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{ "application/json": {} } }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" }, "403": { "description": "You're not the room owner." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/booking/manage/roomPrices/delete": { "post": { "tags": [ "BookingManageRoomPrices" ], "summary": "Delete", "operationId": "delete", "requestBody": { "description": "Delete room prices", "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DeleteBookingRequest" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success" }, "400": { "description": "Missing fields" }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" }, "403": { "description": "You're not the room owner." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/booking/manage/availability/saveDefault": { "post": { "tags": [ "BookingManageAvailability" ], "summary": "Save the available rooms", "operationId": "saveDefault", "requestBody": { "description": "Save Booking information data", "required": true, 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permission to create this." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/booking/manage/discounts/remove": { "post": { "tags": [ "BookingManageDiscounts" ], "summary": "Removes a Discount", "operationId": "remove", "requestBody": { "description": "Booking Remove", "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/RemoveDiscountBookingRequest" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success" }, "400": { "description": "Missing fields" }, "401": { "description": "Invalid api token" }, "403": { "description": "You have no permission to create this." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/booking/manage/fill": { "post": { "tags": [ "FillingManage" ], "summary": "Fills days", "operationId": "fill", "requestBody": { "description": "Fill function", "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FillRequest" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Creation Response" }, "400": { "description": "Missing fields" }, "401": { "description": "Invalid api token" }, "403": { "description": "You have no permission to fill." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/booking/manage/list": { "post": { "tags": [ "BookingManage" ], "summary": "List a Booking", "operationId": "list", "requestBody": { "description": "Booking List information data", "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ListBookingRequest" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Booking List", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/BookingRoomsDTO" } } } } }, "400": { "description": "Wrong data" }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" }, "403": { "description": "You're not the room owner." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/booking/manage/roomPrices/create": { "post": { "tags": [ "BookingManageRoomPrices" ], "summary": "List of room prices from Bookings", "operationId": "create", "requestBody": { "description": "Booking List Create Section", "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CreateSectionsBookingRequest" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Room price section details", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/RoomPriceSectionDTO" } } } }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" }, "403": { "description": "You're not the room owner." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/booking/manage/roomPrices/": { "post": { "tags": [ "BookingManageRoomPrices" ], "summary": "Get Sections", "operationId": "getSection", "requestBody": { "description": "Get Sections for room prices when booking", "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GetSectionsBookingRequest" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Room price 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"security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/booking/manage/roomPrices/update": { "post": { "tags": [ "BookingManageRoomPrices" ], "summary": "List of room prices from Bookings", "operationId": "update", "requestBody": { "description": "Update", "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UpdateSectionsBookingRequest" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success" }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" }, "403": { "description": "You're not the room owner." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/booking/manage/status": { "post": { "tags": [ "BookingManage" ], "summary": "Status of a Booking", "operationId": "status", "requestBody": { "description": "Status of a Booking data", "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StatusBookingRequest" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Status Response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/BookingRoomsDTO" } } } }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" }, "403": { "description": "No booking made or booking is already validated." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/direction/country_list": { "get": { "tags": [ "Direction" ], "summary": "Retrieve all available countries", "operationId": "getCountries", "responses": { "200": { "description": "Country list", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CountryDTO" } } } } }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/direction/province_list": { "get": { "tags": [ "Direction" ], "summary": "Retrieve all Country provinces", "operationId": "getProvincesByCountry", "parameters": [ { "name": "country", "in": "query", "description": "Status values that need to be considered for filter", "required": true, "style": "form", "schema": { "type": "number", "format": "int32" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Province list", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProvinceDTO" } } } } }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/game/cancel": { "post": { "tags": [ "Game" ], "summary": "Stop a game that is not validated yet", "operationId": "cancel", "responses": { "200": { "description": "User data", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GameStatusResponse" } } } }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" }, "403": { "description": "No game started or game is already validated." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/game/rate": { "post": { "tags": [ "Game" ], "summary": "Send a rating to the room and finalize the game.", "operationId": "rateRoom", "requestBody": { "description": "Room information data", "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/RateGameRequest" } }, "multipart/form-data": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/RateGameRequest" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "User data", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GameStatusResponse" } } } }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" }, "403": { "description": "No game started or finalized" } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/game/start": { "post": { "tags": [ "Game" ], "summary": "Start a new game", "operationId": "start", "requestBody": { "description": "Room information data", "required": true, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StartGameRequest" } }, "multipart/form-data": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StartGameRequest" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "User data", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GameStatusResponse" } } } }, "400": { "description": "Missing fields" }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" }, "403": { "description": "User is not player or a game is already started." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/game/status": { "get": { "tags": [ "Game" ], "summary": "Get the active game status", "operationId": "getStatus", "parameters": [ { "name": "id", "in": "query", "description": "(Optional) Game ID, if not specified will return info about active game.", "required": false, "style": "form", "schema": { "type": "string" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "User data", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GameStatusResponse" } } } }, "401": { "description": "Invalid token" }, "403": { "description": "User is not player or game not exist." } }, "security": [ { "bearerAuth": [] } ] } }, "/private/game/validate": { "post": { "tags": [ "Game" ], "summary": "Set game as completed 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"number" }, "date": { "description": "Day and Time of Booking", "type": "string" }, "user_id": { "description": "User id if any", "type": "number" }, "status": { "description": "Status of Booking", "type": "BookingStatus" }, "price": { "description": "Price", "type": "number" }, "players": { "description": "Number of Players", "type": "number" }, "comission_percentage": { "description": "Percentage of comission", "type": "number" } }, "type": "object" }, "BookingStatusENUM": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "PENDING", "ACCEPTED", "SUCCESS", "CANCELLED" ] }, "RoomApiAuth": { "properties": { "owner_key": { "description": "Private api key for the Owner", "type": "string" }, "room_key": { "description": "Private api key for the Room", "type": "string" }, "room_id": { "description": "If no room key specified, this will be used", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "AvailableDays": { "properties": { "day": { "description": "Day. dd", "type": "string" }, "is_available": { "description": "Shows if available or not", "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, "AvailableHours": { "properties": { "hour": { "description": "Hour. hh:mm", "type": "string" }, "is_available": { "description": "Shows if available or not", "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, "BookingElementsHolidays": { "properties": { "id": { "description": "Id", "type": "number" }, "datetime": { "description": "Date time", "type": "string" }, "status": { "description": "Status", "type": "number" } }, "type": "object" }, "BookingElementsWithDiscount": { "properties": { "id": { "description": "Id", "type": "number" }, "datetime": { "description": "Date time", "type": "string" }, "status": { "description": "Status", "type": "number" }, "discount_percent": { "description": "Number for the discount", "type": "number" } }, "type": "object" }, "CancelBookingRequest": { "properties": { "auth": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/RoomApiAuth" }, "booking_id": { "description": "Booking Id", "type": "string" }, "do_reimbursment": { "description": "If has to do Reimbursment", "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, "CreateDiscountBookingRequest": { "properties": { "auth": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/RoomApiAuth" }, "discount_percentage": { "description": "Discount Percentage", "type": "number" }, "from_date": { "description": "From which Date", "type": "string" }, "from_hour": { "description": "From which Hour", "type": "string" }, "to_date": { "description": "To which Date", "type": "string" }, "to_hour": { "description": "To which Hour", "type": "string" }, "affected_weekdays": { "description": "Affected Weekdays", "type": "array", "items": { "description": "Affected WeekDays, 0 = Sunday & 6 = Saturday", "type": "number" } }, "replace_existing": { "description": "Replace Existing", "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, "GetDiscountBookingRequest": { "properties": { "auth": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/RoomApiAuth" }, "from_id": { "description": "From Id", "type": "number" } }, 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