#!/usr/bin/env bash ###################################################### # ProtonVPN CLI # ProtonVPN Command-Line Tool # # Made with <3 for Linux + macOS. ### #Author: Mazin Ahmed ###################################################### if [[ ("$UID" != 0) && ("$1" != "ip") && ("$1" != "-ip") && \ ("$1" != "--ip") && !( -z "$1") && ("$1" != "-h") && \ ("$1" != "--help") && ("$1" != "--h") && ("$1" != "-help") && \ ("$1" != "help") ]]; then echo "[!] Error: The program requires root access." exit 1 fi function check_requirements() { if [[ $(which openvpn) == "" ]]; then echo "[!] Error: openvpn is not installed. Install \`openvpn\` package to continue." exit 1 fi if [[ $(which python) == "" ]]; then echo "[!] Error: python is not installed. Install \`python\` package to continue." exit 1 fi if [[ $(which dialog) == "" ]]; then echo "[!] Error: dialog is not installed. Install \`dialog\` package to continue." exit 1 fi if [[ $(which wget) == "" ]]; then echo "[!] Error: wget is not installed. Install \`wget\` package to continue." exit 1 fi if [[ $(which sysctl) == "" ]]; then echo "[!] Error: sysctl is not installed. Install \`sysctl\` package to continue." exit 1 fi if [[ $(which sha512sum) == "" ]]; then echo "[!] Error: sha512sum is not installed. Install \`sha512sum\` package to continue." echo "Also check: https://github.com/ProtonVPN/protonvpn-cli/issues/45 for reference." exit 1 fi if [[ ! -x "/etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf" ]]; then echo "[!] Error: openvpn-resolv-conf is not installed." read -p "Would you like protonvpn-cli to install openvpn-resolv-conf? (y/n): " "user_confirm" if [[ "$user_confirm" == "y" ]]; then install_openvpn_update_resolv_conf else exit 1 fi fi } function get_home() { if [[ -z "$SUDO_USER" ]]; then CURRENT_USER="$(whoami)" else CURRENT_USER="$SUDO_USER" fi USER_HOME=$(getent passwd "$CURRENT_USER" 2> /dev/null | cut -d: -f6) if [[ -z "$USER_HOME" ]]; then USER_HOME="$HOME" fi echo "$USER_HOME" } function get_protonvpn_cli_home() { echo "$(get_home)/.protonvpn-cli" } function install_openvpn_update_resolv_conf() { if [[ ("$UID" != 0) ]]; then echo "[!] Error: installation requires root access." exit 1 fi echo "[*] Installing openvpn-update-resolv-conf" mkdir -p "/etc/openvpn/" file_sha512sum="81cf5ed20ec2a2f47f970bb0185fffb3e719181240f2ca3187dbee1f4d102ce63ab048ffee9daa6b68c96ac59d1d86ad4de2b1cfaf77f1b1f1918d143e96a588" wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ProtonVPN/scripts/master/update-resolv-conf.sh" -O "/etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf" if [[ ($? == 0) && ($(sha512sum "/etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf" | cut -d " " -f1) == "$file_sha512sum") ]]; then chmod +x "/etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf" echo "[*] Done." else echo "[!] Error installing openvpn-update-resolv-conf" exit 1 fi } function check_ip() { counter=0 ip="" while [[ "$ip" == "" ]]; do if [[ $counter -gt 0 ]]; then sleep 2 fi if [[ $counter -lt 3 ]]; then ip=$(wget --header 'x-pm-appversion: Other' --header 'x-pm-apiversion: 3' \ --header 'Accept: application/vnd.protonmail.v1+json' \ --timeout 3 -q -O /dev/stdout 'https://api.protonmail.ch/vpn/location' \ | python -c 'import json; _ = open("/dev/stdin", "r").read(); print(json.loads(_)["IP"])' 2> /dev/null) counter=$((counter+1)) else ip="Error." fi done echo "$ip" } function cli_debug() { if [[ "$PROTONVPN_CLI_DEBUG" == "true" ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "stdout" ]]; then echo "$2" > "/dev/stdout" elif [[ "$1" == "stderr" ]]; then echo "$2" > "/dev/stderr" fi fi } function create_vi_bindings() { echo -en " bindkey menubox \\j ITEM_NEXT bindkey menubox \\k ITEM_PREV bindkey menubox \\q ESC bindkey menubox \\g PAGE_FIRST bindkey menubox \\G PAGE_LAST bindkey menubox \\l FIELD_NEXT bindkey menubox \\h FIELD_NEXT " > "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/dialogrc" } function init_cli() { if [[ -f "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_openvpn_credentials" ]]; then echo -n "[!] user profile for protonvpn-cli has already been initialized. Would you like to start over with a fresh configuration? [Y/N]: " read "reset_profile" fi if [[ ("$reset_profile" == "n" || "$reset_profile" == "N") ]]; then echo "[*] Profile initialization canceled." exit 0 fi rm -rf "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/" # Previous profile will be removed/overwritten, if any. mkdir -p "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/" create_vi_bindings read -p "Enter OpenVPN username: " "openvpn_username" read -s -p "Enter OpenVPN password: " "openvpn_password" echo -e "$openvpn_username\n$openvpn_password" > "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_openvpn_credentials" chown "$USER:$(id -gn $USER)" "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_openvpn_credentials" chmod 0400 "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_openvpn_credentials" echo -e "\n[.] ProtonVPN Plans:\n1) Free\n2) Basic\n3) Plus\n4) Visionary" protonvpn_tier="" available_plans=(1 2 3 4) while [[ $protonvpn_tier == "" ]]; do read -p "Enter Your ProtonVPN plan ID: " "protonvpn_plan" case "${available_plans[@]}" in *"$protonvpn_plan"*) protonvpn_tier=$((protonvpn_plan-1)) ;; 4) protonvpn_tier=$((protonvpn_tier-1)) # Visionary gives access to the same VPNs as Plus. ;; *) echo "Invalid input." ;; esac done echo -e "$protonvpn_tier" > "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_tier" chown "$USER:$(id -gn $USER)" "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_tier" chmod 0400 "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_tier" chown -R "$USER:$(id -gn $USER)" "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/" chmod -R 0400 "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/" echo "[*] Done." } function detect_machine_type() { unameOut="$(uname -s)" case "${unameOut}" in Linux*) machine=Linux;; Darwin*) machine=Mac;; CYGWIN*) machine=Cygwin;; MINGW*) machine=MinGw;; *) machine="UNKNOWN" esac echo "$machine" } function manage_ipv6() { # ProtonVPN support for IPv6 coming soon. errors_counter=0 if [[ ("$1" == "disable") && ( $(detect_machine_type) != "Mac" ) ]]; then if [ ! -z "$(ip -6 a 2> /dev/null)" ]; then # Save linklocal address and disable IPv6. ip -6 a | awk '/^[0-9]/ {DEV=$2}/inet6 fe80/ {print substr(DEV,1,length(DEV)-1) " " $2}' > "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_address" if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1 &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi fi fi # Disable IPv6 in macOS. if [[ ("$1" == "disable") && ( $(detect_machine_type) == "Mac" ) ]]; then # Get list of services and remove the first line which contains a heading. ipv6_services="$( networksetup -listallnetworkservices | sed -e '1,1d')" # Go through the list disabling IPv6 for enabled services, and outputting lines with the names of the services. echo %s "$ipv6_services" | \ while read ipv6_service ; do # If first character of a line is an asterisk, the service is disabled, so we skip it. if [[ "${ipv6_service:0:1}" != "*" ]] ; then ipv6_status="$( networksetup -getinfo "$ipv6_service" | grep 'IPv6: ' | sed -e 's/IPv6: //')" if [[ "$ipv6_status" = "Automatic" ]] ; then networksetup -setv6off "$ipv6_service" echo "$ipv6_service" >> "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_services" fi fi done fi if [[ ("$1" == "enable") && ( ! -f "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_address" ) && ( $(detect_machine_type) != "Mac" ) ]]; then echo "[!] This is an error in enabling ipv6 on the machine. Please enable it manually." fi if [[ ("$1" == "enable") && ( -f "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_address" ) && ( $(detect_machine_type) != "Mac" ) ]]; then sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=0 &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi # Restore linklocal on default interface. while read -r DEV ADDR; do ip addr add "$ADDR" dev "$DEV" &> /dev/null if [[ ($? != 0) && ($? != 2) ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)) ; fi done < "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_address" rm -f "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_address" fi if [[ ("$1" == "enable") && ( ! -f "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_services" ) && ( $(detect_machine_type) == "Mac" ) ]]; then echo "[!] This is an error in enabling IPv6 on the machine. Please enable it manually." fi # Restore IPv6 in macOS. if [[ ("$1" == "enable") && ( -f "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_services" ) && ( $(detect_machine_type) == "Mac" ) ]]; then if [[ $(cat "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_services") == "" ]] ; then return fi ipv6_service=$(cat "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_services") while read ipv6_service ; do networksetup -setv6automatic "$ipv6_service" done < "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_services" rm -f "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.ipv6_services" fi if [[ $errors_counter != 0 ]]; then echo "[!] There are issues in managing IPv6 in the system. Please test the system for the root cause." echo "Not being able to manage IPv6 by protonvpn-cli might cause issues in leaking the system's IPv6 address." fi } function modify_dns_resolvconf() { if [[ ("$1" == "backup_resolvconf") && ( $(detect_machine_type) != "Mac" ) ]]; then cp "/etc/resolv.conf" "/etc/resolv.conf.protonvpn_backup" # backing-up current resolv.conf fi #if [[ ("$1" == "backup_resolvconf") && ( $(detect_machine_type) == "Mac" ) ]]; then # ToDo: Support for macOS #fi if [[ ("$1" == "to_protonvpn_dns") && ( $(detect_machine_type) != "Mac") ]]; then if [[ $(get_vpn_tier "$2") == "0" ]]; then dns_server="" # free tier dns else dns_server="" # paid tier dns fi echo -e "# ProtonVPN DNS - protonvpn-cli\nnameserver $dns_server" > "/etc/resolv.conf" fi #if [[ ("$1" == "to_protonvpn_dns") && ( $(detect_machine_type) == "Mac" ) ]]; then # ToDo: Support for macOS #fi if [[ "$1" == "revert_to_backup" && ( $(detect_machine_type) != "Mac" ) ]]; then cp "/etc/resolv.conf.protonvpn_backup" "/etc/resolv.conf" fi #if [[ ("$1" == "revert_to_backup") && ( $(detect_machine_type) == "Mac" ) ]]; then # ToDo: Support for macOS #fi } function is_openvpn_currently_running() { if [[ $(pgrep openvpn) == "" ]]; then echo false else echo true fi } function openvpn_disconnect() { max_checks=3 counter=0 if [[ "$1" != "quiet" ]]; then echo "Disconnecting..." fi if [[ $(is_openvpn_currently_running) == true ]]; then manage_ipv6 enable # Enabling IPv6 on machine. fi while [[ $counter -lt $max_checks ]]; do pkill -f openvpn sleep 0.50 if [[ $(is_openvpn_currently_running) == false ]]; then modify_dns_resolvconf revert_to_backup # Reverting to original resolv.conf rm -f "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.response_cache" 2> /dev/null # Removing cache if [[ "$1" != "quiet" ]]; then echo "[#] Disconnected." echo "[#] Current IP: $(check_ip)" fi if [[ "$2" != "dont_exit" ]]; then exit 0 fi fi counter=$((counter+1)) done if [[ "$1" != "quiet" ]]; then echo "[!] Error disconnecting OpenVPN." if [[ "$2" != "dont_exit" ]]; then exit 1 fi fi } function openvpn_connect() { if [[ $(is_openvpn_currently_running) == true ]]; then echo "[!] Error: OpenVPN is already running on this machine." exit 1 fi modify_dns_resolvconf backup_resolvconf # backuping-up current resolv.conf manage_ipv6 disable # Disabling IPv6 on machine. config_id=$1 selected_protocol=$2 if [[ $selected_protocol == "" ]]; then selected_protocol="udp" # Default protocol fi current_ip="$(check_ip)" if [[ "$PROTONVPN_CLI_LOG" == "true" ]]; then # PROTONVPN_CLI_LOG is retrieved from env. tempfile=$(mktemp -t protonvpn-cli-logs-XXXXXXXX) if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "[!] Error creating logging file."; exit 1; fi echo "[*] CLI logging mode enabled." echo -e "[*] Saving logs to: $tempfile" wget --header 'x-pm-appversion: Other' --header 'x-pm-apiversion: 3' \ --header 'Accept: application/vnd.protonmail.v1+json' \ --timeout 10 -q -O /dev/stdout "https://api.protonmail.ch/vpn/config?Platform=linux&LogicalID=$config_id&Protocol=$selected_protocol" \ | openvpn --daemon --config "/dev/stdin" --auth-user-pass "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_openvpn_credentials" --auth-nocache --auth-retry nointeract --verb 4 --log-append "$tempfile" &> "$tempfile" else wget --header 'x-pm-appversion: Other' --header 'x-pm-apiversion: 3' \ --header 'Accept: application/vnd.protonmail.v1+json' \ --timeout 10 -q -O /dev/stdout "https://api.protonmail.ch/vpn/config?Platform=linux&LogicalID=$config_id&Protocol=$selected_protocol" \ | openvpn --daemon --config "/dev/stdin" --auth-user-pass "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_openvpn_credentials" --auth-nocache --auth-retry nointeract fi echo "Connecting..." max_checks=3 counter=0 while [[ $counter -lt $max_checks ]]; do sleep 5 new_ip="$(check_ip)" if [[ ("$current_ip" != "$new_ip") && ("$new_ip" != "Error.") ]]; then modify_dns_resolvconf to_protonvpn_dns "$config_id" # Use protonvpn DNS server echo "[$] Connected!" echo "[#] New IP: $new_ip" exit 0 fi counter=$((counter+1)) done echo "[!] Error connecting to VPN." openvpn_disconnect quiet exit 1 } function update_cli() { if [[ "$(check_ip)" == "Error." ]]; then echo "[!] Error: There is an internet connection issue." exit 1 fi cli_path="/usr/local/bin/protonvpn-cli" if [[ ! -f "$cli_path" ]]; then echo "[!] Error: protonvpn-cli does not seem to be installed." exit 1 fi echo "[#] Checking for update." current_local_hashsum=$(sha512sum "$cli_path" | cut -d " " -f1) remote_=$(wget --timeout 6 -q -O /dev/stdout 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ProtonVPN/protonvpn-cli/master/protonvpn-cli.sh') if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "[!] Error: There is an error updating protonvpn-cli." exit 1 fi remote_hashsum=$( echo "$remote_" | sha512sum | cut -d ' ' -f1) if [[ "$current_local_hashsum" == "$remote_hashsum" ]]; then echo "[*] protonvpn-cli is up-to-date!" exit 0 else echo "[#] A new update is available." echo "[#] Updating..." wget -q --timeout 20 -O "$cli_path" 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ProtonVPN/protonvpn-cli/master/protonvpn-cli.sh' if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then echo "[#] protonvpn-cli has been updated successfully." exit 0 else echo "[!] Error: There is an error updating protonvpn-cli." exit 1 fi fi } function install_cli() { mkdir -p "/usr/bin/" "/usr/local/bin/" cli="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )/$0" errors_counter=0 cp "$cli" "/usr/local/bin/protonvpn-cli" &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi ln -s -f "/usr/local/bin/protonvpn-cli" "/usr/local/bin/pvpn" &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi ln -s -f "/usr/local/bin/protonvpn-cli" "/usr/bin/protonvpn-cli" &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi ln -s -f "/usr/local/bin/protonvpn-cli" "/usr/bin/pvpn" &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi chown "$USER:$(id -gn $USER)" "/usr/local/bin/protonvpn-cli" "/usr/local/bin/pvpn" "/usr/bin/protonvpn-cli" "/usr/bin/pvpn" &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi chmod 0755 "/usr/local/bin/protonvpn-cli" "/usr/local/bin/pvpn" "/usr/bin/protonvpn-cli" "/usr/bin/pvpn" &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi if [[ ($errors_counter == 0) || ( $(which protonvpn-cli) != "" ) ]]; then echo "[*] Done." else echo "[!] Error: There was an error in installing protonvpn-cli." fi } function uninstall_cli() { if [[ $(is_openvpn_currently_running) == true ]]; then echo "[!] OpenVPN is currently running." echo "[!] Session will be disconnected." openvpn_disconnect quiet dont_exit if [[ $(is_openvpn_currently_running) == true ]]; then # checking if it OpenVPN is still active. echo "[!] Error disconnecting OpenVPN." echo "[!] Please disconnect manually and try uninstallation again." exit 1 else echo "[#] Disconnected." fi fi errors_counter=0 rm -f "/usr/local/bin/protonvpn-cli" "/usr/local/bin/pvpn" "/usr/bin/protonvpn-cli" "/usr/bin/pvpn" &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi rm -rf "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/" &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then errors_counter=$((errors_counter+1)); fi if [[ ($errors_counter == 0) || ( $(which protonvpn-cli) == "" ) ]]; then echo "[*] Done." else echo "[!] Error: There was an error in uninstalling protonvpn-cli." fi } function check_if_profile_initialized() { _=$(cat "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_openvpn_credentials" "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_tier" &> /dev/null) if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "[!] Profile is not initialized." echo -e "Initialize your profile using: \n $(basename $0) --init" exit 1 fi } function connect_to_fastest_vpn() { check_if_profile_initialized if [[ $(is_openvpn_currently_running) == true ]]; then echo "[!] Error: OpenVPN is already running on this machine." exit 1 fi if [[ "$(check_ip)" == "Error." ]]; then echo "[!] Error: There is an internet connection issue." exit 1 fi echo "Fetching ProtonVPN Servers..." config_id=$(get_fastest_vpn_connection_id) selected_protocol="udp" openvpn_connect "$config_id" "$selected_protocol" } function connect_to_random_vpn() { check_if_profile_initialized if [[ $(is_openvpn_currently_running) == true ]]; then echo "[!] Error: OpenVPN is already running on this machine." exit 1 fi if [[ "$(check_ip)" == "Error." ]]; then echo "[!] Error: There is an internet connection issue." exit 1 fi echo "Fetching ProtonVPN Servers..." config_id=$(get_random_vpn_connection_id) available_protocols=("tcp" "udp") selected_protocol=${available_protocols[$RANDOM % ${#available_protocols[@]}]} openvpn_connect "$config_id" "$selected_protocol" } function connect_to_specific_server() { check_if_profile_initialized if [[ $(is_openvpn_currently_running) == true ]]; then echo "[!] Error: OpenVPN is already running on this machine." exit 1 fi if [[ "$(check_ip)" == "Error." ]]; then echo "[!] Error: There is an internet connection issue." exit 1 fi echo "Fetching ProtonVPN Servers..." server_list=$(get_vpn_config_details | tr ' ' '@') if [[ "$(echo "$2" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" == "tcp" ]]; then protocol="tcp" else protocol="udp" fi for i in $server_list; do id=$(echo "$i" | cut -d"@" -f1) name=$(echo "$i" | cut -d"@" -f2) if [[ "$(echo "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" == "$(echo "$name" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" ]]; then openvpn_connect "$id" "$protocol" fi done # If not found in $server_list. echo "[!] Error: Invalid server name, or server not accessible with your plan." exit 1 } function connection_to_vpn_via_dialog_menu() { check_if_profile_initialized if [[ $(is_openvpn_currently_running) == true ]]; then echo "[!] Error: OpenVPN is already running on this machine." exit 1 fi if [[ "$(check_ip)" == "Error." ]]; then echo "[!] Error: There is an internet connection issue." exit 1 fi available_protocols=("udp" " " "tcp" " ") IFS=$'\n' ARRAY=() echo "Fetching ProtonVPN Servers..." c2=$(get_vpn_config_details) counter=0 for i in $c2; do ID=$(echo "$i" | cut -d " " -f1) data=$(echo "$i" | tr '@' ' ' | awk '{$1=""; print $0}' | tr ' ' '@') counter=$((counter+1)) ARRAY+=($counter) ARRAY+=($data) done # Set DIALOGRC to a custom file including VI key binding if [[ -f "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/dialogrc" ]]; then export DIALOGRC="$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/dialogrc" fi config_id=$(dialog --clear --ascii-lines --output-fd 1 --title "ProtonVPN-CLI" --column-separator "@" \ --menu "ID - Name - Country - Load - EntryIP - ExitIP - Features" 35 300 "$((${#ARRAY[@]}))" "${ARRAY[@]}" ) clear if [[ $config_id == "" ]]; then exit 2 fi c=1 for i in $c2; do ID=$(echo "$i" | cut -d " " -f1) if [[ $c -eq $config_id ]]; then ID=$(echo "$i" | cut -d " " -f1) config_id=$ID break fi c=$((c+1)) done selected_protocol=$(dialog --clear --ascii-lines --output-fd 1 --title "ProtonVPN-CLI" \ --menu "Select Network Protocol" 35 80 2 "${available_protocols[@]}") clear if [[ $selected_protocol == "" ]]; then exit 2 fi openvpn_connect "$config_id" "$selected_protocol" } function get_fastest_vpn_connection_id() { response_output=$(wget --header 'x-pm-appversion: Other' --header 'x-pm-apiversion: 3' \ --header 'Accept: application/vnd.protonmail.v1+json' \ --timeout 20 -q -O /dev/stdout "https://api.protonmail.ch/vpn/logicals" | tee $(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.response_cache) tier=$(cat "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_tier") output=`python < 0: server_features.append(f) is_excluded = False for excluded_feature in excluded_features_on_fastest_connect: if excluded_feature in server_features: is_excluded = True if is_excluded is True: continue if (_["Tier"] <= int("""$tier""")): candidates_1.append(_) candidates_2_size = float(len(candidates_1)) / 100.00 * 5.00 candidates_2 = sorted(candidates_1, key=lambda l: l["Score"])[:int(math.ceil(candidates_2_size))] random_candidate = random.choice(candidates_2) vpn_connection_id = random_candidate["ID"] print(vpn_connection_id) END` echo "$output" } function get_random_vpn_connection_id() { response_output=$(wget --header 'x-pm-appversion: Other' --header 'x-pm-apiversion: 3' \ --header 'Accept: application/vnd.protonmail.v1+json' \ --timeout 20 -q -O /dev/stdout "https://api.protonmail.ch/vpn/logicals" | tee $(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/.response_cache) tier=$(cat "$(get_protonvpn_cli_home)/protonvpn_tier") output=`python < 0: server_features.append(f) if len(server_features) == 0: server_features_output = "None" else: server_features_output = ",".join(server_features) o = "{} {}@{}@{}@{}@{}@{}".format(_["ID"], _["Name"], \ _["EntryCountry"], _["Load"], _["Servers"][0]["EntryIP"], _["Servers"][0]["ExitIP"], \ str(server_features_output)) print(o) END` echo "$output" } function help_message() { echo echo -e "ProtonVPN Command-Line Tool\n" echo -e "Usage: $(basename $0) [option]\n" echo "Options:" echo " --init Initialize ProtonVPN profile on the machine." echo " -c, --connect Select and connect to a ProtonVPN server." echo " -c [server-name] [protocol] Connect to a ProtonVPN server by name." echo " -r, --random-connect Connect to a random ProtonVPN server." echo " -f, --fastest-connect Connect to the fastest available ProtonVPN server." echo " -d, --disconnect Disconnect the current session." echo " --ip Print the current public IP address." echo " --update Update protonvpn-cli." echo " --install Install protonvpn-cli." echo " --uninstall Uninstall protonvpn-cli." echo " -h, --help Show this help message." echo exit 0 } check_requirements user_input="$1" case $user_input in ""|"-h"|"--help"|"--h"|"-help"|"help") help_message ;; "-d"|"--d"|"-disconnect"|"--disconnect") openvpn_disconnect ;; "-r"|"--r"|"-random"|"--random"|"-random-connect"|"--random-connect") connect_to_random_vpn ;; "-f"|"--f"|"-fastest"|"--fastest"|"-fastest-connect"|"--fastest-connect") connect_to_fastest_vpn ;; "-c"|"-connect"|"--c"|"--connect") if [[ $# == 1 ]]; then connection_to_vpn_via_dialog_menu elif [[ $# > 1 ]]; then connect_to_specific_server "$2" "$3" fi ;; "ip"|"-ip"|"--ip") check_ip ;; "update"|"-update"|"--update") update_cli ;; "-init"|"--init") init_cli ;; "-install"|"--install") install_cli ;; "-uninstall"|"--uninstall") uninstall_cli ;; *) echo "[!] Invalid input: $user_input" help_message ;; esac exit 0