function varargout = PsychCV(varargin) % PsychCV is a MEX file for computer-vision applications. PsychCV has % many functions; type "PsychCV" for a list: % PsychCV % % Please note that PsychCV is only supported on recent platforms, e.g., % Matlab versions 7.4 (R2007a) and later or Octave-3 on Windows, and only % on Intel based Macintosh computers under OS/X but not on PowerPC % machines. % fprintf('Please note that PsychCV is only supported on few platforms,\n'); fprintf('and only for use with GNU/Octave, not with Matlab.\n'); fprintf('If you get some MEX file not found error, then your hardware/operating system combo\n'); fprintf('version is not supported by PsychCV yet.\n\n'); AssertMex('PsychCV.m');