function same = DescribeMonCal(cal,file,whichScreen) % same = DescribeMonCal(cal,[file],[whichScreen]) % % Print descriptive information about a calibration % to the command window or file. % % Argument file is a standard Matlab file descriptor, % see fopen. If file arg is omitted or empty, printout % goes to command window. % % If argument whichScreen is passed, a description of % the current hardware is also printed. In this case, % returned boolean same indicates whether the calibration % is consistent with the current hardware. Boolean % same is empty if whichScreen is not provided. % % 8/25/97 dhb, pbe Wrote it. % 7/3/98 dhb, pbe Updated for cal.describe. % 12/3/99 dhb, mpr Fix check for calibration desription field. % 8/1800 dhb Add whichScreen arg, same return. % 6/29/02 dgp Use new version of Screen VideoCard. % 9/23/02 dhb, jms Fix small bug in way driver is compared, presumably introduced 6/29/02. % 9/29/08 dhb, tyl, ijk Update for OS/X, current computer stuff. % Comparison of computer name skipped, because it seems to vary with login. % 6/24/11 dhb Dump out gamma fit type and exponents if gamma function was fit with a simple power function. % 5/28/13 dhb Change output printed format to make it easier to paste into Doku wiki. % Default args if (nargin < 2 || isempty(file)) file = 1; end if (nargin < 3 || isempty(whichScreen)) file = 1; whichScreen = []; end same = []; if (~isfield(cal,'describe')) error('Calibration structure has no description'); end fprintf('Calibration:\n'); fprintf(file,' * Computer: %s\n',; fprintf(file,' * Screen: %d\n',cal.describe.whichScreen); fprintf(file,' * Monitor: %s\n',cal.describe.monitor); fprintf(file,' * Video driver: %s\n',cal.describe.driver); fprintf(file,' * Dac size: %g\n',cal.describe.dacsize); fprintf(file,' * Frame rate: %g hz\n',cal.describe.hz); fprintf(file,' * Calibration performed by %s\n',cal.describe.who); fprintf(file,' * Calibration performed on %s\n',; fprintf(file,' * Calibration program: %s\n',cal.describe.program); fprintf(file,' * Comment: %s\n',cal.describe.comment); fprintf(file,' * Calibrated device has %g primaries\n',cal.nDevices); fprintf(file,' * Gamma fit type %s\n',cal.describe.gamma.fitType); if (strcmp(cal.describe.gamma.fitType,'simplePower')) fprintf(file,' * Simple power gamma exponents are: %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f\n',... cal.describe.gamma.exponents(1),cal.describe.gamma.exponents(2),cal.describe.gamma.exponents(3)); end fprintf(file,'\n'); % Current configuration if (~isempty(whichScreen)) cal.describe.driver = sprintf('%s %s','unknown_driver','unknown_driver_version'); computerInfo = Screen('Computer'); computer = sprintf('%s''s %s, %s', computerInfo.consoleUserName, computerInfo.machineName, computerInfo.system); driver = sprintf('%s %s','unknown_driver','unknown_driver_version'); dacsize = ScreenDacBits(whichScreen); hz = Screen('NominalFrameRate',whichScreen); same = 1; fprintf('Current configuration:\n'); fprintf(file,' * Computer: %s\n',computer); if (~streq(computer, %same = 0; end fprintf(file,' * Screen: %d\n',whichScreen); if (whichScreen ~= cal.describe.whichScreen) save = 0; end fprintf(file,' * Video driver: %s\n',driver); if (~streq(driver,cal.describe.driver)) same = 0; end fprintf(file,' * Dac size: %g\n',dacsize); if (dacsize ~= cal.describe.dacsize) same = 0; end fprintf(file,' * Frame rate: %g hz\n',hz); if (abs(hz-cal.describe.hz) > 0.5) same = 0; end end