function iGammaTable = InvertGammaTable(gammaInput,gammaTable,precision) % iGammaTable = InvertGammaTable(gammaInput,gammaTable,precision) % % Build an inverse gamma table. % % 1/21/95 dhb Wrote it. % 8/4/96 dhb Update for stuff bag routines. % 8/21/97 dhb Update for structures. % 11/21/06 dhb Update for PTB-3. % Allocate space for the inverse table [nInputLevels,nDevices] = size(gammaTable); iGammaTable = zeros(precision,nDevices); % Set up actual output levels outDelta = 1/precision; outputLevels = 0:outDelta:1-outDelta; searchValues = outputLevels+outDelta/2; gamutValues = searchValues(ones(nDevices,1),:); % Make the table iGammaTable = GamutToSettingsSch(gammaInput,gammaTable,gamutValues)';