function [absorbanceSpectra, absorbanceSpectraWls] =... AbsorptanceToAbsorbance(absorptanceSpectra, absorptanceSpectraWls, axialOpticalDensities, NORMALIZE) % [absorbanceSpectra, absorbanceSpectraWls] =... % AbsorptanceToAbsorbance(absorptanceSpectra, absorptanceSpectraWls, axialOpticalDensities, [NORMALIZE]) % % This code inverts AbsorbanceToAbsorptance. You might want to do this if you were trying % to take cone fundamentals and back down all the way to the component parts, so that you % could for example vary the axial density and recompute the fundamentals. % % The absorbance/absorptance terminology is described at the % CVRL web page, Wyszecki and Stiles refere to absorbance % the absorption coefficient (p. 588). % % Both absorptance spectra and absorbance spectra describe quantal absorption. % % Absorbance spectra are normalized to a peak value of 1. % Absorptance spectra are the proportion of quanta actually absorbed. % % Equation: absorptanceSpectra = 1 - 10.^(-OD * absorbanceSpectra) % % Multiple spectra may be passed in the rows of absorbanceSpectra. If % so, then the same number of densities should be passed in the vector % axialOpticalDensities, and multiple answers are returned in the rows % of absorptanceSpectra. % % NORMALIZE (default true) causes this routine to normalize the returned absorbances to % have a maximum of 1. % % Note, we now have ways of building up most fundamentals that we care about % from constituant parts, and thus probably don't need to do that. See % CIEConeConeFundamentlsTest, ComputeCIEConeFundamentals, DefaultPhotoreceptors, FillInPhotoreceptors, % IsomerizationsInEyeDemo. % % Originally written by HH, Copyright HH, Vista Lab, 2010 % % 8/11/13 dhb Moved into PTB, modified comments so as not to refer to non-PTB routines. % dhb That this actually inverts is tested in IsomerizationsInEyeDemo. % 12/02/13 dhb Fix spelling of "absorptance" in routine names and throughout. % Some arg checks if ~exist('absorptanceSpectra','var'); help AbsorptanceToAbsorbance; return; end if ~exist('axialOpticalDensities','var'); disp('axialOpticalDensities is required.'); return; end if ~exist('absorptanceSpectraWls','var'); absorptanceSpectraWls = []; end if ~exist('NORMALIZE','var'); NORMALIZE = true; end % Convert each entry for i = 1:size(absorptanceSpectra,1) % Normalize absorptanceSpectance so that returned absorbance has peak of 1, no matter what % normalization was applied to the absorptance spectrum. if (NORMALIZE) absorptanceSpectra(i,:) = absorptanceSpectra(i,:) ./ max(absorptanceSpectra(i,:)) * (1-10^-axialOpticalDensities(i)); end % Invert the absorbance to absorptance computation absorbanceSpectra(i,:) = (- 1 ./ axialOpticalDensities(i)) .* log10(absorptanceSpectra(i,:) - 1); end % Deal with some possible numerical error absorbanceSpectra = real(absorbanceSpectra); % remove small value of imaginary number % Pass wavelengths back through absorbanceSpectraWls = absorptanceSpectraWls;