function [versionString, versionStructure] = PsychtoolboxVersion % % [versionString, versionStructure] = PsychtoolboxVersion % % Return a string identifying this release of the Psychtoolbox. % The first three numbers identify the base version of Psychtoolbox: % % - Leftmost (major version): Increments indicate a disruptive change in % the feature set, application programming interfaces or core design of the % software, by abrupt introduction of drastic design changes. This should % never happen, as this would mean a completely new product, entirely % incompatible with the old software. % % - Middle (minor version): Increments indicate very significant % enhancements or changes in functionality. This would for example happen % if there would be backwards incompatible changes to the programming % interface or functionality which may require code adjustments in user % code or even choosing different hardware or operating systems to run it. % This will usually only happen every couple of years at most. % % - Rightmost (patch level): A counter to distinguish multiple releases % having the same leftmost and middle version numbers. It increments if we % cancel support for platforms (Matlab/Octave versions, operating system % versions, processor architectures etc.). This happens occasionally. % % Numeric values of the three integer fields contained in versionString are % available in fields of the second return argument, "versionStructure". % % If Psychtoolbox was installed using Neurodebian or GIT, this source % is available in the field 'Flavor'. % % Using SVN, the field 'Flavor' defines the subtype of Psychtoolbox being used: % % * beta: The term 'current' is a synonym for 'beta'. Beta releases are the % only releases we provide at this point. 'Beta' is a historical name, not % anything is really much of beta quality about them, they are considered % the most stable and trustworthy releases. % % * trunk: Development prototypes, for testing and debugging by developers % and really adventureous users, not for production use! % % * Psychtoolbox-x.y.z: Old, no longer supported Psychtoolbox versions. % % * Debian package: A Psychtoolbox provided by GNU/Debian, Ubuntu or NeuroDebian. % % The revision number and the provided URL allows you to visit the developer % website in the Internet and get direct access to all development logs % regarding your working copy of Psychtoolbox. % % Be aware that execution of the PsychtoolboxVersion command can take a lot % of time (in the order of multiple seconds to 1 minute). % % Most Psychtoolbox mex files now provide a built-in 'Version' command % which returns version for themselves. The version string for the % built-in version numbers contains a fourth numeric field named "build". % The build number is a unique serial number. Mex files distinguished only % by build numbers were compiled from identical C source files. % % _________________________________________________________________________ % % see also: Screen('Version') % 2/9/01 awi added fullfile command for platform-independent pathname % 6/29/02 dgp Use new PsychtoolboxRoot function to cope with user-changed folder names. % 7/12/04 awi ****** OS X-specific fork from the OS 9 version ******* % Noted mex file versioning. % 7/26/04 awi Partitioned help and added OS X section. Enhanced % OS9+Windows section. % 10/4/05 awi Note here that dgp changed "IsWindows" to "IsWin" at unknown date prior % between 7/26/04 and 10/4/05. % % 5/5/06 mk Tries to query info from Subversion and displays info about last date % of change, SVN revision and flavor. This code is pretty experimental and % probably also somewhat fragile. And its sloooow. % 9/17/06 mk Improvements to parser: We try harder to get the flavor info. % 10/31/11 mk Update for our new hoster GoogleCode. % 04/30/12 mk Kill MacOS-9 support. % 05/27/12 mk Switch over to GitHub hosting. % 08/06/14 mk Integrate (Neuro)Debian versioning support. Cleanups. % 10/28/20 mk Add SVN support via Matlabs SVNKit. Clarify versioning scheme. % 11/04/20 ia Add support for git or manual install methods global Psychtoolbox if ~isfield(Psychtoolbox,'version') Psychtoolbox.version.major=0; Psychtoolbox.version.minor=0; Psychtoolbox.version.point=0; Psychtoolbox.version.string=''; Psychtoolbox.version.flavor=''; Psychtoolbox.version.revision=0; Psychtoolbox.version.revstring=''; Psychtoolbox.version.websvn = ''; file=fullfile(PsychtoolboxRoot,'Contents.m'); fileinfo = dir(file); % get the filesystem date of this file f=fopen(file,'r'); fgetl(f); s=fgetl(f); fclose(f); [cvv,count,errmsg,n]=sscanf(s,'%% Version %d.%d.%d',3); ss=s(n:end); contentsdate=ss(min(find(ss-' ')):end); %#ok Psychtoolbox.version.major=cvv(1); Psychtoolbox.version.minor=cvv(2); Psychtoolbox.version.point=cvv(3); gitfolder = PsychtoolboxRoot(); i=find(filesep==gitfolder); gitfolder = [gitfolder(1:i(end-1)) '.git']; if exist(gitfolder ,'dir') isGIT = true; else isGIT = false; end if exist([PsychtoolboxRoot '.svn'],'dir') isSVN = true; else isSVN = false; end if any(strcmp(PsychtoolboxRoot, {'/usr/share/octave/site/m/psychtoolbox-3/', ... '/usr/share/matlab/site/m/psychtoolbox-3/', '/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/'})) % It is a Debian version of the package Psychtoolbox.version.flavor = 'Debian package'; [status, result] = system('zcat /usr/share/doc/psychtoolbox-3-common/changelog.Debian.gz| head -1 | sed -e "s/).*/)/g"'); if status == 0 Psychtoolbox.version.revstring = result(1:end-1); else Psychtoolbox.version.revstring = 'WARNING: failed to obtain Debian revision'; end if IsOctave infourl = ''; else infourl = ''; end % Build final version string: Psychtoolbox.version.string = sprintf('%d.%d.%d - Flavor: %s - %s\nFor more info visit:\n%s', Psychtoolbox.version.major, Psychtoolbox.version.minor, Psychtoolbox.version.point, ... Psychtoolbox.version.flavor, Psychtoolbox.version.revstring, infourl); % Old: Retrieve the date of the Debian release: % Does not work anymore, as date is no longer part of upstream release tags. % Use contentsdate from Psychtoolbox main help file instead: = contentsdate; % sscanf(result, 'psychtoolbox-3 (%*d.%*d.%*d.%d.%*s'); elseif isGIT == true %assume a GIT install gitstatus = GetGITInfo(PsychtoolboxRoot); if ~isempty(gitstatus) Psychtoolbox.version.flavor = 'GIT Branch'; Psychtoolbox.version.revision = gitstatus.Revision; Psychtoolbox.version.revstring = gitstatus.Describe; [r1,r2] = regexp(gitstatus.RemoteRepository{1},'http[^\s]+'); if ~isempty(r1) remoteURL = gitstatus.RemoteRepository{1}(r1:r2); else remoteURL = ''; end % Build final version string: Psychtoolbox.version.string = sprintf('%d.%d.%d - Flavor: %s - Commit %s\nFor more info visit:\n%s', ... Psychtoolbox.version.major, Psychtoolbox.version.minor, Psychtoolbox.version.point, ... Psychtoolbox.version.flavor, Psychtoolbox.version.revision, remoteURL); % Cell index of LastCommit where date is stored varies: for ds=1:numel(gitstatus.LastCommit) if ~isempty(strfind(gitstatus.LastCommit{ds}, 'Date')) break; end end date = regexp(gitstatus.LastCommit{ds},'Date:\s+(?\w{3})\s(?\w{3})\s+(?\d+)\s(?