') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(10, 'OMSSA EXPECTATION SCORE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(11, 'PROTEIN PROSPECTOR EXPECTATION SCORE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(12, 'SEQUEST XCORR', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(13, 'MAXQUANT SCORE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(14, 'MORPHEUS SCORE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(15, 'MSGF+ SCORE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(16, 'PEAKS CONFIDENCE SCORE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(17, 'BYONIC SCORE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(18, 'PEPTIDE SHAKER CONFIDENCE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_CORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(19, 'GENERIC Q-VALUE', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_INCORRECT') INSERT INTO ScoreTypes(id, scoreType, probabilityType) VALUES(20, 'HARDKLOR IDOTP', 'PROBABILITY_THAT_IDENTIFICATION_IS_CORRECT') CREATE TABLE IonMobilityTypes ( -- table of known ion mobility units id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- as used in ionMobilityType field of RefSpectra ionMobilityType VARCHAR(128) -- text description of ion mobility units ) INSERT INTO IonMobilityTypes(id, ionMobilityType) VALUES(0, 'none') INSERT INTO IonMobilityTypes(id, ionMobilityType) VALUES(1, 'driftTime(msec)') INSERT INTO IonMobilityTypes(id, ionMobilityType) VALUES(2, 'inverseK0(Vsec/cm^2)') INSERT INTO IonMobilityTypes(id, ionMobilityType) VALUES(3, 'compensation(V)')