function TurnTableDemo(wavfilename, wavfilenames) % TurnTableDemo - A simulated turntable to nurture your inner DJ. % % Usage: % % TurnTableDemo([wavfilename][, wavfilenames]) % % Free sample loops available for download at: % % % % Install those into a subfolder of your Homedirectory called % 'Music/'. Alternatively you can specify a cell array of file names of % .wav audio files to use as audio sample loops for the different effect % keys on your keyboard as the 2nd call parameter 'wavfilenames' to this demo. % % The optional 1st parameter 'wavfilename' defines the name of the .wav % audio file to play on the virtual turntable. % % Keys and their meaning: % % ESCape = End demo. % space = Mute/Unmute turntable. % left SHIFT = Mute turntable temporarily while holding the key. % 'r' = Switch between rotational and linear scratch control for turntable. % Any key = One-shot playback of associated sound sample loop. % Any key + left-ALT = Continous looped playback of associated sample loop. % Any key + right SHIFT = Stop continous looped playback for sample loop. % % Mouse key / touch tablet press with mouse cursor inside turntable, or % finger touch on touchscreen inside turntable == manual "scratch" control % of turntable. Otherwise the turntable turns by itself. % % If you have a Griffin PowerMate knob or compatible input device % connected, that dial will be used to drive the virtual turntable % for a more fulfilling scratching experience! % % Free your inner DJ! % % History: % 18-Oct-2013 mk Written, but not released. % 10-Apr-2016 mk Revamped, tweaked, PowerMate support added. % 14-Apr-2016 mk Bug fixes. % Simulated RPM of turntable: rpm = 30; % User input rotational, like on a real turntable? Else linear. rotational = 1; % Unified keycodes, startup checks, normalized colorspace: PsychDefaultSetup(2); escape = KbName('ESCAPE'); rotateToggle = KbName('r'); leftmuteButton = KbName('LeftShift'); togglemuteButton = KbName('space'); repeatOnKey = KbName('LeftAlt'); repeatOffKey = KbName('RightShift'); %% Define key mappings to sound sample loops: % F1-F10 function keys: for i=1:10 key(i) = KbName(sprintf('F%i', i)); end % Keys a - z: for i=11:11+25 key(i) = KbName(sprintf('%s', char('a' + i - 11))); end % Keys 1 - 9: for i=11+25+1:11+25+1+8 key(i) = KbName(sprintf('%s', char('1' + i - 11 - 25 - 1))); end %% Display init: % Open a window with black "transparent" background: win = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', 0, [0, 0, 0, 0]); %, [0, 0, 1024, 1024], [], [], [], [], []); %, kPsychGUIWindow); % Lock basic audio update timing to video refresh timing to keep audio % scratching in sync with visual feedback: prefetchSecs = Screen('GetFlipInterval', win); % Compute active area of turntable: [xc, yc] = RectCenter(Screen('Rect', win)); turntableradius = min(xc, yc); % Setup a nice "spinning turntable" image in 'tabletex': tabletex = Screen('OpenOffscreenwindow', win, [0,0,0,0], [0, 0, 2*turntableradius, 2*turntableradius]); Screen('FillOval', tabletex, [0.1,0.1,0.1]); Screen('FillOval', tabletex, [1,1,0], CenterRect([0 0 200 200], Screen('Rect', tabletex))); Screen('TextSize', tabletex, 24); DrawFormattedText(tabletex, 'FUNK + BABY!\nScratch Me!', 'center', 'center', [1 0 0]); Screen('FillOval', tabletex, [1,1,1], CenterRect([0 0 20 20], Screen('Rect', tabletex))); % Use our default sound file if none provided: if nargin < 1 || isempty(wavfilename) wavfilename = [ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos' filesep 'SoundFiles' filesep 'funk.wav']; end % Read WAV file from filesystem: [y, freq] = psychwavread(wavfilename); wavedata = y'; nrchannels = size(wavedata,1); % Number of rows == number of channels. % Make sure we have always 2 channels stereo output. Why? Because some % low-end and embedded soundcards only support 2 channels, not 1 channel, % and we want to be robust in our demos. if nrchannels < 2 wavedata = [wavedata ; wavedata]; end numSamples = size(wavedata, 2); % Filenames provided? if nargin < 2 wavfilenames = []; end if isempty(wavfilenames) % No sound file provided. Load our standard sounds: samplesassigned = 0; % Do we have a set of good sample loops? baseSampleDir = [PsychHomeDir 'Music/musicradar-funk-samples/']; if exist([baseSampleDir '80bpm loops/Guitar/'], 'dir') sounddir = [ baseSampleDir '80bpm loops/Guitar/' ]; wavfilenames = appendNewWavFileNames(wavfilenames, sounddir); samplesassigned = 1; end if exist([baseSampleDir '80bpm loops/Bass/'], 'dir') sounddir = [ baseSampleDir '80bpm loops/Bass/' ]; wavfilenames = appendNewWavFileNames(wavfilenames, sounddir); samplesassigned = 1; end if exist([baseSampleDir 'BonusBeats/80BPM/'], 'dir') sounddir = [ baseSampleDir 'BonusBeats/80BPM/' ]; wavfilenames = appendNewWavFileNames(wavfilenames, sounddir); samplesassigned = 1; end % Fallback to our boring default set, which is reasonably useless for % this purpose: if ~samplesassigned sounddir = [ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos' filesep 'SoundFiles' filesep ]; wavfilenames = appendNewWavFileNames(wavfilenames, sounddir); warning('Could not find a dedicated set of suitable sound sample loops for this demo. Using default samples - This will suck!'); %#ok end end nfiles = length(wavfilenames); % Always init to 2 channels, for the sake of simplicity: nrchannels = 2; % Does a function for resampling exist? if exist('resample') %#ok % Yes: Select a target sampling rate of 44100 Hz, resample if % neccessary: freq = 44100; doresample = 1; else % No. We will choose the frequency of the wav file with the highest % frequency for actual playback. Wav files with deviating frequencies % will play too fast or too slow, because we can't resample: % Init freq: freq = 0; doresample = 0; end % Perform basic initialization of the sound driver: InitializePsychSound; % Read all sound files and create & fill one dynamic audiobuffer for % each read soundfile: buffer = []; j = 0; for i=1:nfiles try % Make sure we don't abort if we encounter an unreadable sound % file. This is achieved by the try-catch clauses... [audiodata, infreq] = psychwavread(char(wavfilenames(i))); dontskip = 1; catch fprintf('Failed to read and add file %s. Skipped.\n', char(wavfilenames(i))); dontskip = 0; psychlasterror psychlasterror('reset'); end if dontskip j = j + 1; if doresample % Resampling supported. Check if needed: if infreq ~= freq % Need to resample this to target frequency 'freq': fprintf('Resampling from %i Hz to %i Hz... ', infreq, freq); audiodata = resample(audiodata, freq, infreq); end else % Resampling not supported by Matlab/Octave version: % Adapt final playout frequency to maximum frequency found, and % hope that all files match... freq = max(infreq, freq); end [samplecount, ninchannels] = size(audiodata); %#ok<*ASGLU> audiodata = repmat(transpose(audiodata), nrchannels / ninchannels, 1); buffer(end+1) = PsychPortAudio('CreateBuffer', [], audiodata); [fpath, fname] = fileparts(char(wavfilenames(j))); fprintf('Filling audiobuffer handle %i with soundfile %s ...\n', buffer(j), fname); end end % Recompute number of available sounds: nfiles = length(buffer); % Open the default audio device [], with default mode [] (==Only playback), % and a required latencyclass of zero 0 == no low-latency mode, as well as % a frequency of freq and nrchannels sound channels. This returns a handle % to the audio device: try % Try with the 'freq'uency we wanted: pamaster = PsychPortAudio('Open', [], 1+8, 0, freq, nrchannels); catch %#ok<*CTCH> % Failed. Retry with default frequency as suggested by device: fprintf('\nCould not open device at wanted playback frequency of %i Hz. Will retry with device default frequency.\n', freq); fprintf('Sound may sound a bit out of tune, ...\n\n'); psychlasterror('reset'); pamaster = PsychPortAudio('Open', [], 1+8, 0, [], nrchannels); end % Set the masterVolume for the master: This volume setting affects all % attached sound devices. We set this to 0.5, so it doesn't blow out the % ears of our listeners... PsychPortAudio('Volume', pamaster, 0.5); % Create to slave audio devices for sound playback (+1), with same % frequency, channel count et. as master. Attach them to master. As they're % attached to the same sound channels of the master (actually the same % single channel), their audio output will mix together: patable1 = PsychPortAudio('OpenSlave', pamaster); % Open 1 actual slave devices, all attached to all channels of the master: for i=1:1 pahandle(i) = PsychPortAudio('OpenSlave', pamaster); end % Fill the audio playback buffer with the audio data 'wavedata': prefetchCnt = ceil(prefetchSecs * freq * 10); PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', patable1, wavedata(:, 1:prefetchCnt)); % Setup key mappings and variables: playhead = prefetchCnt + 1; oldangle = []; visangle = 0; oldkc = []; KbReleaseWait; GetMouse(win); % Realtime for real! Priority(MaxPriority(win)); ListenChar(-1); % Start master wait for it to be started. We won't stop the % master until the end of the session. PsychPortAudio('Start', pamaster, 0, 0, 1); % PowerMate available? If so use it for the turntable. powermate = PsychPowerMate('Open'); % Start audio playback immediately, for infinite repetition: oldsecs = GetSecs; PsychPortAudio('Start', patable1, 0); muteTurntable1 = 0; oldTableVolume = PsychPortAudio('Volume', patable1); try % Turntable loop, runs until ESCape key press: while 1 %% Query mouse position and key state: [xm,ym,buttons] = GetMouse(win); [isdown, secs, keycode] = KbCheck; %#ok %% Turntable handling/emulation: % Compute elapsed time since last audio push pass: dT = secs - oldsecs; dT = min(dT, prefetchSecs * 2); oldsecs = secs; % Abort if ESCape key is pressed: if keycode(escape) break; end % Toggle between rotational and linear drive via 'r' key: if keycode(rotateToggle) keycode(rotateToggle) = 0; rotational = ~rotational; KbReleaseWait; end % Mute key mutes or unmutes the audio signal from the turntable: if keycode(togglemuteButton) keycode(togglemuteButton) = 0; muteTurntable1 = ~muteTurntable1; if muteTurntable1 oldTableVolume = PsychPortAudio('Volume', patable1, 0); else PsychPortAudio('Volume', patable1, oldTableVolume); end KbReleaseWait; end if ~isempty(powermate) % Query PowerMate button state and rotation angle in "clicks" [pmbutton, angle] = PsychPowerMate('Get', powermate); % 1st button is the "or" of the 1st mouse button and the actual PowerMate button, % so either pressing a mouse button or the PowerMate knob will trigger "scratching": buttons(1) = buttons(1) | pmbutton; % Convert clicks to degrees: angle = angle * 3.8298; radius = 0; else % Decode position relative to "turntable" center of rotation: x = xm - xc; y = ym - yc; % Compute radius within turntable, ie., distance to center: radius = norm([x,y]); % True rotational drive? if rotational % Yes: Compute angle of finger relative to turntable, aka turn % angle of the turntable: angle = (atan2(y,x) * 180 / pi) + 180; else % No: Just fake an "angle" based on vertical y position: angle = ym; end end % Mouse cursor or finger within turntable, ie., inside its radius, and % pressed on touchpad? %if (keycode(leftmuteButton) || any(buttons)) && (radius < turntableradius) if (any(buttons)) && (radius < turntableradius) % Yes: Drive sound due to scratching / movement by user: % Valid old angle from previous sampling? if ~isempty(oldangle) % Yes. Compute delta angle of finger movement since last % sampling: delta = angle - oldangle; else % No. Assume static turntable: delta = 0; end % Update oldangle with current angle: oldangle = angle; % Wraparound handling at 360 deg -> 0 deg transition: if delta > 180 delta = delta - 360; elseif delta < -180 delta = delta + 360; end else % No: Table turns by itself at rpm revolutions per minute: oldangle = []; delta = 360 * (rpm / 60) * dT; if 0 && (radius < turntableradius) mcx = round(xc + radius * cos((angle + delta - 180) / 180 * pi)); mcy = round(yc + radius * sin((angle + delta - 180) / 180 * pi)); SetMouse(mcx, mcy, win); end end % Translate delta angle into delta rotations and then into % deltaSamples, given freq samples per second and rpm/60 revolutions % per second: deltaSamples = (delta / 360) * (freq / (rpm / 60)); % Compute start and end of sampling interval: startfetch = playhead; endfetch = playhead + ceil(deltaSamples); % Compute sample positions within interval to resample to proper output % sample rate - crude: samplepos = 1 + mod(floor(linspace(startfetch, endfetch, floor(dT * freq))), numSamples); % Sample 'pushdata' to push to driver: pushdata = wavedata(:, samplepos); % Update current playposition (current for next loop iteration): playhead = mod(endfetch, numSamples); % Turn signal into silence if mute key is held down: if keycode(leftmuteButton) pushdata = zeros(size(pushdata)); end % Perform streaming buffer refill. As long as we don't push more than a % buffer size, the driver will take care of the rest. The 1st return % argument is a buffer underflow flag, which we check here in the if % statement: if PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', patable1, pushdata, 1) % Ohoh, underflow flag was non-zero -> Underflow! Let's reset % ourselves to a good start: PsychPortAudio('Stop', patable1); fprintf('Oops, underflow! Recovering...\n'); PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', patable1, zeros(nrchannels, prefetchCnt)); PsychPortAudio('Start', patable1, 0); end % Some eye candy for realism: visangle = visangle + delta; Screen('DrawTexture', win, tabletex, [], [], visangle); Screen('Flip', win, [], [], 0); repeatOff = keycode(repeatOffKey); repeatOn = keycode(repeatOnKey); keycode(leftmuteButton) = 0; keycode(repeatOffKey) = 0; keycode(repeatOnKey) = 0; %% Keyboard based triggering of samples: if isdown % Yes. Respond to it: % First keyboard debouncing: filterkc = oldkc; oldkc = find(keycode); keycode(filterkc) = 0; % Then key mapping: kc = find(keycode); %#ok kc = min(kc); if ~isempty(kc) kc = find(key == kc); end if ~isempty(kc) % A key in array 'key' pressed (F1 to F10 or a letter key). % Map it to a audio buffer handle: kc = mod(kc - 1, nfiles) + 1; %fprintf('KEY %s pressed: Playing buffer %i\n', KbName(min(find(keyCode))), buffer(kc)); %#ok if repeatOff % Stop of a repeating sound requested. stopkc = min(find(activekc == kc)); %#ok if ~isempty(stopkc) PsychPortAudio('Stop', pahandle(stopkc), 3, 0, 1); activekc(stopkc) = 0; %#ok<*AGROW> end else % Start of a single-shot or repeating sound requested. % Find first audio slave device that is idle: while 1 mydev = []; ac = 0; for i=1:length(pahandle) % Query current playback status: s = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', pahandle(i)); ac = ac + s.Active; if ~s.Active && isempty(mydev) % This one's idle. Use it! mydev = i; end end %fprintf('Load: %i of %i active.\n', ac, length(pahandle)); if ~isempty(mydev) break; end % All devices are busy. Create a new one on-the-fly: mydev = PsychPortAudio('OpenSlave', pamaster); pahandle(end+1) = mydev; %#ok activekc(end+1) = 0; end PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pahandle(mydev), buffer(kc)); reps = 1; % Trigger infinite playback? if repeatOn reps = 0; activekc(mydev) = kc; end PsychPortAudio('Start', pahandle(mydev), reps); end end else oldkc = []; end % Next update loop iteration... end % Standard scheduling: Priority(0); % Standard keyboard input to applications: ListenChar(0); % Close PowerMate, if any: if ~isempty(powermate) PsychPowerMate('Close', powermate); end % Delete all dynamic audio buffers: PsychPortAudio('DeleteBuffer'); % Close engine and exit. PsychPortAudio('Close'); % Close onscreen window: sca; % Done. fprintf('Demo finished, bye!\n\n'); return; catch Priority(0); ListenChar(0); PsychPortAudio('DeleteBuffer'); PsychPortAudio('Close'); sca; if ~isempty(powermate) PsychPowerMate('Close', powermate); end psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end % End of main function. end % Helper: Adds all .wav files in directory 'sounddir' to list of .wav % filenames in 'wavfilenames': function wavfilenames = appendNewWavFileNames(wavfilenames, sounddir) infilenames = dir( [ sounddir '*.wav' ] );; for i=1:length(infilenames) wavfilenames{end+1} = [ sounddir infilenames(i).name ]; %#ok end end