function BasicAMAndMixScheduleDemo(device) % BasicAMAndMixScheduleDemo([device]) % % Demonstrates basic use of sound schedules, volume controls, amplitude % modulation and audio mixing of multiple voices. % % Usage: BasicAMAndMixScheduleDemo([device]); % % For more advanced or different use of sound schedules see % BasicSoundScheduleDemo. For more advanced use of mixing, modulators and % other stuff see BasicMultiTrackAudioRecorderDemo. % % This demo shows how to use master-slave audio devices to playback with % multiple voices, mixing multiple sounds together. It shows how to % manually control the per-slave volume and master volume. It shows how to % apply AM amplitude modulation to the different slave audio devices, and how % to synchronize different devices and AM modulation. It also shows use of % sound schedules to implement repetitive sound sequences with precise % timing between different sounds. % % History: % 25.04.2010 mk Written. % 07.11.2018 mk Auto-Select samplerate, allow device specification, cleanup. if nargin < 1 device = []; end KbName('UnifyKeyNames'); leftArrow = KbName('LeftArrow'); rightArrow = KbName('RightArrow'); upArrow = KbName('UpArrow'); downArrow = KbName('DownArrow'); escape = KbName('ESCAPE'); % Initialize Sounddriver: InitializePsychSound; % Open real soundcard 'device' as master device (+8) for playback only (+1), with % standard low-latency, high timing precision mode, 2 channels, default frequency: nrchannels = 2; sugLat = []; if IsARM && IsLinux % ARM processor, probably the RaspberryPi SoC. The Pi can not quite handle the % low latency settings of a desktop PC, so be more lenient: sugLat = 0.025; fprintf('Choosing a high suggestedLatencySecs setting of 25 msecs to account for lower performing ARM SoC.\n'); end pamaster = PsychPortAudio('Open', device, 1+8, 1, [], nrchannels, [], sugLat); % Get what freq'uency we are actually using: s = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', pamaster); freq = s.SampleRate; % Start master immediately, wait for it to be started. We won't stop the % master until the end of the session. PsychPortAudio('Start', pamaster, 0, 0, 1); % Set the masterVolume for the master: This volume setting affects all % attached sound devices. We set this to 0.5, so it doesn't blow out the % ears of our listeners... PsychPortAudio('Volume', pamaster, 0.5); % Create to slave audio devices for sound playback (+1), with same % frequency, channel count et. as master. Attach them to master. As they're % attached to the same sound channels of the master (actually the same % single channel), their audio output will mix together: pasound1 = PsychPortAudio('OpenSlave', pamaster, 1); pasound2 = PsychPortAudio('OpenSlave', pamaster, 1); % Attach some beep-tone to each of them. pasound1 gets a 500 Hz, 1 sec % tone, pasound2 gets a 750 Hz, 1 sec tone: sound1 = MakeBeep(500, 1.0, freq); sound2 = MakeBeep(750, 1.0, freq); sound3 = MakeBeep(1000, 1.0, freq); % Make sure we have always 2 channels stereo output. % Why? Because some low-end and embedded soundcards % only support 2 channels, not 1 channel, and we want % to be robust in our demos. sound1 = [sound1 ; sound1]; sound2 = [sound2 ; sound2]; sound3 = [sound3 ; sound3]; % Create audio buffers prefilled with the 3 sounds: pabuffer1 = PsychPortAudio('CreateBuffer', [], sound1); pabuffer2 = PsychPortAudio('CreateBuffer', [], sound2); pabuffer3 = PsychPortAudio('CreateBuffer', [], sound3); % Demo of sound schedules: Build a sound schedule (a "playlist") that will % play the three sound buffers infinitely repeating. Each sound is played 2 % seconds after start of playback of the previous one. As the sounds % themselves are 1 second in duration, you should hear 1st sound for 1 sec, % then 1 sec silence, then 2nd sound for a second, 1 sec silence, 3rd % sound for a second, 1 sec silence, 1st sound ... % The schedule shall contain exactly 6 slots which will repeat ad % infinitum, or until stopped: PsychPortAudio('UseSchedule', pasound1, 1, 6); % This command code in a slot tells to take a break (+1) before processing % the following of the following slot. The (+16) means to wait until the % given amount of seconds has elapsed since start of playback of the most % recent soundbuffer. Therefore it defines a relative spacing between % playback of successive sound buffers. % Note that there are more command codes available (see PsychPortAudio AddToSchedule?). % These allow for other types of timing, just don't make sense in this % demo. cmdCode = 1 + 16; % Add 1st sound buffer: The special '1' flag at the end tells not to delete % this command from the schedule, but keep it for repeated execution on % repetitions of the schedule: PsychPortAudio('AddToSchedule', pasound1, pabuffer1, [], [], [], [], 1); % Tell pasound1 to start playing the following buffer exactly 2.0 seconds % after playback of the previous buffer has started: PsychPortAudio('AddToSchedule', pasound1, -cmdCode, 2.0, [], [], [], 1); % Add 2nd sound buffer: PsychPortAudio('AddToSchedule', pasound1, pabuffer2, [], [], [], [], 1); % Tell pasound1 to start playing the following buffer exactly 2.0 seconds % after playback of the previous buffer has started: PsychPortAudio('AddToSchedule', pasound1, -cmdCode, 2.0, [], [], [], 1); % Add 3rd sound buffer: PsychPortAudio('AddToSchedule', pasound1, pabuffer3, [], [], [], [], 1); % Tell pasound1 to start playing the following buffer exactly 2.0 seconds % after playback of the previous buffer has started: PsychPortAudio('AddToSchedule', pasound1, -cmdCode, 2.0, [], [], [], 1); fprintf('Starting sound playback 3 seconds from now...\n'); tStart = PsychPortAudio('Start', pasound1, 0, GetSecs + 3, 1); fprintf('Started! Will add some AM modulation of first tone at start of 3rd repetition...\n'); % Create an AM modulator (+32) to gain-modulate the signal of pasound1, that is % perform amplitude modulation. Modulation will only happen while % pamodulator1 is active. No modulation will happen if it is stopped: pamodulator1 = PsychPortAudio('OpenSlave', pasound1, 32); % 'envelope1' sound is 1 second at 8 Hz frequency, % built for a playback device with 'freq' Hz sampling % rate: envelope1 = (1 + MakeBeep(8, 1, freq)) / 2; % Fill it into standard sound buffer of pamodulator1, instead of using % 'CreateBuffer', just for a change... PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pamodulator1, [envelope1; envelope1]); % We define a repeating schedule for the pamodulator1 as well. This time % only 2 slots. The first plays the 1 second AM modulation signal in our % 'FillBuffer'ed buffer 0, then the 2nd slot pauses until 6 seconds after % start of our modulation signal. This way we will get a 1 second modulation % repeating every 6 seconds. Because the period of 6 seconds of % pamodulator1 is identical to the 6 seconds period of the sound sequence % of pasound1, they are phase-locked, so this will basically modulate the % same 1 second piece of sound in pasound1: PsychPortAudio('UseSchedule', pamodulator1, 1, 2); PsychPortAudio('AddToSchedule', pamodulator1, 0, [], [], [], [], 1); PsychPortAudio('AddToSchedule', pamodulator1, -cmdCode, 6.0, [], [], [], 1); % Modulation schedule ready. We want to start modulation at the 3rd overall % repetition of the three-tone sequence that pasound1 is playing. We know % that one three-tone sequence takes 6 seconds and that the first iteration % of the sequence started at 'tStart', so the 3rd repetition must therefore % begin at tThirdRep = tStart + 2 * 6 seconds. Schedule start of our % pamodulator1 for target time tThirdRep. This should cause modulation of % the 1st tone, starting at the 3rd overall repetition, then repeating % until stopped: tThirdRep = tStart + 2 * 6; % Schedule start of AM on infinite repeat. Wait for the actual start to happen: PsychPortAudio('Start', pamodulator1, 0, tThirdRep, 1); fprintf('Press any key to continue.\n'); KbStrokeWait; % Stop the modulation immediately. This will just output the sequence at % full constant volume again: PsychPortAudio('Stop', pamodulator1); fprintf('Back to full-blast unmodulated sequence!\n'); % Ok, this time we create a nice sin'e curve AM modulation to "soften" the % onset and offset of each of the three tones - nicer to your ears :-) % % Each AM envelope is again 1 second duration and we choose a repeating % pattern of 2 second period. This way for each 6 seconds playout of the % 3-tone sequence, we will get 3 repetitions of the 2 seconds modulation % sequence, phase-locked to the 3 seconds sequence, nicely modulating each % of the three tones: % Redefine our envelope, softly raising from 0.0 - 1.0, then falling from % 1.0 to 0.0 again, all in 1 second: envelope2 = sin((0:1/freq:1) * pi); % Fill it into standard sound buffer of pamodulator1, instead of using % 'CreateBuffer', just for a change... PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pamodulator1, [envelope2; envelope2]); % Clear and reset our 2-slot schedule: PsychPortAudio('UseSchedule', pamodulator1, 2); % Our 1 second envelope: PsychPortAudio('AddToSchedule', pamodulator1, 0, [], [], [], [], 1); % Restart playback every 2 seconds for a total period of 2 seconds: PsychPortAudio('AddToSchedule', pamodulator1, -cmdCode, 2.0, [], [], [], 1); % Ok, we need to start the new schedule in sync with start of a new 3-tone % sequence for best results. We don't know where we are in the sequence, % but we can query when the sequence started repeating the last time. It is % stored in the status.StartTime field of pasound1 device. % We need to wait until playout of the first tone started again to get the % reference timestamp we want. Poll for this event: while 1 status = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', pasound1); % Every 6th slot corresponds again to the 1st tone, and it needs to be % playing that is status.Active: if (mod(status.SchedulePosition, 6) == 0) && (status.Active) % Got it! The status.startTime now corresponds to the start of the % current 3-tone-sequence: break; end % Nope. Wait a bit, then retry: WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.1); end % Let's start our modulator offset by 2 repetitions, that is finish the % current repetition of the 6 second cycle, then play another one, then % start modulating. We do this here for simplicity, so we don't need to % worry being already very close to the start of the next repetition by % pure chance and thereby possibly missing the deadline: tModStart = status.StartTime + 2 * 6; PsychPortAudio('Start', pamodulator1, 0, tModStart); fprintf('Will start soft modulation of each tone %f seconds from now at %f seconds.\n', tModStart - GetSecs, tModStart); fprintf('This is %f seconds since start.\n', tModStart - tStart); fprintf('Press any key to continue.\n'); KbStrokeWait; % Ok, let's add the second pasound device into the mix. This one will play % white noise, again envelope modulated at a low frequency: % 5 Second worth of random noise in -1 ; +1 range: noise = 2 * rand(1, 5 * freq) - 1; % Into pasound2's standard buffer it goes... PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pasound2, [noise ; noise]); % Create a dedicated AM modulator for pasound2 as well: pamodulator2 = PsychPortAudio('OpenSlave', pasound2, 32); % Fill it with a slow version of the soft envelope of pamodulator1: % Redefine our envelope, softly raising from 0.2 - 1.0, then falling from % 1.0 to 0.2 again, all in 6 seconds: envelope3 = 0.2 + 0.8 * sin((0:1/(freq*6):1) * pi); % Fill it into standard sound buffer of pamodulator2, instead of using % 'CreateBuffer', just for a change... PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pamodulator2, [envelope3 ; envelope3]); % Ok, we don't use any schedules for pasound2 and pamodulator2, we had that % already. Instead we just start both of them, set to infinite repeat. We % need to start them at exactly the same time so the modulation starts % softly at the very first played out white-noise sample. We could pick any % point in time in the future, e.g., GetSecs + 0.5 seconds, but for the fun % of it, we will start it again synchronized to the sequence of pasound1, % recycling the same trick we used before. Start it two repetitions after % start of the most recent repetition of the whole 6-slot schedule. % We need to wait until playout of the first tone started again to get the % reference timestamp we want. Poll for this event: while 1 status = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', pasound1); % Every 6th slot corresponds again to the 1st tone, and it needs to be % playing that is status.Active: if (mod(status.SchedulePosition, 6) == 0) && (status.Active) % Got it! The status.startTime now corresponds to the start of the % current 3-tone-sequence: break; end % Nope. Wait a bit, then retry: WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.1); end tModStart = status.StartTime + 2 * 6; fprintf('Will start additional modulated random noise %f seconds from now.\n', tModStart - GetSecs); fprintf('Should start at onset of first tone of the 3-tone sequence.\n'); % Schedule start of pamodulator2 at tModStart, set it to infinite repeat: PsychPortAudio('Start', pamodulator2, 0, tModStart); % Schedule start of pasound2 at tModStart, set it to infinite repeat. % We wait until start has happened and retrieve its onset time, just % because we can... tNoiseStart = PsychPortAudio('Start', pasound2, 0, tModStart, 1); fprintf('Started at system time %f seconds. Feel the breeze?\n\n', tNoiseStart); fprintf('Press ESCAPE key to continue, arrow keys to manually change relative volumes.\n'); while 1 [secs, keyCode] = KbStrokeWait; if keyCode(escape) break; end if keyCode(leftArrow) vs = max(PsychPortAudio('Volume', pasound1) - 0.1, 0); PsychPortAudio('Volume', pasound1, vs); end if keyCode(rightArrow) vs = min(PsychPortAudio('Volume', pasound1) + 0.1, 10); PsychPortAudio('Volume', pasound1, vs); end if keyCode(downArrow) vs = max(PsychPortAudio('Volume', pasound2) - 0.1, 0); PsychPortAudio('Volume', pasound2, vs); end if keyCode(upArrow) vs = min(PsychPortAudio('Volume', pasound2) + 0.1, 10); PsychPortAudio('Volume', pasound2, vs); end end % Let's stop pasound1 exactly at the end of one of its sound cycles. Find % start of next cycle: while 1 status = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', pasound1); % Every 6th slot corresponds again to the 1st tone, and it needs to be % playing that is status.Active: if (mod(status.SchedulePosition, 6) == 0) && (status.Active) % Got it! The status.startTime now corresponds to the start of the % current 3-tone-sequence: break; end % Nope. Wait a bit, then retry: WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.1); end % Compute stop time exactly 6 seconds after start: tStop = status.StartTime + 6; fprintf('Will stop tones at end of this 3-tone sequence.\n'); % Request (flag 3) a stop at time 'tStop'. Wait (flag 1) for stop to % happen. Please note that a 'waitForEndOfPlayback' flag of 1 or use of the % 'repetition' parameter wouldn't work here, as we've got a schedule % attached and these parameters don't work with schedules... PsychPortAudio('Stop', pasound1, 3, 1, [], tStop); % We can immediately stop the modulator, as there ain't any sound anymore to % modulate anyway: PsychPortAudio('Stop', pamodulator1); fprintf('3-Tone sequence over. Now softly fading out the breeze over about 10 seconds...\n'); % Fade out the breeze noise manually via pulling down the volume in 1000 % steps, 1 step every 0.01 seconds: vs = PsychPortAudio('Volume', pasound2); for v = vs:-0.001:0 % Assign new reduced masterVolume to pasound2: PsychPortAudio('Volume', pasound2, v); WaitSecs(0.01); end % Ok, we're fully muted. Let's immediately stop both the sound device and % its modulator: PsychPortAudio('Stop', pasound2); PsychPortAudio('Stop', pamodulator2); % That's it. Everything stopped and silent. Close all devices, release all % ressources, shutdown the driver: PsychPortAudio('Close'); fprintf('Finished. Bye!\n'); return;