% HelloWorld - The most minimalistic example of a visual stimulus. % Make sure Psychtoolbox is properly installed and set it up for use at % feature level 2: Normalized 0-1 color range and unified key mapping. % This allows to specify all color or intensity values in a normalized % range between 0.0 (for 0% output intensity) and 1.0 (for 100% output % intensity). PsychDefaultSetup(2); % Select the display screen on which to show our window: % First we get a list of all display screens and store it in the vector % 'screens': screens = Screen('Screens') % 'screens' contains a list of all available display screens, numbered % from 0 to n. 0 usually corresponds to the first display on a setup, % or the internal flat panel of a Laptop. We select the max()imum screen % number as 'screenid' to show our window. screenid = max(screens) % Open a window on display screen 'screenid', with its default background % color, which is white: win = PsychImaging('Openwindow', screenid) % Set a big text size: Screen('TextSize', win, 48); % Draw 'Hello World!' into the center of the screen: DrawFormattedText(win, 'Hello World!', 'center', 'center'); % Show it on the display: Screen('Flip', win); % Wait for a keystroke on the keyboard: KbStrokeWait; % Done. Close the window and clean up. sca;