function T_absorbance = StockmanSharpeNomogram(S,lambdaMax) % T_absorbance = StockmanSharpeNomogram(S,lambdaMax) % % Compute normalized absorbance according to the % nomogram provided by Stockman and Sharpe: % See Stockman & Sharpe (2000), p. 1730 or % % The lmax values of the fitted templates that best fits % to the Stockman and Sharpe (2000) S-, M- and L-cone photopigment % spectra are 420.7, 530.3 and 558.9 nm for the % S-, M- and L-cones, respectively; % % The result is in quantal units, in the sense that to compute % absorptions you want to incident spectra in quanta. % To get sensitivity in energy units, apply EnergyToQuanta() % (not QuantaToEnergy, because here you are converting sensitivity % rather than spectra.) % % Argument lambdaMax may be a column vector of wavelengths. % % This routine converts the log10 absorbance computed by the nomogram % formulae into absorbance. % % Note from DHB. By eye, this nomogram gives a good fit to the log10 LMS pigment % absorbance spectra when you plot them on a log scale over 8 log units, % as in Stockman & Sharpe (2000), Figure 12. The fit does not look quite so % good in my hands on a linear scale or an expanded log scale. % I think the deviations occur in part because the tabulated % photopigment absorbances for the L are a mixture of the ser/ala % pigments, and the nomogram was developed in part on the basis of fitting these % as if they corresponded to a single lambda max value. It may also be that % the template was built by minimizing the error in log sensitivity, and this % would more heavily weight the long wavelength limbs of the pigments, where % the linear sensitivity is essentially zero. In any case, though, if you % are working in the land of the CIE 170-1:2006 fundamentals, this is the % probably the best current nomogram to use. % % See ComputeCIEConeFundamentals, CIEConeFundamentalsTest, % FitConeFundamentalsFromNomogram, FitConeFundamentalsTest % % 5/8/99 dhb Started writing it. % 10/27/99 dhb Added error return to prevent premature use of this routine. % 7/18/03 dhb Finished it off. % 8/13/11 dhb Improved comments. Double check polynomial coefficients. % Parameters a = -188862.970810906644; b = 90228.966712600282; c = -2483.531554344362; d = -6675.007923501414; e = 1813.525992411163; f = -215.177888526334; g = 12.487558618387; h = -0.289541500599; % Set up and apply formula wls = MakeItWls(S)'; nWls = length(wls); nT = length(lambdaMax); T_absorbance = zeros(nT,nWls); for i = 1:nT % Get lambda max theMax = lambdaMax(i); % Need to normalize wavelengths logWlsNorm = log10(wls)-log10(theMax/558); % Compute log optical density logDensity = a + ... b*logWlsNorm.^2 + ... c*logWlsNorm.^4 + ... d*logWlsNorm.^6 + ... e*logWlsNorm.^8 + ... f*logWlsNorm.^10 + ... g*logWlsNorm.^12 + ... h*logWlsNorm.^14; logDensity = logDensity; T_absorbance(i,:) = 10.^logDensity; end