function err=DaqALoadQueue(daq,channel,range) % err=DaqALoadQueue(DeviceIndex,channel,range) % USB-1208FS: Load the channel/gain queue. The USB-1208FS can scan an % arbitrary sequence of analog input channels, each with an arbitrary gain % setting. DaqALoadQueue allows you to specify that sequence. % "DeviceIndex" is a small integer, the array index specifying which HID % device in the array returned by PsychHID('Devices') is interface 0 % of the desired USB-1208FS box. % "channel" is a vector of length 1 to 8; each value (0 to 15) selects any of % various single-ended or differential measurements. % "channel" Measurement % 0 0-1 (differential) % 1 2-3 (differential) % 2 4-5 (differential) % 3 6-7 (differential) % 4 1-0 (differential) % 5 3-2 (differential) % 6 5-4 (differential) % 7 7-6 (differential) % 8 0 (single-ended) % 9 1 (single-ended) % 10 2 (single-ended) % 11 3 (single-ended) % 12 4 (single-ended) % 13 5 (single-ended) % 14 6 (single-ended) % 15 7 (single-ended) % "range" is a vector of the same length, with values of 0 to 7, specifying % the desired gain (and voltage range) for the corresponding channel... % unless we're talking channels greater than 7. Single-ended inputs always % have a range of +/- 10 V, so if you try to set the range to anything other % than zero for a single-ended measurement, your setting will be ignored. % For differential measurements (channels 0:7), the mapping between the % values passed to this function and the gain (and actual range) are: % 0 for 1x (+/-20 V), 1 for 2x (+/-10 V), % 2 for 4x (+/-5 V), 3 for 5x (+/-4 V), % 4 for 8x (+/-2.5 V), 5 for 10x (+/-2 V), % 6 for 16x (+/-1.25 V), 7 for 20x (+/-1 V). % % USB-1608FS: % "DeviceIndex" has the same meaning here as for the USB-1208FS. % "channel" is a bit different... % Only single ended inputs are defined for the 1608FS, so channels range % only from 0 through 7. Also, when the gain queue is loaded, it is % supposed to be loaded for all 8 channels -- AInScan does not allow you to % use the gain queue as a way to determine which channels to check; you can % *NOT* scan an arbitrary sequence of channels in a 1608 box like you can % with a 1208 (and I believe 1408) box. There also appears to be no way to % poll any of the device to find out the current state of the gain queue. % All of this means choices have to be made. To keep this function as % similar as possible for operations of both types of device, user is still % allowed to pass an arbitrary set of channel/gain pairs (as long as there % no repeats), and the function will do its best not to touch the gains of % other channels. To be safe, you should always specify the gains for all % 8 channels, but I figure you will only read from the channels whose gains % you explicitly set... Even though that behavior does not happen % automatically through calls to this function as it may with the 1208FS. % However, since we cannot poll the device to find out the current gain % queue settings, we're going to try to use a Preferences file. I suspect % this will generally work, but if multiple accounts use the device or if % the device is sometimes attached to a different machine, then this % function may cause some gains to get changed even if not specified by the % user. Did I mention that you should always specify the gains for all 8 % channels? Anyhoo... % "range" has the same conceptual meaning for the 1608 as it does for the % 1208, but the numbers are different: % % 0 for 1x (+/- 10 V), 1 for 2x (+/- 5 V), % 2 for 4x (+/- 2.5 V), 3 for 5x (+/- 2 V), % 4 for 8x (+/- 1.25 V), 5 for 10x (+/- 1 V), % 6 for 16x (+/- 0.625 V), 7 for 32x (+/- 0.3125 V). % % See also Daq, DaqFunctions, DaqPins, DaqTest, PsychHidTest, DaqAIn, % DaqAInScan, DaqAInScanBegin. % % 4/15/05 dgp Wrote it. % 1/8/08 mpr created behavior appropriate for 1608 % 6/23/15 mk Make compatible with Octave, fix 1608-FS pref file caching. devices = PsychHIDDAQS; if strcmp(devices(daq).product(5:6),'16') Is1608 = 1; MaxChannelID = 7; else Is1608 = 0; MaxChannelID = 15; end if length(channel)~=length(range) error('Length of "channel" and "range" vectors must be equal.'); end if length(channel)~=numel(channel) || length(range)~=numel(range) error('"channel" and "range" must be vectors.'); end if any(~ismember(channel,0:MaxChannelID)) || any(~ismember(range,0:7)) error(sprintf('Each "channel" value must be in 0:%d and each range value must be in 0:7.',MaxChannelID)); end if Is1608 if length(channel) ~= length(unique(channel)) error('You cannot specify the same input channel multiple times!'); end DaqPrefsDir = DaqtoolboxConfigDir; PrefsExist = exist([DaqPrefsDir filesep 'DaqPrefs.mat'],'file'); if PrefsExist DaqVars=load([DaqPrefsDir filesep 'DaqPrefs']); if isfield(DaqVars,'OldGains') OldGains = DaqVars.OldGains; else PrefsExist=0; end end % if PrefsExist LeftOut = setdiff(0:7,channel); range(channel+1) = range; if PrefsExist range(LeftOut+1) = OldGains(LeftOut+1); else range(LeftOut+1) = zeros(1,length(LeftOut)); end report=uint8([19 range(:)']); err=PsychHID('SetReport',daq,2,19,report); % ALoadQueue if err.n fprintf('DaqALoadQueue error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); else DaqVars.OldGains = range; save([DaqPrefsDir filesep 'DaqPrefs.mat'],'-v7','-struct','DaqVars'); end else % if Is1608 % ignore range inputs for single-ended channels range(find(channel > 7)) = zeros(size(find(channel > 7))); report=zeros(1,2+2*length(channel)); report(1)=19; report(2)=length(channel); for i=1:length(channel) report(2*i+1)=channel(i); report(2*i+2)=range(i); end err=PsychHID('SetReport',daq,2,19,uint8(report)); % ALoadQueue if err.n fprintf('DaqALoadQueue error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end end % if Is1608; else return;