% GStreamer - Installation instructions for the GStreamer media framework. % % Psychtoolbox uses the GStreamer multi-media framework for all multi-media % related operations. On Windows with Matlab, GStreamer is also needed for % high quality text rendering via Screen('DrawText'). % % All movie playback, movie creation, video capture and video recording % operations are based on GStreamer. These functions won't work without a % working GStreamer installation on your system (with the exception of video % capture from firewire DCAM/IIDC machine vision cameras on Linux and OSX). % % You will need at least version 1.0 of GStreamer, but we recommend to % use the latest available stable release of the version 1 series. % % Installation instructions: % % % GNU/Linux: % % Any recent 2013 Linux distribution will include support for GStreamer-1 in its % package management system, so you can easily install it via the software % management tools of your system. If you install PTB via NeuroDebian, then most % GStreamer packages will get automatically installed, with the possible exception % of some optional packages with potential license or patent restrictions, so read on. % % You may need to install those extra plugin packages to play back all % common audio and video file formats like MP3 and MP4. Video or movie % recording with high quality (DivX, H.264) may also require recent % versions of additional plugin packages which contain support for these % formats. These may not installed by default due to licensing and patent % clauses in place for some territories on this planet. You may want to % specifically add them to your system depending on your format needs. % % An easy test is to run SimpleMovieDemo. If it fails or only plays sound, % but not video, then some of the plugins are missing, e.g., the important % "gst-libav" plugins. % % % MS-Windows and Apple OSX: % % You must install GStreamer if you want to use multi-media functions! % You must also install GStreamer if you want to use the high-quality text % renderer on Windows with Matlab, instead of the lower quality legacy GDI % text renderer. % % If you don't intend to use such functionality then installation of % GStreamer is optional. Screen will work normally, but abort with an error % message if you try to use any multi-media functions. For use with Octave-4 on % Windows you must install GStreamer regardless if you want to use multi-media % functionality or not, as the Screen() mex file won't work at all without GStreamer % installed. % % Download and install the latest 64-Bit ("x86_64") GStreamer runtimes from: % % % % You should check for and install the latest runtime packages available for your % system for best reliability and performance. However, as a convenience, at time % of this writing (April 2016) the required downloads would be: % % For MS-Windows: 64-Bit Intel runtime v1.8.0 for use with 64-Bit Matlab/Octave. % % % % For MS-Windows: 32-Bit Intel runtime v1.8.0 for use with 32-Bit GNU/Octave-4. % % % % For Apple OSX: Runtime v1.8.0 % % % % % When the installer asks you to select the components it should install, % select a "Custom installation" (instead of "Full installation" or "Basic % installation" or such). Then, in the displayed check list of packages to % install, select *all* components manually, if you want support for all % video formats and all functionality. Without this, many popular video % formats like H264 video will not play at all, or video recording / video % capture and similar functions may not work. In fact, even our own demos, % e.g., SimpleMovieDemo *will fail* if you don't have all codecs installed! % -> If SimpleMovieDemo doesn't work, then the most likely cause is that % you didn't select all GStreamer packages for installation, so restart the % installer and repeat installation with the full set of packages. % % % On Apple MacOSX, optionally you can also install GStreamer version 1.4 or later % via the Homebrew package manager, building the very latest GStreamer from % source code. This is more effort and takes more time for download and % installation, also it is so far completely untested for compatibility with % Psychtoolbox by us. At this point in time there are no known functional % advantages in using the HomeBrew build instead of the binary packages from % gstreamer.net, but whatever fancies you... % % 1. Get Homebrew at % 2. Then install GStreamer 1 and its plugins like this: % % brew install gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly gst-libav %