function theClut = BitsPlusDecodeClutRow(bitsPlusClutRow) % Recover the 256x3 CLUT table from the 1x524x3 encoded form that we write into % the first line of the Bits++ image. % NOTE: this routine takes about 100 times longer than necessary, but it's not time-critical. % 11/5/02 jmh Wrote it. % 11/15/02 dgp Cosmetic editing. % The bits++ CLUT data is located in columns 13:524, i.e. 12+(1:512). There is a pair of one-byte numbers % for each of the 14 bit values. The first of each pair holds the most significant part of % the pixel value and the second holds the least significant part. % We add up these two parts to get the original CLUT back. theClut=zeros(256,3); for i = 1:256 theClut(i,1:3) = bitsPlusClutRow(1,12+(i-1)*2+1,1:3)*64 + bitsPlusClutRow(1,12+i*2,1:3)/4; end