function [fold,nfold] = FolderFromFolder(folder,mode) % [fold,nfold] = FolderFromFolder(folder,mode) % % Returns struct with all directories in directory FOLDER. % MODE specifies whether an error is displayed when no directories are % found (default). If MODE is 'silent', only a message will will be % displayed in the command window, if 'ssilent', no notification will be % produced at all. % 2007 IH Wrote it. % 2007 IH&DN Various additions % 2008-08-06 DN All file properties now in output struct % 2009-02-14 DN Now returns all folders except '..' and '.', code % optimized % 2010-07-02 DN Fixed typo in warning when silent and no files found, got % rid of for loop % 2012-06-04 DN Now also have ssilent mode for no output at all if nargin >= 2 && strcmp(mode,'silent') silent = 1; elseif nargin >= 2 && strcmp(mode,'ssilent') silent = 2; else silent = 0; end fold = dir(folder); fold = fold([fold.isdir]); % now skip '..' and '.', do not want to assume they are the first two % elements returned qremove = ismember({},{'.','..'}); fold(qremove) = []; nfold = length(fold); if nfold==0 if silent==1 fprintf('FolderFromFolder: No folders found in: %s\n',folder); fold = []; elseif ~silent error('FolderFromFolder: No folders found in: %s',folder); end end