close all; clear % stair input probeset = -15:0.5:15; % set of possible probe values meanset = -10:0.2:10; % sampling of pses, doesn't have to be the same as probe set slopeset = [.5:.1:5].^2; % set of slopes, quad scale lapse = 0.05; % lapse/mistake rate guess = 0.50; % guess rate / minimum correct response rate (for detection expt: 1/num_alternative, 0 for discrimination expt) % general settings ntrial = 200; qpause = false; % pause after every iteration? (press any key to continue) qplot = false; % plot information about each trial? (this pauses as well, regardless of whether you specified qpause as true) % model observer parameters qusemodel = true; % use model observer to get responses? Or, if false, input responses by hand (0/1) truepse = 0; % inflection point (50% if guess rate is 0) truedl = 4; % (75%-25% point)/2 if guess rate is 0. In general, take the position of the halfway points between the inflection point and the upper and lower asymptotes, then its the distance between them % model observer definition. uses a cum normal for psychometric function, % the formula for which is equivalent to what is used by the staircase % internally (if it is set up to use a cumulative Gaussian) if guess==0 resp = @(probe) lapse/2 + (1-lapse) *normcdf(probe,truepse,truedl/sqrt(2)/erfinv(0.5)) > rand; else resp = @(probe) guess + (1-lapse-guess)*normcdf(probe,truepse,truedl/sqrt(2)/erfinv(0.5)) > rand; end % Create staircase instance. If you want to interleave staircases, or % otherwise run multiple conditions, create one staircase per condition. Do % not copy, as a copy refers to the same instance, not a new staircase. % You can store these in a cell-array and of course use different settings % for each as needed. stair = MinExpEntStair(); % use lookup table to cache pvalues and avoid unnecessary evaluations of % psychometric function? Can require lots of memory, especially when % stepsize of probeset and meanset is not equal. Call before calling % stair.init. stair.set_use_lookup_table(true); % option: use logistic instead of default cumulative normal. best to call % before stair.init % stair.set_psychometric_func('logistic'); % init stair stair.init(probeset,meanset,slopeset,lapse,guess); % option: use a subset of all data for choosing the next probe, use % proportion of available data (good idea for robustness - see docs) stair.toggle_use_resp_subset_prop(10,.9); % option: instead of choosing a random value for the first probe, % you can set which value is to be tested first. stair.set_first_value(3); for ktrial = 1:ntrial % trial [p,entexp,ind] = stair.get_next_probe(); % get next probe to test fprintf('%d, new sample point: %f\nexpect ent: %f\n', ... ktrial,p,entexp(ind)); if qusemodel % set whether model creates response or you do by manual input % get observer response from model observer r = resp(p); fprintf('response: %d\n',r); else % make the response yourself, provide either 0 or 1 (actually, % anything below and including 0 or anything above 0) r = input(sprintf('r(%d): ',ktrial)); qpause = false; end stair.process_resp(r); % store response in staircase % end trial if ktrial == ntrial || qplot [m,s,loglik] = stair.get_fit(); [ps,rs] = stair.get_history(); figure(1); subplot(1,3,1); imagesc(exp(.5*loglik)); set(gca,'YTick',1:4:length(slopeset)); set(gca,'YTickLabel',slopeset(1:4:end)); set(gca,'XTick',1:5:length(meanset)); set(gca,'XTickLabel',meanset(1:5:end)); title('estimated likelihood function'); xlabel('mean (a)') ylabel('slope (b)') subplot(1,3,2); hold off; if ~isempty(entexp) plot(probeset,entexp,'k-o'); hold on; plot(ps(ktrial)*[1,1],[min(entexp),max(entexp)],'r-'); else plot(ps(ktrial)*[1,1],[0,1],'r-'); end title('expected entropy vs probe'); xlabel('possible probe values') xlim([min(probeset) max(probeset)]); subplot(1,3,3); pind = find(rs>0); nind = setdiff(1:length(ps),pind); plot(1:length(ps),ps,'k-',pind,ps(pind),'bo',nind,ps(nind),'ro'); ylim([min(probeset) max(probeset)]); title('probe-resp history'); end % pause if needed if (ktrial ~= ntrial) && (qpause || qplot) pause; end end % loop over trials %%% show final results % [mu,sigma] = stair.get_fit(); % get fitted parameters of cumulative Gaussian % DL = sigma*erfinv(.5)*sqrt(2) % convert sigma (std) to DL (75%-25% point)/2 % get DL from staircase directly, NB: the space of the outputted % loglikelihood is the mean/slope space as defined atop this script, its % not a PSE/DL space [PSEfinal,DLfinal,loglikfinal] = stair.get_PSE_DL(); finalent = sum(-exp(loglikfinal(:)).*loglikfinal(:)); fprintf('final estimates:\nPSE: %f\nDL: %f\nent: %f\n',PSEfinal,DLfinal,finalent); % for actual offline fitting of your data, you would probably want to use a % dedicated toolbox such as Prins, N & Kingdom, F. A. A. (2009) Palamedes: % Matlab routines for analyzing psychophysical data. % % Also note that while the staircase runs far more rebust when a small % lapse rate is assumed, it is common to either fit the psychometric % function without a lapse rate, or otherwise with the lapse rate as a free % parameter (possibily varying only over subjects, but not over conditions % within each subject). figure(2); imagesc(exp(.5*loglikfinal)); set(gca,'YTick',1:4:length(slopeset)); set(gca,'YTickLabel',slopeset(1:4:end)); set(gca,'XTick',1:5:length(meanset)); set(gca,'XTickLabel',meanset(1:5:end)); xlabel('$\mu$','interpreter','latex') switch stair.get_psychometric_func() case 'cumGauss' title('estimated likelihood function - cumulative Gaussian') ylabel('$\sigma$','interpreter','latex') case 'logistic' title('estimated likelihood function - logistic') ylabel('$s$','interpreter','latex') end