function DotDemo(showSprites, waitframes) % % dot motion demo using SCREEN('DrawDots') subfunction % % Usage: DotDemo([showSprites = 0][, waitframes = 1]); % % The optional parameter 'showSprites' when set to 1, will draw little % smiley textures instead of dots, demonstrating sprite-drawing. A zero % setting, or omitting the setting, will draw dots. A value of 2 will draw % filled rectangles via textures instead, (ab-)using texture drawing and % filtering to allow subpixel positioning of drawn rectangles on the % screen. We slow down the animation for non-zero 'showSprites' so you can % appreciate the anti-aliased smooth subpixel movement better. % % 'waitframes' Number of video refresh intervals to show each image before % updating the dot field. Defaults to 1 if omitted. % % You can exit the demo by any keypress or mouse button press. It will also % exit by itself after 1000 redraws. % % The top of the demo code contains tons of parameters to tweak and % manipulate if you want. % % % Note: Some versions of MacOS/X have defective dot drawing due to an % operating system bug. If you happen to have such a system (e.g., OS/X % 10.6.3 with NVidia Geforce-7xxx hardware) then read "help ScreenDrawDots" % for a workaround. % % Original author: Keith Schneider, 12/13/04 %HISTORY % % mm/dd/yy % % 12/13/04 kas Wrote it. % 1/11/05 awi Merged into distribution. % -Changed name from "dot_demo" to "DotDemo" to match % Psychtooblox conventions. % -Changed calls to "Screen" from "SCREEN" to avoid % case warning. % -Added HISTORY section to comments. % 1/13/05 awi Merged in Mario Kleiner's modifications to agree with % his changes to Screen 'DrawDots' and also time performance: % -Increases number of dots (ndots) by 10x % -Decreases width dot (dot_w) from 0.3 to 0.1 % -Changed the 'OpenWindow' call to specify double % buffers for onscreen window and 32-bit depth % -Transpose second argument to Screen 'DrawDots'. % Mario interchanged x&y matrix axes in this 'DrawDots' % argument because it allows a direct copy from a MATLAB matrix % into an OpenGL structure, without memory reordering, which % is slow. This is controversial because the Psychtoolbox % uniformly interprets matrix M axis (rows) as screen Y axis and % matrix N (columns) as screen N axis. This change breaks that % convention. % -Add calls to GetSeccs to time performance. % 3/22/05 mk Added code to show how to specify different color and % size for each single dot. % 4/23/05 mk Add call to Screen('BlendFunction') to reenable % point-smoothing. % 4/23/05 fwc changed color and size specifications to use 'rand', % rather than 'random' % differentsizes is now max size value for random size % assigment. Decrease nr of dots when differentsizes>0 % added option to break out of loop by pressing key or % mouse button. % Will now default to max of screens rather than main % screen. % 5/31/05 mk Some modifications to use new Flip command... % 4/18/10 mk Add support for demo'ing PsychDrawSprites2D() command. % 12/15/15 mk Query and obey gpu point size limits. AssertOpenGL; if nargin < 1 showSprites = []; end if isempty(showSprites) showSprites = 0; end if nargin < 2 waitframes = []; end if isempty(waitframes) waitframes = 1; end try % ------------------------ % set dot field parameters % ------------------------ nframes = 3600; % number of animation frames in loop mon_width = 39; % horizontal dimension of viewable screen (cm) v_dist = 60; % viewing distance (cm) if showSprites > 0 dot_speed = 0.07; % dot speed (deg/sec) - Take it sloooow. f_kill = 0.00; % Don't kill (m)any dots, so user can see better. else dot_speed = 7; % dot speed (deg/sec) f_kill = 0.05; % fraction of dots to kill each frame (limited lifetime) end ndots = 2000; % number of dots max_d = 15; % maximum radius of annulus (degrees) min_d = 1; % minumum dot_w = 0.1; % width of dot (deg) fix_r = 0.15; % radius of fixation point (deg) differentcolors =1; % Use a different color for each point if == 1. Use common color white if == 0. differentsizes = 2; % Use different sizes for each point if >= 1. Use one common size if == 0. % waitframes = 1; % Show new dot-images at each waitframes'th monitor refresh. if differentsizes>0 % drawing large dots is a bit slower ndots=round(ndots/5); end % --------------- % open the screen % --------------- screens=Screen('Screens'); screenNumber=max(screens); [w, rect] = Screen('OpenWindow', screenNumber, 0); % If you'd uncomment these lines and had the Psychtoolbox kernel driver % loaded on a OS/X or Linux box with ATI Radeon X1000 or later, you'd % probably enjoy a 10 bit per color channel framebuffer... %PsychImaging('PrepareConfiguration'); %PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'FloatingPoint16Bit'); %PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableNative10BitFramebuffer'); %[w, rect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenNumber, 0,[], [], doublebuffer+1); % Enable alpha blending with proper blend-function. We need it % for drawing of smoothed points: Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); [center(1), center(2)] = RectCenter(rect); fps=Screen('FrameRate',w); % frames per second ifi=Screen('GetFlipInterval', w); if fps==0 fps=1/ifi; end; white = WhiteIndex(w); HideCursor; % Hide the mouse cursor Priority(MaxPriority(w)); % Do initial flip... vbl=Screen('Flip', w); % --------------------------------------- % initialize dot positions and velocities % --------------------------------------- ppd = pi * (rect(3)-rect(1)) / atan(mon_width/v_dist/2) / 360; % pixels per degree pfs = dot_speed * ppd / fps; % dot speed (pixels/frame) s = dot_w * ppd; % dot size (pixels) fix_cord = [center-fix_r*ppd center+fix_r*ppd]; rmax = max_d * ppd; % maximum radius of annulus (pixels from center) rmin = min_d * ppd; % minimum r = rmax * sqrt(rand(ndots,1)); % r r(r0) s = (1+rand(1, ndots)*(differentsizes-1))*s; end; % Clamp point sizes to range supported by graphics hardware: [minsmooth,maxsmooth] = Screen('DrawDots', w) s = min(max(s, minsmooth), maxsmooth); % Wanna show textured sprites instead of dots? if showSprites == 1 % Create a small texture as offscreen window: Size is 30 x 30 % pixels, background color is black and transparent: tex = Screen('OpenOffScreenWindow', w, [0,0,0,0], [0 0 30 30]); % Draw a little white smiley into the window. The white color will % be modulated by 'colvect' during drawing, so white is basically % just a placeholder: Screen('TextSize', tex, 24); Screen('DrawText', tex, ':)', 0, 0, 255); % Scale down a bit, otherwise visual clutter ensues: s = s * 0.2; % Define randomly distributed rotation angles in a +/- 30 degree % range around a "vertical" smiley face: angles = (rand(1, ndots) - 0.5) * 60 + 90; end if showSprites == 2 % Create a small texture as offscreen window: Size is 30 x 30 % pixels, background color is black and transparent: tex = Screen('OpenOffScreenWindow', w, [255,255,255,0], [0 0 30 30]); % Draw a white rectangle into the window. The white color will % be modulated by 'colvect' during drawing, so white is basically % just a placeholder: Screen('FillRect', tex, 255, [1 1 29 29]); s = 1; % Define randomly distributed rotation angles in a +/- 30 degree % range around a "vertical" smiley face: angles = (rand(1, ndots) - 0.5) * 60 + 90; end % -------------- % animation loop % -------------- for i = 1:nframes if (i>1) Screen('FillOval', w, uint8(white), fix_cord); % draw fixation dot (flip erases it) if showSprites % Draw little "sprite textures" instead of dots: PsychDrawSprites2D(w, tex, xymatrix, s, angles, colvect, center, 1); % change 1 to 0 to draw unfiltered sprites. else % Draw nice dots: Screen('DrawDots', w, xymatrix, s, colvect, center, 1); % change 1 to 0 or 4 to draw square dots end Screen('DrawingFinished', w); % Tell PTB that no further drawing commands will follow before Screen('Flip') end; % Break out of animation loop if any key on keyboard or any button % on mouse is pressed: [mx, my, buttons]=GetMouse(screenNumber); if any(buttons) break; end if KbCheck break; end; xy = xy + dxdy; % move dots r = r + dr; % update polar coordinates too % check to see which dots have gone beyond the borders of the annuli r_out = find(r > rmax | r < rmin | rand(ndots,1) < f_kill); % dots to reposition nout = length(r_out); if nout % choose new coordinates r(r_out) = rmax * sqrt(rand(nout,1)); r(r