function varargout = PsychKinect(varargin) % PsychKinect -- Control and access the Microsoft Kinect depth camera. % % This is a high level driver to allow convenient access to the Microsoft % Kinect box. The Kinect is a depth-sensing "3D camera". The Kinect % consists of a standard color camera (like any standard USB webcam) % to capture a scene at 640x480 pixels resolution in RGB8 color with up to % 30 frames per second. In addition it has a depth sensor that measures the % distance of each "pixel" from the camera. The Kinect delivers a color % image with depth information which can be used to infer the 3D structure % of the observed visual scene and to perform a 3D reconstruction of the % scene. % % See KinectDemo and Kinect3DDemo for two demos utilizing PsychKinect to % demonstrate this basic functions of the Kinect. % % PsychKinect internally uses the PsychKinectCore MEX file which actually % interfaces with the Kinect. % % The driver is currently supported on Microsoft Windows under % Matlab version 7.4 (R2007a) and later. It is also supported on % GNU/Linux with Matlab or Octave and on Intel based Macintosh computers % under OS/X with Matlab or Octave. The driver supports all versions of % the Microsoft Kinect on Linux and OSX, but currently only the original % XBOX-360 Kinect under Microsoft Windows. % % To use this driver you need: % 1. A Microsoft Kinect (price tag about 150$ at December 2010). % 2. A interface cable to connect the Kinect to a standard USB port of a % computer - sold separately or included in standalone Kinects. % 3. The free and open-source libfreenect + libusb libraries and drivers % from the OpenKinect project (Homepage: ) % % You need to install these libraries separately, otherwise our driver will % abort with an "Invalid MEX file" error. % % Type "help InstallKinect" for installation instructions and licensing % terms. % % % Subfunctions: % % Most functions are part of the PsychKinectCore() mex file, so you can get % help for them by typing PsychKinectCore FUNCTIONNAME ? as usual, with % FUNCTIONNAME being the name of the function you want to get help for. % % PsychKinect('Shutdown'); % - Release all internal resources of PsychKinect. % % % PsychKinect('ApplyCalibrationFile', kinect, calibFileName); % - Load Kinect calibration from a .yml calibration file 'calibFileName', as % created by rgbDemo software and apply it to Kinect with handle 'kinect'. % % % kobject = PsychKinect('CreateObject', window, kinect [, oldkobject]); % - Create a new kobject for the specified 'window', using the Kinect box % specified by the given 'kinect' handle. Recycle 'oldkobject' so save % memory and resources if 'oldkobject' is provided. Otherwise create a new % object. % % Do not use within Screen('BeginOpenGL', window); and Screen('EndOpenGL', % window); calls, as 2D mode is needed. % % % kobject encodes the 3D geometry of the scene as sensed by the Kinect. It % corresponds to the currently selected "3d video frame" from the kinect, % as selected by PsychKinect('GrabFrame', kinect); % kobject can then by accessed directly (it is a struct variable) or passed % to other PsychKinect functions for display and processing. % % PsychKinect('DeleteObject', window, kobject); % - Delete given 'kobject' for given 'window' once you no longer need it. % During a work-loop you could also pass 'kobject' to the next % PsychKinect('CreateObject', ...); call as 'oldkobject' to recycle it for % reasons of computational efficiency. % % Do not use within Screen('BeginOpenGL', window); and Screen('EndOpenGL', % window); calls, as 2D mode is needed. % % % PsychKinect('DrawObject', window, kobject [, drawtype=0]); % Draw the 3D scene stored in 'kobject' into the 'window' selected. Use the % current OpenGL settings for this. 'drawtype' is optional and defines kind % of rendering: 0 (the default) draws a colored point-cloud of all sensed % 3D points. 1 draws a dense textured 3D surface mesh. % % This function must be enclosed between Screen('BeginOpenGL', window); % and Screen('EndOpenGL', window); calls, as 3D mode is needed. % % History: % 5.12.2010 mk Initial version written. global GL; persistent kinect_opmode; persistent glsl; persistent idxvbo; persistent idxbuffersize; persistent isCalibrated; % Command specified? Otherwise we output the help text of us and % the low level driver: if nargin > 0 cmd = varargin{1}; else help PsychKinect; PsychKinectCore; return; end if isempty(isCalibrated) isCalibrated = 0; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'Shutdown'); glsl = []; idxvbo = []; idxbuffersize = []; isCalibrated = 0; kinect_opmode = []; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'ApplyCalibrationFile') if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{2}) error('You must provide a valid "kinect" handle as 1st argument!'); end kinect = varargin{2}; if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{3}) || ~ischar(varargin{3}) error('You must provide a valid "calibrationFile" filename as 2nd argument!'); end calFilename = varargin{3}; [fd errmsg] = fopen(calFilename, 'rt'); if fd == -1 error('Could not open calibration file "%s". Error was: %s.\n', calFilename, errmsg); end if isempty(strfind(fgets(fd), 'YAML')) fclose(fd); error('Not a valid Kinect calibration file "%s"!\n', calFilename); end while 1 cur = fgets(fd); if cur == -1 break; end if strfind(cur, 'rgb_intrinsics') fgets(fd); fgets(fd); fgets(fd); cur = ''; while isempty(strfind(cur, ']')) cur = strcat(cur , fgets(fd)); end sm = strfind(cur, '[') + 1; em = strfind(cur, ']') - 1; cur = cur(sm:em); mat = sscanf(cur, '%f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f'); rgb_intrinsics = transpose(reshape(mat, 3, 3)) end if strfind(cur, 'depth_intrinsics') fgets(fd); fgets(fd); fgets(fd); cur = ''; while isempty(strfind(cur, ']')) cur = strcat(cur , fgets(fd)); end sm = strfind(cur, '[') + 1; em = strfind(cur, ']') - 1; cur = cur(sm:em); mat = sscanf(cur, '%f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f'); depth_intrinsics = transpose(reshape(mat, 3, 3)) end if strfind(cur, 'R') fgets(fd); fgets(fd); fgets(fd); cur = ''; while isempty(strfind(cur, ']')) cur = strcat(cur , fgets(fd)); end sm = strfind(cur, '[') + 1; em = strfind(cur, ']') - 1; cur = cur(sm:em); mat = sscanf(cur, '%f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f'); R = transpose(reshape(mat, 3, 3)) end if strfind(cur, 'depth_distortion') fgets(fd); fgets(fd); fgets(fd); cur = ''; while isempty(strfind(cur, ']')) cur = strcat(cur , fgets(fd)); end sm = strfind(cur, '[') + 1; em = strfind(cur, ']') - 1; cur = cur(sm:em); mat = sscanf(cur, '%f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f'); depth_distortion = mat end if strfind(cur, 'rgb_distortion') fgets(fd); fgets(fd); fgets(fd); cur = ''; while isempty(strfind(cur, ']')) cur = strcat(cur , fgets(fd)); end sm = strfind(cur, '[') + 1; em = strfind(cur, ']') - 1; cur = cur(sm:em); mat = sscanf(cur, '%f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f %*s %f'); rgb_distortion = mat end if strfind(cur, 'T') fgets(fd); fgets(fd); fgets(fd); cur = ''; while isempty(strfind(cur, ']')) cur = strcat(cur , fgets(fd)); end sm = strfind(cur, '[') + 1; em = strfind(cur, ']') - 1; cur = cur(sm:em); mat = sscanf(cur, '%f %*s %f %*s %f'); T = mat end if strfind(cur, 'depth_base_and_offset') fgets(fd); fgets(fd); fgets(fd); cur = ''; while isempty(strfind(cur, ']')) cur = strcat(cur , fgets(fd)); end sm = strfind(cur, '[') + 1; em = strfind(cur, ']') - 1; cur = cur(sm:em); mat = sscanf(cur, '%f %*s %f'); depth_base_and_offset = mat end end fclose(fd); % Done parsing the file. Apply parameters to specified kinect: PsychKinect('SetBaseCalibration', kinect, [depth_intrinsics(1,1), depth_intrinsics(2,2), depth_intrinsics(1,3), depth_intrinsics(2,3)], ... [rgb_intrinsics(1,1), rgb_intrinsics(2,2), rgb_intrinsics(1,3), rgb_intrinsics(2,3)], ... R, T, depth_distortion, rgb_distortion, depth_base_and_offset); isCalibrated = 1; fprintf('PsychKinect: Info: Calibration from file %s applied to kinect handle %i.\n', calFilename, kinect); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'CreateObject') if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{2}) error('You must provide a valid "window" handle as 1st argument!'); end win = varargin{2}; if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{3}) error('You must provide a valid "kinect" handle as 2nd argument!'); end kinect = varargin{3}; if nargin < 4 || isempty(varargin{4}) kmesh.tex = []; kmesh.vbo = []; kmesh.buffersize = 0; else kmesh = varargin{4}; end if isempty(kinect_opmode) exts = glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS); has_vbos = ~isempty(findstr(exts, '_vertex_buffer_object')); has_shader = ~isempty(findstr(exts, 'GL_ARB_shading_language')) && ... ~isempty(findstr(exts, 'GL_ARB_shader_objects')) && ... ~isempty(findstr(exts, 'GL_ARB_vertex_shader')) && ... ~isempty(findstr(exts, 'GL_ARB_fragment_shader')); has_gshader = has_shader && ~isempty(findstr(exts, 'GL_ARB_geometry_shader')); has_drawinst = ~isempty(findstr(exts, 'GL_ARB_draw_instanced')); % Ok, this is not strictly correct in theory, but pretty much in practice;-) has_vtfetch = has_gshader && (glGetIntegerv(GL.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS) > 0); if ~has_vbos % Ancient hardware: Use slow cpu path: kinect_opmode = 0; fprintf('PsychKinect: VBO''s not supported by your GPU: Using slow path for mesh rendering.\n'); else % At least VBO's supported: kinect_opmode = 1; fprintf('PsychKinect: VBO''s supported by your GPU: Using faster path for mesh rendering.\n'); % Shader support, so we can do almost all math in the vertex shader? if has_shader % Could use 2 or 3, but 3 does depths conversion in shader and % is drastically faster than 2. Downside: Only float precision % instead of double precision for conversion, however no perceptible % difference. kinect_opmode = 3; fprintf('PsychKinect: Shaders supported by your GPU: Using fast shader-path for mesh rendering.\n'); end % Support for geometry shaders, vertex texture fetch and instanced draw? if has_shader && has_gshader && has_vtfetch && has_drawinst % TODO: IMPLEMENT SUPPORT kinect_opmode = 4; end end end = []; kmesh.rgb = []; % Turn RGB video camera image into a Psychtoolbox texture and corresponding % OpenGL rectangle texture: [imbuff, width, height, channels] = PsychKinectCore('GetImage', kinect, 0, 1); if width > 0 && height > 0 kmesh.tex = Screen('SetOpenGLTextureFromMemPointer', win, kmesh.tex, imbuff, width, height, channels, 1, GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT); [ gltexid gltextarget ] =Screen('GetOpenGLTexture', win, kmesh.tex); kmesh.gltexid = gltexid; kmesh.gltextarget = gltextarget; else varargout{1} = []; fprintf('PsychKinect: WARNING: Failed to fetch RGB image data!\n'); return; end if kinect_opmode == 0 % Dumb mode: Return a complete matrix with encoded vertex positions % and vertex colors: [foo, width, height, channels, glformat] = PsychKinect('GetDepthImage', kinect, 2, 0); foo = reshape (foo, 6, size(foo,2) * size(foo,3)); = foo(1:3, :); kmesh.rgb = foo(4:6, :); kmesh.type = 0; kmesh.glformat = glformat; end if kinect_opmode == 1 % Fetch databuffer with preformatted data for a VBO that % contains interleaved (vx,vy,vz) 3D vertex positions and (tx,ty) % 2D texture coordinates, i.e., (vx,vy,vz,tx,ty) per element: [vbobuffer, width, height, channels, glformat] = PsychKinect('GetDepthImage', kinect, 3, 1); if width > 0 && height > 0 Screen('BeginOpenGL', win); if isempty(kmesh.vbo) kmesh.vbo = glGenBuffers(1); end glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, kmesh.vbo); kmesh.buffersize = width * height * channels * 8; glBufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, kmesh.buffersize, vbobuffer, GL.STREAM_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); Screen('EndOpenGL', win); kmesh.Stride = channels * 8; kmesh.textureOffset = 3 * 8; kmesh.nrVertices = width * height; kmesh.type = 1; kmesh.glformat = glformat; else varargout{1} = []; fprintf('PsychKinect: WARNING: Failed to fetch VBO geometry data!\n'); return; end end if kinect_opmode == 2 || kinect_opmode == 3 if isempty(glsl) % First time init of shader: % Fetch all camera calibration parameters from PsychKinectCore for this kinect: [depthsIntrinsics, rgbIntrinsics, R, T, depthsUndistort, rgbUndistort, depth_base_and_offset] = PsychKinectCore('SetBaseCalibration', kinect); [fx_d, fy_d, cx_d, cy_d] = deal(depthsIntrinsics(1), depthsIntrinsics(2), depthsIntrinsics(3), depthsIntrinsics(4)); [fx_rgb, fy_rgb, cx_rgb, cy_rgb] = deal(rgbIntrinsics(1), rgbIntrinsics(2), rgbIntrinsics(3), rgbIntrinsics(4)); [k1_d, k2_d, p1_d, p2_d, k3_d] = deal(depthsUndistort(1), depthsUndistort(2), depthsUndistort(3), depthsUndistort(4), depthsUndistort(5)); [k1_rgb, k2_rgb, p1_rgb, p2_rgb, k3_rgb] = deal(rgbUndistort(1), rgbUndistort(2), rgbUndistort(3), rgbUndistort(4), rgbUndistort(5)); if kinect_opmode == 2 % Standard shader: Doesn't do initial sensor -> depths conversion. glsl = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('KinectShaderStandard'); else % Compressed shader: Does this first step as well, albeit only with % single precision float precision instead of the double precision of % the C implementation. Drastically faster and no perceptible difference, % but that doesn't mean there isn't any: glsl = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('KinectShaderCompressed'); end % Assign all relevant camera parameters to shader: Optical undistortion data isn't % used yet, but would be easy to do at least for the rgb camera, within a fragment % shader: glUseProgram(glsl); glUniform4f(glGetUniformLocation(glsl, 'depth_intrinsic'), fx_d, fy_d, cx_d, cy_d); glUniform4f(glGetUniformLocation(glsl, 'rgb_intrinsic'), fx_rgb, fy_rgb, cx_rgb, cy_rgb); glUniformMatrix3fv(glGetUniformLocation(glsl, 'R'), 1, GL.TRUE, R); glUniform3fv(glGetUniformLocation(glsl, 'T'), 1, T); if kinect_opmode ~= 2 glUniform2fv(glGetUniformLocation(glsl, 'depth_base_and_offset'), 1, depth_base_and_offset); end glUseProgram(0); repeatedscan = 0; else repeatedscan = 1; end if isempty(idxvbo) toponame = [PsychtoolboxConfigDir 'kinect_quadmeshtopology.mat']; if exist(toponame,'file') load(toponame); else tic; fprintf('Building mesh topology. This is a one time effort that can take some seconds. Please standby...\n'); % Build static fixed mesh topology for a GL_QUADS style mesh: meshindices = uint32(zeros(4, 639, 479)); for yi=1:479 for xi=1:639 meshindices(1, xi, yi) = (yi-1+0) * 640 + (xi-1+0); meshindices(2, xi, yi) = (yi-1+0) * 640 + (xi-1+1); meshindices(3, xi, yi) = (yi-1+1) * 640 + (xi-1+1); meshindices(4, xi, yi) = (yi-1+1) * 640 + (xi-1+0); end end save(toponame, '-V6', 'meshindices'); fprintf('...done. Saved to file to save startup time next time you use me. Took at total of %f seconds.\n\n', toc); end idxvbo = glGenBuffers(1); glBindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, idxvbo); idxbuffersize = 479 * 639 * 4 * 4; glBufferData(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, idxbuffersize, meshindices, GL.STATIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); end % Fetch databuffer with preformatted data for a VBO that % contains interleaved (x,y,vz) 3D vertex positions: if kinect_opmode == 2 format = 4 + repeatedscan; else % Opmode 3 outsources computation of raw depths from raw sensor data to the % Vertex shader as well, maybe with slightly reduced precision: format = 6 + repeatedscan; end [vbobuffer, width, height, channels, glformat] = PsychKinect('GetDepthImage', kinect, format, 1); if width > 0 && height > 0 Screen('BeginOpenGL', win); if isempty(kmesh.vbo) kmesh.vbo = glGenBuffers(1); end glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, kmesh.vbo); kmesh.buffersize = width * height * channels * 8; glBufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, kmesh.buffersize, vbobuffer, GL.STREAM_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); Screen('EndOpenGL', win); kmesh.Stride = channels * 8; kmesh.textureOffset = 0; kmesh.nrVertices = width * height; kmesh.type = kinect_opmode; kmesh.glsl = glsl; kmesh.glformat = glformat; else varargout{1} = []; fprintf('PsychKinect: WARNING: Failed to fetch VBO geometry data!\n'); return; end end % Store handle to kinect: kmesh.kinect = kinect; kmesh.idxvbo = idxvbo; kmesh.idxbuffersize = idxbuffersize; varargout{1} = kmesh; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'DeleteObject') if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{2}) error('You must provide a valid "window" handle as 1st argument!'); end win = varargin{2}; if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{3}) error('You must provide a valid "mesh" struct as 2nd argument!'); end kmesh = varargin{3}; if ~isempty(kmesh.tex) Screen('Close', kmesh.tex); end if kmesh.type == 0 return; end if kmesh.type == 1 || kmesh.type == 2 || kmesh.type == 3 if ~isempty(kmesh.vbo) glDeleteBuffers(1, kmesh.vbo); end return; end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'RenderObject') if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{2}) error('You must provide a valid "window" handle as 1st argument!'); end win = varargin{2}; if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{3}) error('You must provide a valid "mesh" struct as 2nd argument!'); end kmesh = varargin{3}; if nargin < 4 || isempty(varargin{4}) drawtype = 0; else drawtype = varargin{4}; end % Primitive way: All data encoded inside, kmesh.rgb as % double matrices. Use PTB function to draw it. Sloooow: if kmesh.type == 0 moglDrawDots3D(win,, 2, kmesh.rgb, [], 1); end % VBO with encoded texture coordinates? if kmesh.type == 1 % Yes. No need for GPU post-processing, just bind & draw: glPushAttrib(GL.ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); % Activate and bind texture on unit 0: glActiveTexture(GL.TEXTURE0); glEnable(kmesh.gltextarget); glBindTexture(kmesh.gltextarget, kmesh.gltexid); % Textures color texel values shall modulate the color computed by lighting model: glTexEnvfv(GL.TEXTURE_ENV,GL.TEXTURE_ENV_MODE,GL.MODULATE); glColor3f(1,1,1); % Use alpha blending, so fragment alpha has desired effect: glEnable(GL.BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL.SRC_ALPHA, GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); % Activate and bind VBO: glEnableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, kmesh.vbo); glVertexPointer(3, GL.DOUBLE, kmesh.Stride, 0); glEnableClientState(GL.TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glTexCoordPointer(2, GL.DOUBLE, kmesh.Stride, kmesh.textureOffset); % Pure point cloud rendering requested? if drawtype == 0 glDrawArrays(GL.POINTS, 0, kmesh.nrVertices); end if drawtype == 1 glBindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, kmesh.idxvbo); glDrawRangeElements(GL.QUADS, 0, 479 * 640 + 639, kmesh.idxbuffersize / 4, GL.UNSIGNED_INT, 0); glBindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); end glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glDisableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL.TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glBindTexture(kmesh.gltextarget, 0); glDisable(kmesh.gltextarget); glPopAttrib; end if kmesh.type == 2 || kmesh.type == 3 % Yes. Need for GPU post-processing: % Activate and bind texture on unit 0: glPushAttrib(GL.ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); glActiveTexture(GL.TEXTURE0); glEnable(kmesh.gltextarget); glBindTexture(kmesh.gltextarget, kmesh.gltexid); % Textures color texel values shall modulate the color computed by lighting model: glTexEnvfv(GL.TEXTURE_ENV,GL.TEXTURE_ENV_MODE,GL.MODULATE); glColor3f(1,1,1); % Use alpha blending, so fragment alpha has desired effect: glEnable(GL.BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL.SRC_ALPHA, GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); % Activate and bind VBO: glEnableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, kmesh.vbo); if kmesh.type == 3 glVertexPointer(2, kmesh.glformat, kmesh.Stride, 0); else glVertexPointer(3, kmesh.glformat, kmesh.Stride, 0); end glUseProgram(kmesh.glsl); % Pure point cloud rendering requested? if drawtype == 0 glDrawArrays(GL.POINTS, 0, kmesh.nrVertices); end if drawtype == 1 glBindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, kmesh.idxvbo); glDrawRangeElements(GL.QUADS, 0, 479 * 640 + 639, kmesh.idxbuffersize / 4, GL.UNSIGNED_INT, 0); glBindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); end glUseProgram(0); glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glDisableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); glBindTexture(kmesh.gltextarget, 0); glDisable(kmesh.gltextarget); glPopAttrib; end return; end % No matching command found: Pass all arguments to the low-level % PsychKinectCore mex file driver. Low level command might be % implemented there: [ varargout{1:nargout} ] = PsychKinectCore(varargin{:}); return;