function params=DaqAOutScan(daq,v,options) % params=DaqAOutScan(DeviceIndex,v,options) % USB-1208FS: Analog output scan. Produce sampled analog output voltage % waveforms on one or two channels. This command sends the values in "v" % (one column per channel) to the specified range of (one or two) output % channels. % % "params.fActual" is the actual sampling frequency, sample/channel/s. % It is as close as possible to the requested sampling frequency % options.f. % "params.countActual" is the actual total sample/channel sent. % "params.start" is when the first report ("v" data) was sent to the device. % "params.end" is when the final report was sent to device. % "DeviceIndex" is a small integer, the array index specifying which HID % device in the array returned by PsychHID('Devices') is interface 0 % of the desired USB-1208FS box. % "v" is a matrix, with one column per channel. (If you're using only one % channel, then you're allowed to send the vector as either a column % or a row.) Each value is a double, in the range 0 to 1, which will % produce an output voltage in the range 0 to 4.095 V. % "options.FirstChannel" is the first channel of the scan (0 - 1). (formerly % "options.lowChannel" -- that terminology is deprecated.) % "options.LastChannel" is the last channel of the scan (0 - 1), and must % be greater than or equal to options.FirstChannel. The values % options.FirstChannel and options.LastChannel specify the channel % range for the scan. (Formerly "options.highChannel" -- that terminology % is deprecated.) % "options.f" is the desired sampling frequency, sample/channel/s, in the % range 0.596/c to 10e6/c Hz, where c is the number of channels to be % scanned. % "options.trigger" is 1 = use external trigger. The external trigger % may be used to start the scan synchronously. If the bit is set, the % device will wait until the appropriate trigger edge is detected, % then begin emitting samples at the specified rate. % "options.getReports" is 1 (default) = wait to receive report from % USB-1208FS before sending each block of data in "v". 0 = send % blocks of data at what should be the right rate. % "options.print" is 1 = enable diagnostic printing; 0 (default) no % diagnostics. % % LIMITATIONS: As of 17 April 2005, DaqAoutScan works fine at up to 2000 % sample/s with one channel, or up to 200 sample/channel/s with two % channels. (It is surprising that these two limits are not exactly a % factor of 2 apart.) When I try to go faster than that I encounter various % problems. Sometimes I get "data underrun" errors and sometimes the % PsychHID SetReport call hangs up forever, never returning, making it % necessary to quit MATLAB. I don't understand why these things happen; % they shouldn't. I am trying to get help from Measurement Computing and % Apple to understand and overcome this problems. However, in the meantime, % the attained rates are enough for my immediate needs, and hopefully that % will be true for many other users. % % See also Daq, DaqFunctions, DaqPins, DaqTest, PsychHIDTest, % DaqDeviceIndex, DaqDIn, DaqDOut, DaqAIn, DaqAOut, DaqAInScan. % 4/15/05 dgp Wrote it. % 4/15/05 dgp Merged several arguments into the "options" struct. % 1/10/08 mpr glanced at it; made same changes as in DaqAOut. % 1/14/08 mpr changed lowChannel/highChannel terminology to % FirstChannel/LastChannel a la DaqAInScan % 3/15/09 mk timer_preload calculation changed according to bug report and bugfix % suggested by Peter Meilstrup in forum message 9221. There was an % off-by-one bug present... AllHIDDevices = PsychHIDDAQS; if strcmp(AllHIDDevices(daq).product(5:6),'16') error('It looks like you are trying to run DaqAOutScan from a USB-1608FS, but such devices have no analog outputs.'); end if isfield(options,'lowChannel') if isfield(options,'FirstChannel') if length(options.FirstChannel) ~= length(options.lowChannel) || ~all(options.FirstChannel == options.lowChannel) error('"options.lowChannel" is deprecated; new name is options.FirstChannel. Do not try to use both inconsistently!'); end else options.FirstChannel = options.lowChannel; end end if isfield(options,'highChannel') if isfield(options,'LastChannel') if length(options.LastChannel) ~= length(options.highChannel) || ~all(options.LastChannel == options.highChannel) error('"options.highChannel" is deprecated; new name is options.LastChannel. Do not try to use both inconsistently!'); end else options.LastChannel = options.highChannel; end end if ~isfield(options,'trigger') options.trigger=0; end if ~isfield(options,'getReports') options.getReports=1; end if ~isfield(options,'FirstChannel') options.FirstChannel=0; end if ~isfield(options,'LastChannel') options.LastChannel=0; end if ~isfield(options,'f') options.f=200; end if ~isfield(options,'print') options.print=0; end if ~ismember(options.LastChannel,0:1) || ~ismember(options.FirstChannel,0:1) error('options.FirstChannel and options.LastChannel must each be 0 or 1.'); end if options.LastChannel1 v=v'; end if c~=size(v,2) error('Number of columns in v must equal the number of channels in the scan.'); end count=size(v,1); % sample/channel if isinf(count) options.counted=0; else if count<0 || count>intmax('uint32'); error('count is out of 32-bit range, yet not INF.'); end options.counted=1; end timer_prescale=ceil(log2(10e6/65535/options.f)); % Use smallest integer timer_prescale consistent with options.f. timer_prescale=max(0,min(8,timer_prescale)); % Restrict to available range. % 3/15/09 mk timer_preload calculation changed according to bug report and bugfix % suggested by Peter Meilstrup in forum message 9221. There was an % off-by-one bug present... timer_preload=round(10e6/2^timer_prescale/options.f) - 1; timer_preload=max(0,min(65535,timer_preload)); % Restrict to available range. params.fActual=10e6/2^timer_prescale/(timer_preload+1); if abs(log10(params.fActual/options.f))>log10(1.1) error('Nearest attainable sampling frequency %.4f kHz is too far from requested %.4f kHz.',... params.fActual/1000,options.f/1000); end % v v=v'; % transpose, yielding one row per channel. v=v(:); % interleave the channels in one long vector. v=max(0,min(1,v)); % clip v=round(65535*v); % scale up to unsigned 16-bit integer v8=uint8([bitand(v,255);bitshift(v,-8)]); v8=v8(:); % report report=uint8(zeros(1,11)); report(1)=21; report(2)=options.FirstChannel; % the first channel of the scan (0 - 1) report(3)=options.LastChannel; % the last channel of the scan (0 - 1) ct=count; report(4)=bitand(ct,255); % count (4 bytes). The number of scans to perform. ct=bitshift(ct,-8); report(5)=bitand(ct,255); % count (4 bytes). ct=bitshift(ct,-8); report(6)=bitand(ct,255); % count (4 bytes). ct=bitshift(ct,-8); report(7)=bitand(ct,255); % count (4 bytes). report(8)=timer_prescale; % timer_prescale report(9)=bitand(timer_preload,255); % timer_preload (2 bytes), low byte report(10)=bitshift(timer_preload,-8); % timer_preload (2 bytes), hi byte report(11)=options.counted+2*options.trigger; % options; bit field that controls various options % bit 0: 1 = single execution, 0 = continuous execution % bit 1: 1 = use external trigger % bits 2-7: not used if options.print report end err=DaqAOutStop(daq); % It might already be scanning. Stop it. err=PsychHID('SetReport',daq,2,21,report); % AOutScan if err.n fprintf('DaqAOutScan SetReport error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end startingTime=GetSecs; quittingTime=startingTime+count/params.fActual+0.2; nextTime=startingTime; samplesSent=0; first=1; reports=[]; params.start=[]; params.end=[]; params.numberOfReportsReceived=0; params.numberOfReportsSent=0; while samplesSent0 report=reports(i).report; break; end end if i