function PlayMoviesDemo(moviename, hdr, backgroundMaskOut, tolerance, pixelFormat, maxThreads) % PlayMoviesDemo(moviename [, hdr=0][, backgroundMaskOut][, tolerance][, pixelFormat=4][, maxThreads=-1]) % % This demo accepts a pattern for a valid moviename, e.g., % moviename=`*.mpg`, then it plays all movies in the current working % directory whose names match the provided pattern, e.g., the `*.mpg` % pattern would play all MPEG files in the current directory. % % If you don't specify a moviename, the demo will ask you if it should play % our standard demo movie, or rather play through a set of % videos in a playlist which are streamed from the internet. These 'c'ool % videos may provide you with useful information for your daily work. % % This demo uses automatic asynchronous playback for synchronized playback % of video and sound. Each movie plays until end, then rewinds and plays % again from the start. Pressing the Cursor-Up/Down key pauses/unpauses the % movie and increases/decreases playback rate. The 'c' key toggles a mouse % color picker that tells you the color values of the pixel roughly under % the mouse cursor position. % % The left- right arrow keys jump in 1 seconds steps. SPACE jumps to the % next movie in the list. ESC ends the demo. % % If the optional flag 'hdr' is specified as non-zero, then the demo % expects the onscreen window to display on a HDR-10 capable display device % and system, and tries to switch to HDR mode. If the operating system+gpu % driver+gpu+display combo does not support HDR, the demo will abort with % an error. Otherwise it will expect the movies to be HDR-10 encoded and % try to display them appropriately. A flag of 1 does just that. A flag of 2 will % manually force the assumed EOTF of movies to be of type PQ, iow. assume the movie % is a HDR-10 movie in typical Perceptual Quantizer encoding. This is useful if you % want to play back HDR content on a system with a GStreamer version older than % 1.18.0 installed, where GStreamer is not fully HDR capable, but this hack may % get you limping along. Another restriction would be lack of returned HDR metadata, % so if your HDR display expects that, you will not get the best possible quality. % Upgrading to GStreamer 1.18 or later is advised for HDR playback. % A flag of 3 or 4 will use an alternative HDR display method only available on % Linux/X11, with 4 applying the same hack to cope with older GStreamer versions % as a setting of 2. % % % If the optional RGB color vector backgroundMaskOut is provided, then % color pixels in the video which are equal or close to backgroundMaskOut will be % discarded during drawing. E.g., backgroundMaskOut = [1 1 1] would % discard all white pixels, backgroundMaskOut = [0 0 0] would discard all % black pixels etc. The optional tolerance parameter allows for some % lenience, e.g., tolerance = 0.01 would discard all pixels whose euclidean % distance in RGB color space is less than 0.01 units to the backgroundMaskOut % color. Background color masking requires a graphics card with fragment % shader support and will fail otherwise. % % If the optional `pixelFormat` is specified, it is used to choose % optimized video playback methods for specific content. Valid values are 1 % or 2 for greyscale video playback, and 7 or 8 for optimized grayscale % video playback on modern GPU's with GLSL shading support. Values 3, 4, 5 % and 6 play back color video. 4 is the default, 5 or 6 may provide % significantly improved playback performance on modern GPUs. % % If the optional `maxThreads` is specified, it defines the maximum number % of parallel processing threads that should be used by multi-threaded % video codecs for playback. A setting of n selects n threads, a setting of % zero asks to auto-select an optimum number of threads for a given % computer. By default, a codec specific default number is used, typically % one thread. % % History: % 10/30/05 mk Wrote it. % 07/17/11 mk Add support for background pixel color removal via shaders. % Code cleanup, dead code removal. % 04/14/12 mk Code cleanup, refinements for network video streams. % Add useful videos to playlist which are less pathetic than % the fairy-tales of the iPhone company. % 06/30/12 mk Add 'pixelFormat' parameter, disable pathetic Apple PR % videos. Enable cool videos on OSX-64Bit as well. % 08/03/12 mk Add 'maxThreads' parameter. % 06/17/13 mk Add new (c)ool movies, remove Apple PRopaganda videos, cleanup. theanswer = []; if nargin < 1 || isempty(moviename) moviename = []; theanswer = input('Serious or cool? Type s or c [s/c]? ', 's'); end if isempty(moviename) moviename = '*.mov'; end if nargin < 2 || isempty(hdr) hdr = 0; end % Initialize with unified keynames and normalized colorspace: PsychDefaultSetup(2); % Setup key mapping: space=KbName('SPACE'); esc=KbName('ESCAPE'); right=KbName('RightArrow'); left=KbName('LeftArrow'); up=KbName('UpArrow'); down=KbName('DownArrow'); shift=KbName('RightShift'); colorPicker=KbName('c'); try % Open onscreen window with gray background: screen = max(Screen('Screens')); PsychImaging('PrepareConfiguration'); % No special movieOptions by default: movieOptions = []; % Enable HDR display in HDR-10 mode if requested by user: if hdr PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnableHDR', 'Nits', 'HDR10'); if hdr == 3 || hdr == 4 if IsLinux && ~IsWayland PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'UseStaticHDRHack'); else warning('hdr settings 3 and 4 unsupported on non-Linux. Ignored.'); end end % Special hack for running HDR movie playback on GStreamer versions older % than 1.18.0. Those can not detect the EOTF transfer functions of HDR-10 % video footage, neither type 14 PQ, nor type 15 HLG. If user passes in a % hdr == 2 flag, override automatic EOTF detection to always assume EOTF % type 14 instead. Type 14 is the SMPTE ST-2084 PQ "Perceptual Quantizer", % the most common EOTF used in typical HDR-10 movie content. % (Obviously, SDR content will look really weird, if played back with this % override in use, so viewer discretion is advised ;)): if hdr == 2 || hdr == 4 movieOptions = 'OverrideEOTF=14'; end end win = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screen, [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]); [w, h] = Screen('WindowSize', win); Screen('Blendfunction', win, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); HideCursor(win); shader = []; if (nargin > 2) && ~isempty(backgroundMaskOut) if nargin < 4 tolerance = []; end shader = CreateSinglePassImageProcessingShader(win, 'BackgroundMaskOut', backgroundMaskOut, tolerance); end % Use default pixelFormat if none specified: if nargin < 5 pixelFormat = []; end % On ARM set the default pixelFormat to 6 for shader based decode. % On a RaspberryPi-4 this makes a world of difference when playing % HD movies, between slow-motion 2 fps and proper 24 fps playback. if isempty(pixelFormat) && IsARM && IsLinux pixelFormat = 6; end % Use default maxThreads if none specified: if nargin < 6 maxThreads = []; end % Initial display and sync to timestamp: Screen('Flip',win); iteration = 0; abortit = 0; % Use blocking wait for new frames by default: blocking = 1; % Default preload setting: preloadsecs = []; if isempty(strfind(moviename, 'http')) %#ok % Return full list of movie files from directory+pattern: folder = fileparts(moviename); if isempty(folder) folder = pwd; end moviefiles = dir(moviename); if isempty(moviefiles) moviefiles(1).name = [ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos/MovieDemos/' ]; else for i=1:size(moviefiles,1) moviefiles(i).name = [ folder filesep moviefiles(i).name ]; end end moviecount = size(moviefiles,1); else moviefiles(1).name = moviename; moviecount = 1; end if strcmpi(theanswer, 'c') % Cool stuff, streaming from the web ;-) coolstuff = 1; moviefiles = []; % Make sure a cache directory for buffering exists. try PsychHomeDir('.cache'); catch end % Linus Torvalds DebConf 2014 Q & A: moviefiles(end+1).name = ''; moviefiles(end).url = ''; moviefiles(end).credits = 'Q & A at DebConf 2014 with Linus Torvalds'; % MC Hammers Can't touch this - performed by a special ensemble: moviefiles(end+1).name = ''; moviefiles(end).url = ''; moviefiles(end).credits = 'MC Hammers Can''t touch this - performed by a special ensemble'; % The Godfather of Soul giving quick dance lessons: moviefiles(end+1).name = ''; moviefiles(end).url = ''; moviefiles(end).credits = 'The Godfather of Soul giving quick dance lessons'; % Randy Pausch's "Last lecture": moviefiles(end+1).name = ''; moviefiles(end).url = ''; moviefiles(end).credits = 'Randy Pausch''s Last Lecture "Achieving Your Childhood Dreams"'; % Richard Stallman talks about the dangers of software patents: moviefiles(end+1).name = ''; moviefiles(end).url = ''; moviefiles(end).credits = 'Richard Stallman talks about the dangers of software patents'; % Linus Torvalds talks at Aalto University Finnland: moviefiles(end+1).name = ''; moviefiles(end).url = ''; moviefiles(end).credits = 'Linux creator and Millenium prize 2012 winner Linus Torvalds talks at Aalto University Finnland'; % Elon Musk talks about electrical cars, space-flight and solar power: moviefiles(end+1).name = ''; moviefiles(end).url = ''; moviefiles(end).credits = 'At TED Elon Musk talks with Chris Anderson about electrical cars, space-flight and solar power'; % Count all movies in our playlist: moviecount = size(moviefiles,2); if moviecount == 0 fprintf('Sorry, i do not have any cool movies for your system configuration. Will use boring default movie file.\n'); moviefiles(1).name = [ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos/MovieDemos/' ]; end % Use polling to wait for new frames when playing movies from the % internet. This to make sure we don't time out too early or block % for too long if the network connection is slow / high-latency / bad. blocking = 0; else coolstuff = 0; end % Playbackrate defaults to 1: rate=1; % No mouse color prober/picker by default - Performance impact! colorprobe = 0; % Choose 16 pixel text size: Screen('TextSize', win, 16); % Endless loop, runs until ESC key pressed: while (abortit<2) if coolstuff url = moviefiles(mod(iteration, moviecount)+1).url; credits = moviefiles(mod(iteration, moviecount)+1).credits; end moviename = moviefiles(mod(iteration, moviecount)+1).name; iteration = iteration + 1; fprintf('ITER=%i::', iteration); % Show title while movie is loading/prerolling: DrawFormattedText(win, ['Loading ...\n' moviename], 'center', 'center', 0, 40); Screen('Flip', win); % Open movie file and retrieve basic info about movie: [movie, movieduration, fps, imgw, imgh, ~, ~, hdrStaticMetaData] = Screen('OpenMovie', win, moviename, [], preloadsecs, [], pixelFormat, maxThreads, movieOptions); fprintf('Movie: %s : %f seconds duration, %f fps, w x h = %i x %i...\n', moviename, movieduration, fps, imgw, imgh); if imgw > w || imgh > h % Video frames too big to fit into window, so define size to be window size: dstRect = CenterRect((w / imgw) * [0, 0, imgw, imgh], Screen('Rect', win)); else dstRect = []; end if hdrStaticMetaData.Valid fprintf('Static HDR metadata is:\n'); disp(hdrStaticMetaData); ColorGamut = hdrStaticMetaData.ColorGamut %#ok fprintf('\n'); if hdr % If HDR mode is enabled and the movie has HDR-10 static % metadata attached, also provide it to the HDR display, in % the hope it will somehow enhance reproduction of the % visual movie content: PsychHDR('HDRMetadata', win, hdrStaticMetaData); end end i=0; % Start playback of movie. This will start % the realtime playback clock and playback of audio tracks, if any. % Play 'movie', at a playbackrate = 1, with endless loop=1 and % 1.0 == 100% audio volume. Screen('PlayMovie', movie, rate, 1, 1.0); t1 = GetSecs; % Infinite playback loop: Fetch video frames and display them... while 1 % Check for abortion: abortit=0; [keyIsDown, ~, keyCode] = KbCheck(-1); if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(esc)) % Set the abort-demo flag. abortit=2; break; end % Check for skip to next movie: if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(space)) % Exit while-loop: This will load the next movie... break; end % Only perform video image fetch/drawing if playback is active % and the movie actually has a video track (imgw and imgh > 0): if ((abs(rate)>0) && (imgw>0) && (imgh>0)) % Return next frame in movie, in sync with current playback % time and sound. % tex is either the positive texture handle or zero if no % new frame is ready yet in non-blocking mode (blocking == 0). % It is -1 if something went wrong and playback needs to be stopped: tex = Screen('GetMovieImage', win, movie, blocking); % Valid texture returned? if tex < 0 % No, and there won't be any in the future, due to some % error. Abort playback loop: break; end if tex == 0 % No new frame in polling wait (blocking == 0). Just sleep % a bit and then retry. WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.005); continue; end % Draw the new texture immediately to screen: Screen('DrawTexture', win, tex, [], dstRect, [], [], [], [], shader); % Draw some info about movie, but only if needed. In HDR mode we only draw text % once in the first frame, then do not clear the framebuffer later on. Why? Because % text drawing can be a rather expensive operation, impairing high fps playback. if colorprobe || (~hdr && fps < 30) || (i == 0) DrawFormattedText(win, ['Movie: ' moviename ], 'center', 20, 0); if coolstuff DrawFormattedText(win, ['Original URL: ' url '\n\n' credits], 'center', 60, 0); end end if colorprobe % Take a screenshot of the pixel below the mouse: [xm, ym] = GetMouse(win); mouseposrgb = Screen('GetImage', win, OffsetRect([0 0 1 1], xm, ym), 'drawBuffer', 1); if hdr DrawFormattedText(win, sprintf('RGB at cursor position (%f, %f): (%f, %f, %f) nits.\n', xm, ym, mouseposrgb), 0, 50, [100 100 0]); else DrawFormattedText(win, sprintf('RGB at cursor position (%f, %f): (%f, %f, %f).\n', xm, ym, mouseposrgb), 0, 50, [1 1 0]); end % Draw tiny yellow cursor dot: [~, mi] = max(mouseposrgb); switch (mi) case 1 cursorcolor = [0, 200, 200]; case 2 cursorcolor = [200, 0, 200]; case 3 cursorcolor = [200, 200, 0]; end Screen('DrawDots', win, [xm, ym], 3, cursorcolor); end % Update display asap: if hdr % Imaging pipeline - Skip clearing the framebuffer, so we can % get away with drawing info text only on 1st frame, and save % some overhead: Screen('Flip', win, [], 1); else % Regular without real use of imaging pipeline. Skip waiting % for flip completion, to squeeze out a bit more fps: Screen('Flip', win, [], [], 1); end % Release texture: Screen('Close', tex); % Framecounter: i=i+1; end % Further keyboard checks... if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(right)) % Advance movietime by one second: Screen('SetMovieTimeIndex', movie, Screen('GetMovieTimeIndex', movie) + 1); end if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(left)) % Rewind movietime by one second: Screen('SetMovieTimeIndex', movie, Screen('GetMovieTimeIndex', movie) - 1); end if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(up)) % Increase playback rate by 1 unit. if (keyCode(shift)) rate=rate+0.1; else KbReleaseWait; rate=round(rate+1); end Screen('PlayMovie', movie, rate, 1, 1.0); end if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(down)) % Decrease playback rate by 1 unit. if (keyCode(shift)) rate=rate-0.1; else KbReleaseWait; rate=round(rate-1); end Screen('PlayMovie', movie, rate, 1, 1.0); end if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(colorPicker)) % Toggle color prober / picker: colorprobe = 1 - colorprobe; % Debounce: KbReleaseWait(-1); end end telapsed = GetSecs - t1; fprintf('Elapsed time %f seconds, for %i frames. Average framerate %f fps.\n', telapsed, i, i / telapsed); Screen('Flip', win); KbReleaseWait; % Done. Stop playback: Screen('PlayMovie', movie, 0); % Close movie object: Screen('CloseMovie', movie); end % Show cursor again: ShowCursor(win); % Close screens. sca; % Done. return; catch %#ok<*CTCH> % Error handling: Close all windows and movies, release all ressources. sca; rethrow(lasterror); %#ok end