function fastLoop % function fastLoop % % Opens a PTB Screen, attaches a tablet to the associated screen pointer wPtr and dumps out the contents of an event queue. % % % pkt = WinTabMex(5) reads the latest data point out of a tablet's event queue. This queue is a buffer that can hold around 50 data points. % This queue begins filling up after a call to WinTabMex(2), which empties the queue, and can be used to record movement data during % stimulus presentation in a 'fast loop' (see fastLoop.m). % % pkt is a 8x1 column vector % % tabletTestData.mat: % xPos = pkt(1), x axis position (tablet coordinates) % yPos = pkt(2), y axis position (tablet coordinates) % zPos = pkt(3), z axis position (tablet coordinates) % buttonState = pkt(4), encoded button state (works a little erratically) % serialNumber = pkt(5) % tabletTimeStamp = pkt(6), time in ms from the tablet % penStatus = pkt(7), signals various events (eg penOutOfRange) % penChange = pkt(8), flags what has changed since the last sample % %pkt(1:6) are straightforward, pkt(7:8) need some work on figuring out what it all means % %Andrew D. Wilson, 2009 ( KbName('UnifyKeyNames'); spaceKeyID = KbName('space'); data = []; try [wPtr rect] = Screen('OpenWindow', 0); WinTabMex(0, wPtr); %Initialize tablet driver, connect it to 'wPtr' %PTB things Priority(1); ListenChar(2); HideCursor; black = BlackIndex(wPtr); white = WhiteIndex(wPtr); %******************************************************************************************* %Loads a window and waits for input to start recording - just for getting set up and ready instructions = 'Place the stylus on the tablet and press the space bar to begin recording'; [instructionsX instructionsY] = centreText(wPtr, instructions, 15); Screen('DrawText', wPtr, instructions, instructionsX, instructionsY, black); Screen(wPtr, 'Flip'); %Waits for space bar [keyIsDown, secs, keyCode] = KbCheck; while keyCode(spaceKeyID)~=1 [keyIsDown, secs, keyCode] = KbCheck; end %******************************************************************************************* WinTabMex(2); %Empties the packet queue in preparation for collecting actual data information = 'Event queue is filling will be able to retrive up to 50 events (500ms @ 100Hz)'; [informationX informationY] = centreText(wPtr, information, 15); Screen('DrawText', wPtr, information, informationX, informationY, black); Screen(wPtr, 'Flip'); WaitSecs(3); %Fast loop to dump all data from the queue into a variable. Each call to WintabMex(5) pulls a data point off the top of the queue, and %this loops runs as fast as Matlab can execute it until the queue is drained % %NB: This loop to drain the queue runs after the data is collected while 1 pkt = WinTabMex(5); if isempty(pkt) %ie the queue is empty data = [data zeros(9,1)]; %To index that a break got called break; else data = [data pkt]; end status = uint32(pkt(7)); if bitget(status, 1) disp('Pen is outside the tablet'); end if bitget(status, 2) disp('Queue overflow - packets getting lost'); end end data = data' %Do it this way to suit the way Matlab memory preferences treat rows and columns, etc samplingRate = 1000 / mean(diff(data(1:end-1,6))); disp(['Your sampling rate appears to be ', int2str(samplingRate), 'Hz.']); endInstructions = 'Queue drained...pull the stylus away from the tablet'; [endX endY] = centreText(wPtr, endInstructions, 15); Screen('DrawText', wPtr, endInstructions, endX, endY, black); Screen(wPtr, 'Flip'); WaitSecs(3); WinTabMex(3); % Stop/Pause data acquisition. WinTabMex(1); % Shutdown driver. ListenChar(1); ShowCursor; Screen('CloseAll'); catch disp('Quit with error (wintabfastLoop.m)'); WinTabMex(3); WinTabMex(1); ListenChar(1); ShowCursor; Screen('CloseAll'); tabletTestError = lasterror; message = tabletTestError(1).message identifier = tabletTestError(1).identifier stack = tabletTestError(1).stack; file = stack.file line = stack.line end function [x y] = centreText(wPtr, text, preferredFontSize) %function [x y] = centreText(wPtr, text, preferredFontSize) % %For use with the Psychtoolbox. %Takes a window pointer & a string and returns the x,y coordinates that will centre the text if fed to Screen('DrawText') % %ARGUMENTS: %wPtr = the window pointer returned by a call to Screen('OpenWindow') %text = a string to be sent to the screen %preferredFontSize = the maximum sized font you would like to have. If the text is too big, centreText will cycle through % text sizes until it works and set it to the biggest that fits % %RETURN VALUES: %[x y] = a vector with the (x,y) coordinates to centre that text. % %NB Requires that you have used Screen('OpenWindow') % %Andrew D. Wilson (v1.0.3; 11 April 2008) x=-1; y=-1; %Allows loop to run once while x<0 Screen('TextSize', wPtr, preferredFontSize); [normBoundsRect, offsetBoundsRect]= Screen('TextBounds', wPtr, text); rect = Screen('Rect', wPtr); windowCentre = [rect(3)/2 rect(4)/2]; textCentre = [normBoundsRect(3)/2 normBoundsRect(4)/2]; x = windowCentre(1) - textCentre(1); y = windowCentre(2) - textCentre(2); if x < 0 || y < 0 %ie if the text ends up being drawn offscreen preferredFontSize = preferredFontSize-1; end end return;